Two new parasitic isopods from the Eastern Coast of North America
Vol 87, Iss 3067, Page 19, Date 1939
The Hederelloidea, a Suborder of Paleozoic Cyclostomatous Bryozoa
Vol 87, Page 25, Date 1939
A generic revision of the Staphylinid beetles of the tribe Paederini
Vol 87, Iss 3069, Page 93, Date 1939
New Turritid mollusks from Florida
Vol 87, Iss 3070, Page 127, Date 1939
A new trema tode from the loon, Gavia immer, and its relationship to Haematotrephus fodiens Linton, 1928
Vol 87, Page 139, Date 1939
A taxonomic study of Neotropical beetles of the family Mordellidae, with descriptions of new species
Vol 87, Iss 3075, Page 271, Date 1939
Further studies on the Opalinid ciliate infusorians and their hosts
Vol 87, Iss 3077, Page 465, Date 1940