American wasps of the genus Sceliphron Klug
Vol 70, Iss 2650, Page 1, Date 1926
Descriptions of larvae and pupae of two-winged flies belonging to the family Leptidae
Vol 70, Iss 2651, Page 1, Date 1926
A fossil palm fruit from the middle Eocene of northwestern Peru
Vol 70, Iss 2652, Page 1, Date 1926
New urocoptid land shells from Mexico
Vol 70, Iss 2653, Page 1, Date 1926
A collection of birds from the Provinces of Yunnan and Szechwan, China, made for the National Geographic Society by Dr. Joseph F. Rock
Vol 70, Iss 2654, Page 1, Date 1926
Nematode eggs from the gill region of a shark, Carcharhinus milberti
Vol 70, Iss 2655, Page 1, Date 1926
Notes on cestode parasites of birds
Vol 70, Iss 2656, Page 1, Date 1927
Some braconid and chalcid flies from Formosa parasitic on aphids
Vol 70, Iss 2657, Page 1, Date 1927
A review of the South American two-winged flies of the family Syrphidae
Vol 70, Iss 2658, Page 1, Date 1927
New west American marine mollusks
Vol 70, Iss 2660, Page 1, Date 1927
Contribution to the anatomy of the Chinese finless porpoise, Neomeris phocaenoides
Vol 70, Iss 2662, Page 1, Date 1927
A taxonomic and ecological review of the north American chalci-flies of the genus |Callimome|
Vol 70, Page 1, Date 1927
Generic names applied to birds during the years 1916 to 1922, inclusive, with additions to Waterhouse's "Index Generum Avium"
Vol 70, Page 1, Date 1927
Foraminifera of the genus Ehrenbergina and its species
Vol 70, Iss 2665, Page 1, Date 1927
Description of a new dragon fly from Lower Siam belonging to the genus Urothemis
Vol 70, Iss 2666, Page 1, Date 1927
Small shells from dredgings off the southeast coast of the United States by the United States Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1885 and 1886
Vol 70, Iss 2667, Page 1, Date 1927
Diagnoses of undescribed new species of mollusks in the collection of the United States National Museum
Vol 70, Iss 2668, Page 1, Date 1927
The occurrence and properties of chlorophoenicite, a new arsenate from Franklin, New Jersey
Vol 70, Iss 2669, Page 1, Date 1927
Richmond faunal zones in Warren and Clinton Counties, Ohio
Vol 70, Iss 2671, Page 1, Date 1927