Descriptions of new species of Perdita (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 281, Date 1977
A review of the North American genera of Laphystiini, with a revision of the genus Zabrops Hull (Insecta Diptera: Asilidae)
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 183, Date 1977
Eastern Pacific macrourids of the genus Coelorinchus Giorna (Pisces: Gadiformes), with description of a new species from Chile
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 307, Date 1978
The scorpionfish genus Minous (Scorpaenidae, Minoinae) including a new species from the Indian Ocean
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 453, Date 1979
Two new Australian velvetfishes, genus Paraploactis (Scorpaeniformes: Aploactinidae), with a revision of the genus and commments on the genera and species of the Aploactinidae
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 401, Date 1978
New North American Tabanidae (Insecta: Diptera). 24. Further comments on certain Pangoniinae in Mexico with special reference to Esenbeckia
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 345, Date 1978
New sand dollars (Echinoidea) of the genera Merriamaster and Dendraster from Purisima Formation, California
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 297, Date 1978
A new genus (Mesohius), and three new bathypelagic species of Macrouridae (Pisces, Gadiformes) from the Pacific Ocean
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 233, Date 1977-08-18
Synopsis of the turtles, crocodiles, and amphisbaenians of Iran
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 501, Date 1979
Lizards of the genus Lepidodactylus (Gekkonidae) from the Indo-Australian Archipelago and the islands of the Pacific, with description of new species
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 253, Date 1977
Studies on eastern Pacific sand stargazers (Pisces: Dactyloscopidae). 4. Gillellus, Sindoscopus new genus, and Heteristius with description of new species
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 125, Date 1977
The osteology, classification, and relationships of the eel family Ophichthidae
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 1, Date 1977-02-15
Fishes of the scorpionfish subfamily Choridactylinae from the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 475, Date 1979
Tiger beetles of the genus Cicindela in the Sulpher Springs Valley, Arizona, with descriptions of three new subspecies (CicindelidaeColeoptera)
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 169, Date 1977
Anatomical notes on an adult male of the deep-sea ophidiid fish Parabassogigas grandis from off California
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 389, Date 1978
Systematics and biology of the deep-sea fish family Gibberichthyidae, a senior synonym of the family Kasidoroidae
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 215, Date 1977
Elephant seals breeding on the mainland in California
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 267, Date 1977
Stratigraphy of the PlioPleistocene strata in the Twelvemile Creek area, San Francisco Peninsula, California
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 357, Date 1978
A revision of Mycteromyiini (“Genus Mycteromyia“ of authors), a new tribe of neotropical horse flies (Diptera, Tabanidae)
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 427, Date 1979
The Harry E. Sovereign collection of Northwest Pacific diatoms
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 339, Date 1978
The stomatal complex in Agave: groups Deserticolae, Campaniflorae, Umbelliflorae
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 371, Date 1978
Three new species of Indo-Pacific moray eels (Pisces: Muraenidae)
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 161, Date 1977
Fishes of the scorpionfish subfamily Choridactylinae from the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean
Ser 4, Vol 41, Page 475, Date 1979