Fossil Arthropods in the British Museum. V. Oligocene Hymenoptera from the Isle of Wight
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 1, Date 1921
II.—Further notes on Platypodidæ and Scolytidæ collected by Mr. G. E. Bryant and others
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 25, Date 1921
On three new parasitic mites (Leptus, Schongastia, and Demodex)
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 37, Date 1921
IV.—On the occurrence of Lusitanian brachiopods in the Persian Gulf
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 40, Date 1921
New Chilopoda and Diplopoda from the East Indian region
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 50, Date 1921
New and little-known species of ants from various localities
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 87, Date 1921
Undescribed species of African crane-flies in the collection of the British museum (natural history): Tipulidae, Diptera. Part II. Subfamily Tipulinae
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 98, Date 1921
VIII.—Some new insular squirrels of the Callosciurus caniceps-concolor group from Peninsular Siam
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 118, Date 1921
Description of new chalcidoid flies from Coimbatore, south India
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 123, Date 1921
X.—A new tuco-tuco from Bolivia
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 136, Date 1921
XI.—Two new aquatic Annelids
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 137, Date 1921
New species of palearctic Simuliidae in the British Museum
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 141, Date 1921
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 144, Date 1921
XIII.—On a new Chelonian from the Kimmeridge Clay of Swindon
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 145, Date 1921
XVII.—Two new Muridæ discovered in Paraguay by the Marquis de Wavrin
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 177, Date 1921
XVIII.—A new Mountain Vizcacha (Lagidium) from N.W. Patagonia
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 179, Date 1921
XIX.—A new monkey and a new squirrel from the Middle Mekong, on the eastern frontier of Siam
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 181, Date 1921
XX.—New Rhipidomys, Akodon, Ctenomys, and Marmosa from the Sierra Santa Barbara, S.E. Jujuy
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 183, Date 1921
XXI.—Abnormal legs in frogs
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 187, Date 1921
On a small collection of reptiles and batrachians made by Mr. Goodfellow in E. Bolivia (1918-19)
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 189, Date 1921
On new forms of South American birds
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 192, Date 1921
XXIV.—Paraonyx, a new genus of clawless otter discovered by Capt. J. E. Philipps, M.C., in Central Africa
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 194, Date 1921
Descriptions and records of Bees, &e
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 201, Date 1921
XXVI.—A preliminary study of the structure and function of the cutaneous glands in the Terrestrial Isopoda
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 212, Date 1921
XXVIII.—The systematic value of the glans penis in Macaque monkeys
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 224, Date 1921
XXIX.—A new species of Bassaricyon
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 229, Date 1921
XXXI.—Two new British Entomostraca: Alona protzi, Hartwig, and a new species of Mesochra in Norfolk
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 236, Date 1921
XXXII.—On a new genus and species of shrew, and some new Muridæ from the East-Indian Archipelago
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 243, Date 1921
XXXIII.—Notes on the East Asiatic members of the species Sciurus vulgaris, Linn., with descriptions of two new subspecies
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 249, Date 1921
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 254, Date 1921
On Thysanoptera from the Seychelles Islands and Rodrigues
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 257, Date 1921
On the genus Grammostola, Simon
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 293, Date 1921
New or little-known Tipulidae (Diptera). IV. Ethiopian species
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 305, Date 1921
XXXVII.—Notes on various African and Asiatic species of Laius, Guérin, with an account of their accessory ♂-characters [Coleoptera]
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 322, Date 1921
XXXVIII.—On some additional species of the genus Hapalochrus, Er. [Coleoptera]
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 344, Date 1921
A remarkable Styelid Tunicate from Spitzbergen
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 347, Date 1921
On a collection of reptiles and batrachians from the Island of Ceram, Indo-Australian Archipelago
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 352, Date 1921
Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera. XI
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 355, Date 1921
XLII.—Some new African mammals
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 368, Date 1921
Seven new species of Pselliophora (Diptera, Tipulidae)
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 373, Date 1921
XLIV.—Two remarkable new Ruteline beetles from Indo-China
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 378, Date 1921
XLV.—New foxes of the genera Cerdocyon and Pseudalopex from Northern Argentina
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 381, Date 1921
Bibliographical notices
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 385, Date 1921
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 387, Date 1921
XLVI.—On a marine Jurassic fauna from Central Arabia
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 389, Date 1921
Papers on Oriental Carabidae. vi
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 404, Date 1921
New fishes from deep water off the coast of Natal
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 412, Date 1921
Exotic Muscaridae (Diptera).--II
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 420, Date 1921
A note on the dipterous subfamily Ditomyinae, with descriptions of new recent and fossil forms
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 431, Date 1921
LIII.—Note on Parka decipiens
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 442, Date 1921
LVI.—A new Hispid beetle injurious to Nipa palm
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 451, Date 1921
Fossil arthropods in the British Museum. -- VI. Oligocene insects from Gurnet Bay, Isle of Wight
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 453, Date 1921
LVIII.—Records and descriptions of Indian Acrididæ (Orthoptera)
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 480, Date 1921
On the mite (Acarapis woodi, Rennie) associated with Isle of Wight bee disease
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 509, Date 1921
LX.—Three new species of Marmosa, with a note on Didelphys waterhousei, Tomes
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 519, Date 1921
LXI.—The tuco-tuco of San Juan, Argentina
Ser 9, Vol 7, Page 523, Date 1921