Fast-Strike Feeding Behavior in a Pteropod Mollusk, Clione limacina Phipps
Vol 182, Page 1, Date 1992-02-01
Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on Egg-Laying Behavior in a Marine Mollusk, Aplysia californica
Vol 182, Page 8, Date 1992-02-01
The Development and Larval Form of an Echinothurioid Echinoid, Asthenosoma ijimai, Revisited
Vol 182, Page 15, Date 1992-02-01
Purification and Biochemical Characterization of the Nuclear Sperm-Specific Proteins of the Bivalve Mollusks Agriodesma saxicola1 and Mytilimeria nuttalli
Vol 182, Page 31, Date 1992-02-01
The Origin of Cortical Vesicles and their Role in Egg Envelope Formation in the "Spiny" Eggs of a Calanoid Copepod, Centropages velificatus
Vol 182, Page 41, Date 1992-02-01
The Role of Shell Granules and Accessory Cells in Eggshell Formation in Convoluta pulchra (Turbellaria, Acoela)
Vol 182, Page 54, Date 1992-02-01
Isolation of Neurons of a Nudibranch Veliger
Vol 182, Page 66, Date 1992-02-01
Early Development in the Lancelet (= Amphioxus) Branchiostoma floridae from Sperm Entry through Pronuclear Fusion: Presence of Vegetal Pole Plasm and Lack of Conspicuous Ooplasmic Segregation
Vol 182, Page 77, Date 1992-02-01
The Divergence of Species-Specific Abalone Sperm Lysins is Promoted by Positive Darwinian Selection
Vol 182, Page 97, Date 1992-02-01
Embryos of Homarus americanus are Protected by Epibiotic Bacteria
Vol 182, Page 105, Date 1992-02-01
Are Temperature and Photoperiod Necessary Cues for Encystment in the Marine Benthic Harpacticoid Copepod Heteropsyllus nunni Coull?
Vol 182, Page 109, Date 1992-02-01
The Nature and Origin of the Epidermal Scales of Notodactylus handschini--an Unusual Temnocephalid Turbellarian Ectosymbiotic on Crayfish from Northern Queensland
Vol 182, Page 117, Date 1992-02-01
Visual Cells and Pigments in a Demersal Fish, the Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata)
Vol 182, Page 135, Date 1992-02-01
Quantitative Analysis of the Structure and Function of the Marsupial Gills of the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta cataracta
Vol 182, Page 145, Date 1992-02-01
Allorecognition in Colonial Marine Invertebrates: Does Selection Favor Fusion with Kin of Fusion with Self?
Vol 182, Page 155, Date 1992-02-01
The Culture, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction, and Growth of the Sea Anemone Nematostella vectensis
Vol 182, Page 169, Date 1992-04-01
Morphology and Development of a Unique Type of Pelagic Larva in the Starfish Pteraster tesselatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea)
Vol 182, Page 177, Date 1992-04-01
Age of the Mangrove Crab Scylla serrata at Colonization by Stalked Barnacles of the Genus Octolasmis
Vol 182, Page 188, Date 1992-04-01
Architectural and Mechanical Properties of the Black Coral Skeleton (Coelenterata: Antipatharia): A Comparison of Two Species
Vol 182, Page 195, Date 1992-04-01
Adult Plasticity and Rapid Larval Evolution in a Recently Isolated Barnacle Population
Vol 182, Page 210, Date 1992-04-01
Intercolony Coordination of Zooid Behavior and a New Class of Pore Plates in a Marine Bryozoan
Vol 182, Page 221, Date 1992-04-01
Antipredator Defenses in Tropical Pacific Soft Corals (Coelenterata: Alcyonacea). I. Sclerites as Defenses Against Generalist Carnivorous Fishes
Vol 182, Page 231, Date 1992-04-01
Characterization of Two Novel Neuropeptides From the Sea Cucumber Holothuria glaberrima
Vol 182, Page 241, Date 1992-04-01
Giant Axons and Escape Swimming in Euplokamis dunlapae (Ctenophora: Cydippida)
Vol 182, Page 248, Date 1992-04-01
Phase Shift of a Tidal Rhythm by Light-Dark Cycles in the Semi-Terrestrial Crab Sesarma pictum
Vol 182, Page 257, Date 1992-04-01
Effects of Hypoxia and Anoxia on Larval Settlement, Juvenile Growth, and Juvenile Survival of the Oyster Crassostrea virginica
Vol 182, Page 265, Date 1992-04-01
Developmental Changes in Ionic and Osmotic Regulation in the Dungeness Crab, Cancer magister
Vol 182, Page 270, Date 1992-04-01
Visual Rhythms in Stomatopod Crustaceans Observed in the Pseudopupil
Vol 182, Page 278, Date 1992-04-01
Evidence for a Programmed Circannual Life Cycle Modulated by Increasing Daylengths in Neanthes limnicola (Polychaeta: Nereidae) From Central California
Vol 182, Page 289, Date 1992-06-01
Ultrastructural Study of an Endogenous Energy Substrate in Spermatozoa of the Sea Urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus
Vol 182, Page 298, Date 1992-06-01
Studies on the Structure and Function of the Larval Kidney Complex of Prosobranch Gastropods
Vol 182, Page 305, Date 1992-06-01
Temperature Stress Causes Host Cell Detachment in Symbiotic Cnidarians: Implications for Coral Bleaching
Vol 182, Page 324, Date 1992-06-01
Modulation of Crayfish Hearts by FMRFamide-related Peptides
Vol 182, Page 333, Date 1992-06-01
Quantitative Analysis by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography of 5-Hydroxytryptamine in the Central Nervous System of the Red Swamp Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii
Vol 182, Page 341, Date 1992-06-01
New Interpretation of a Nudibranch Central Nervous System Based on Ultrastructural Analysis of Neurodevelopment in Melibe leonina. I. Cerebral and Visceral Loop Ganglia
Vol 182, Page 348, Date 1992-06-01
New Interpretation of a Nudibranch Central Nervous System Based on Ultrastructural Analysis of Neurodevelopment in Melibe leonina. II. Pedal, Pleural, and Labial Ganglia
Vol 182, Page 366, Date 1992-06-01
Control of Cilia in the Branchial Basket of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidacea)
Vol 182, Page 382, Date 1992-06-01
Slow Photic and Chemical Induction of Bioluminescence in the Midwater Shrimp, Sergestes similis Hansen
Vol 182, Page 391, Date 1992-06-01
Evidence for Ammonia as a Natural Cue for Recruitment of Oyster Larvae to Oyster Beds in a Georgia Salt Marsh
Vol 182, Page 401, Date 1992-06-01
Proline Synthesis During Osmotic Stress in Megalopa Stage Larvae of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus
Vol 182, Page 409, Date 1992-06-01
Behavioral Regulation of Hemolymph Osmolarity Through Selective Drinking in Land Crabs, Birgus latro and Gecarcoidea lalandii
Vol 182, Page 416, Date 1992-06-01
Causes and Consequences of Fluctuating Coelomic Pressure in Sea Urchins
Vol 182, Page 424, Date 1992-06-01
Hydrogen Sulfide Reduction of Symbiont Cytochrome c552 in Gills of Solemya reidi (Mollusca)
Vol 182, Page 435, Date 1992-06-01
Oxygen- and Nitrogen-Dependent Sulfur Metabolism in the Thiotrophic Clam Solemya reidi
Vol 182, Page 444, Date 1992-06-01