Development of Nerve Cells in Hydrozoan Planulae: II. Examination of Sensory Cell Differentiation Using Electron Microscopy and Immunocytochemistry
Vol 175, Page 65, Date 1988-08-01
The Dynamics of Oogenesis and the Annual Ovarian Cycle of Stichopus californicus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
Vol 175, Page 79, Date 1988-08-01
Assessment of Ciguatera Dinoflagellate Populations: Sample Variability and Algal Substrate Selection
Vol 175, Page 94, Date 1988-08-01
Ontogeny of Osmoregulation and Salinity Tolerance in Two Decapod Crustaceans: Homarus americanus and Penaeus japonicus
Vol 175, Page 102, Date 1988-08-01
Swimming Speed and Oxygen Consumption in the Bathypelagic Mysid Gnathophausia ingens
Vol 175, Page 111, Date 1988-08-01
Energy Metabolism During Anoxia and Recovery in Shell Adductor and Foot Muscle of the Gastropod Mollusc Haliotis lamellosa: Formation of the Novel Anaerobic End Product Tauropine
Vol 175, Page 122, Date 1988-08-01
Control of Cnida Discharge: II. Microbasic p-Mastigophore Nematocysts are Regulated by Two Classes of Chemoreceptors
Vol 175, Page 132, Date 1988-08-01
Aspects of Entrainment of CHH Cell Activity and Hemolymph Glucose Levels in Crayfis
Vol 175, Page 137, Date 1988-08-01
Electrophysiological and Histological Observations on the Eye of Adult, Female Diastylis rathkei (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Cumacea)
Vol 175, Page 144, Date 1988-08-01
Inorganic Aspects of the Blood Chemistry of Ascidians. Ionic Composition, and Ti, V, and Fe in the Blood Plasma of Pyura chilensis and Ascidia dispar
Vol 175, Page 154, Date 1988-08-01
The Behavioral Response of Spiny Lobsters to ATP: Evidence for Mediation by P2-like Chemosensory Receptors
Vol 175, Page 167, Date 1988-08-01
Growth Rate of Jamaican Coral Reef Sponges After Hurricane Allen
Vol 175, Page 175, Date 1988-08-01
Morning Release of Larvae Controlled by the Light in an Intertidal Sponge, Callyspongia ramosa
Vol 175, Page 181, Date 1988-10-01
Characterization of the Molt Stages in Penaeus vannamei: Setogenesis and Hemolymph Levels of Total Protein, Ecdysteroids, and Glucose
Vol 175, Page 185, Date 1988-10-01
The Effect of Host Feeding on the Contribution of Endosymbiotic Algae to the Growth of Green Hydra
Vol 175, Page 193, Date 1988-10-01
Egg Capsule Catechol Oxidase from the Little Skate Raja erinacea Mitchill, 1825
Vol 175, Page 202, Date 1988-10-01
Reciprocation, Reproductive Success, and Safeguards Against Cheating in a Hermaphroditic Polychaete Worm, Ophryotrocha diadema Akesson, 1976
Vol 175, Page 212, Date 1988-10-01
Geographically Widespread, Non-hybridizing, Sympatric Strains of the Hermaphroditic, Brooding Clam Lasaea in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean
Vol 175, Page 218, Date 1988-10-01
Allelochemical Interactions Between Sponges and Corals
Vol 175, Page 230, Date 1988-10-01
A New Type of the Manifestation of Colony Specificity in the Compound Ascidian, Botrylloides violaceus Oka
Vol 175, Page 240, Date 1988-10-01
A New, Disjunct Species of Triclad Flatworm (Turbellaria: Tricladida) From a Spring in Southern New England
Vol 175, Page 246, Date 1988-10-01
Temperature and Relative Humidity Effects on Aerial Exposure Tolerance in the Freshwater Bivalve Corbicula fluminea
Vol 175, Page 253, Date 1988-10-01
Visual Spectral Sensitivities of Bioluminescent Deep-sea Crustaceans
Vol 175, Page 261, Date 1988-10-01
Visual Spectral Sensitivity of the Bioluminescent Deep-sea Mysid, Gnathophausia ingens
Vol 175, Page 274, Date 1988-10-01
Fiber Types in the Limb Bender Muscle of a Crab (Pachygrapsus crassipes)
Vol 175, Page 284, Date 1988-10-01
A New Look at Insect Respiration
Vol 175, Page 289, Date 1988-10-01
Regulation of Vitellogenesis in the Fiddler Crab, Uca pugilator
Vol 175, Page 321, Date 1988-12-01
Passive Suspension Feeding in a Sea Pen: Effects of Ambient Flow on Volume Flow Rate and Filtering Efficiency
Vol 175, Page 332, Date 1988-12-01
Discocilia and Paddle Cilia in the Larvae of Mulinia lateralis and Spisula solidissima (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
Vol 175, Page 343, Date 1988-12-01
Consequences of Supply-Side Ecology: Manipulating the Recruitment of Intertidal Barnacles Affects the Intensity of Predation Upon Them
Vol 175, Page 349, Date 1988-12-01
Coordinated Interpersonal Timing of Down-Syndrome and Nondelayed Infants with Their Mothers: Evidence for a Buffered Mechanism of Social Interaction
Vol 175, Page 355, Date 1988-12-01
Intraspecific Variation in Growth and Reproduction in Latitudinally Differentiated Populations of the Giant Scallop Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin)
Vol 175, Page 361, Date 1988-12-01
Application of a Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Method to the Systematic Study of Land Snails of Subgenus Luchuphaedusa from Southwestern Japan Islands
Vol 175, Page 372, Date 1988-12-01
Sweeper Tentacles in a Gorgonian Octocoral: Morphological Modifications for Interference Competition
Vol 175, Page 378, Date 1988-12-01
Gill Hemoglobin May Deliver Sulfide to Bacterial Symbionts of Solemya velum (Bivalvia, Mollusca)
Vol 175, Page 388, Date 1988-12-01
Biochemical Characteristics of the Pigmentation of Mesopelagic Fish Lenses
Vol 175, Page 397, Date 1988-12-01
Nitrogen Waste or Nitrogen Source? Urate Degradation in the Renal Sac of Molgulid Tunicates
Vol 175, Page 403, Date 1988-12-01
Evolutionary Temperature Adaptation of Agonist Binding to the A1 Adenosine Receptor
Vol 175, Page 410, Date 1988-12-01
The Fine Structure of the Amebocyte in the Blood of Limulus polyphemus. II. The Amebocyte Cytoskeleton: A Morphological Analysis of Native, Activated, and Endotoxin-Stimulated Amebocytes
Vol 175, Page 417, Date 1988-12-01
Independent Development of Bilaterally Homologous Closer Muscles in Lobster Claws
Vol 175, Page 430, Date 1988-12-01