Experimental Evidence That Ovary and Oviducal Gland Extracts Influence Male Agonistic Behavior in Squids
Vol 206, Page 1, Date 2004-02-01
Contraction and Stiffness Changes in Collagenous Arm Ligaments of the Stalked Crinoid Metacrinus rotundus (Echinodermata)
Vol 206, Page 4, Date 2004-02-01
Identification of Juvenile Hormone-Active Alkylphenols in the Lobster Homarus americanus and in Marine Sediments
Vol 206, Page 13, Date 2004-02-01
Reproduction and Development of the Conspicuously Dimorphic Brittle Star Ophiodaphne formata (Ophiuroidea)
Vol 206, Page 25, Date 2004-02-01
Waveform Dynamics of Spermatozeugmata During the Transfer From Paternal to Maternal Individuals of Membranipora membranacea
Vol 206, Page 35, Date 2004-02-01
Differences in the rDNA-Bearing Chromosome Divide the Asian-Pacific and Atlantic Species of Crassostrea (Bivalvia, Mollusca)
Vol 206, Page 46, Date 2004-02-01
Occurrence in the Field of a Long-Term, Year-Round, Stable Population of Placozoans
Vol 206, Page 55, Date 2004-02-01
Identification and Activity-Dependent Labeling of Peripheral Sensory Structures on a Spionid Polychaete
Vol 206, Page 65, Date 2004-04-01
Physiological Development of the Embryonic and Larval Crayfish Heart
Vol 206, Page 78, Date 2004-04-01
Survival and Development of Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) Embryos and Larvae in Hypersaline Conditions
Vol 206, Page 87, Date 2004-04-01
Strategies for Sperm Chemotaxis in the Siphonophores and Ascidians: A Numerical Simulation Study
Vol 206, Page 95, Date 2004-04-01
Interaction Between Photoperiod and an Endogenous Seasonal Factor in Influencing the Diel Locomotor Activity of the Benthic Polychaete Nereis virens Sars
Vol 206, Page 103, Date 2004-04-01
Adaptable Defense: A Nudibranch Mucus Inhibits Nematocyst Discharge and Changes With Prey Type
Vol 206, Page 113, Date 2004-04-01
Limits to Phenotypic Plasticity: Flow Effects on Barnacle Feeding Appendages
Vol 206, Page 121, Date 2004-06-01
Microscopic, Biochemical, and Molecular Characteristics of the Chilean Blob and a Comparison With the Remains of Other Sea Monsters: Nothing but Whales
Vol 206, Iss 3, Page 125, Date 2004