Annual Viral Expression in a Sea Slug Population: Life Cycle Control and Symbiotic Chloroplast Maintenance
Vol 197, Page 1, Date 1999-08-01
Mechanical Resistance to Shear Stress: The Role of Echinoderm Egg Extracellular Layers
Vol 197, Page 7, Date 1999-08-01
Regeneration of Amputated Avian Bone by a Coral Skeletal Implant
Vol 197, Page 11, Date 1999-08-01
Functional and Evolutionary Implications of Opposed Bands, Big Mouths, and Extensive Oral Ciliation in Larval Opheliids and Echiurids (Annelida)
Vol 197, Page 14, Date 1999-08-01
Bioluminescence in the Deep-Sea Cirrate Octopod Stauroteuthis syrtensis Verrill (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
Vol 197, Page 26, Date 1999-08-01
Long-Term Culture of Lobster Central Ganglia: Expression of Foreign Genes in Identified Neurons
Vol 197, Page 40, Date 1999-08-01
An Ethogram of Body Patterning Behavior in the Biomedically and Commercially Valuable Squid Loligo pealei off Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Vol 197, Page 49, Date 1999-08-01
Concurrent Signals and Behavioral Plasticity in Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) Courtship
Vol 197, Page 63, Date 1999-08-01
Translocation of Photosynthetic Carbon From Two Algal Symbionts to the Sea Anemone Anthopleura elegantissima
Vol 197, Page 72, Date 1999-08-01
Morphology and Epithelial Ion Transport of the Alkaline Gland in the Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis sabina)
Vol 197, Page 82, Date 1999-08-01
Waterborne and Surface-Associated Carbohydrates as Settlement Cues for Larvae of the Specialist Marine Herbivore Alderia modesta
Vol 197, Page 94, Date 1999-08-01
The Velar Ciliature in the Brooded Larva of the Chilean Oyster Ostrea chilensis (Philippi, 1845)
Vol 197, Page 104, Date 1999-08-01
Concepts in Imaging and Microscopy Exploring Biological Structure and Function with Confocal Microscopy
Vol 197, Page 115, Date 1999-10-01
Development of the Larval Serotonergic Nervous System in the Sea Star Patiriella regularis as Revealed by Confocal Imaging
Vol 197, Page 123, Date 1999-10-01
Rapid Jumps and Bioluminescence Elicited by Controlled Hydrodynamic Stimuli in a Mesopelagic Copepod, Pleuromamma xiphias
Vol 197, Page 132, Date 1999-10-01
Morphology of the Nervous System of the Barnacle Cypris Larva (Balanus amphitrite Darwin) Revealed by Light and Electron Microscopy
Vol 197, Page 144, Date 1999-10-01
An Endogenous SCP-Related Peptide Modulates Ciliary Beating in the Gills of a Venerid Clam, Mercenaria mercenaria
Vol 197, Page 159, Date 1999-10-01
Ovigerous-Hair Stripping Substance (OHSS) in an Estuarine Crab: Purification, Preliminary Characterization, and Appearance of the Activity in the Developing Embryos
Vol 197, Page 174, Date 1999-10-01
Behavior of Hemocytes in the Allorejection Reaction in Two Compound Ascidians, Botryllus scalaris and Symplegma reptans
Vol 197, Page 188, Date 1999-10-01
Origin of Insulin Receptor-Like Tyrosine Kinases in Marine Sponges
Vol 197, Page 198, Date 1999-10-01
Functional Morphology of Prey Ingestion by Placetron wosnessenskii Schalfeew Zoeae (Crustacea: Anomura: Lithodidae)
Vol 197, Page 207, Date 1999-10-01
Swimming and Buoyancy in Ontogenetic Stages of the Cushion Star Pteraster tesselatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) and Their Implications for Distribution and Movement
Vol 197, Page 309, Date 1999-12-01
Cropping of Sea Anemone Tentacles by a Symbiotic Barnacle
Vol 197, Page 315, Date 1999-12-01
Larval Ontogenetic Stages of Chaetopterus: Developmental Heterochrony in the Evolution of Chaetopterid Polychaetes
Vol 197, Page 319, Date 1999-12-01
Inhibition of Settlement and Metamorphosis of the Ascidian Herdmania curvata by Non-geniculate Coralline Algae
Vol 197, Page 332, Date 1999-12-01
Microinjection of an Antibody to the Ku Protein Arrests Development in Sea Urchin Embryos
Vol 197, Page 341, Date 1999-12-01
Spectral Sensitivity of Vision and Bioluminescence in the Midwater Shrimp Sergestes similis
Vol 197, Page 348, Date 1999-12-01
Enhancement of the Response of Rock Crabs, Cancer irroratus, to Prey Odors following Feeding Experience
Vol 197, Page 361, Date 1999-12-01
The Role of Latero-Frontal Cirri in Particle Capture by the Gills of Mytilus edulis
Vol 197, Page 368, Date 1999-12-01
The Physiological Basis for Faster Growth in the Sydney Rock Oyster, Saccostrea commercialis
Vol 197, Page 377, Date 1999-12-01
Hydrostatic Pressure Alters the Time Course of GTP[S] Binding to G Proteins in Brain Membranes from Two Congeneric Marine Fishes
Vol 197, Page 388, Date 1999-12-01
Reversible Alteration of Morphology in an Invertebrate Erythrocyte: Properties of the Natural Inducer and the Cellular Response
Vol 197, Page 395, Date 1999-12-01