Ethel Browne, Hans Spemann, and the Discovery of the Organizer Phenomenon
Vol 181, Page 72, Date 1991-08-01
Relative Contributions of the Egg Layer and Egg Cordon to Pheromonal Attraction and the Induction of Mating and Egg-laying Behavior in Aplysia
Vol 181, Page 81, Date 1991-08-01
Immunological Survey of Planktonic Embryos and Larvae of the Starfish Asterina pectinifera, Obtained from the Sea, Using a Monoclonal Antibody Directed against Egg Polypeptides
Vol 181, Page 95, Date 1991-08-01
Enzymatic Characterization of the Morphogen Recognized by Agaricia humilis (Scleractinian Coral) Larvae
Vol 181, Page 104, Date 1991-08-01
Outbreeding Depression as a Cost of Dispersal in the Harpacticoid Copepod, Tigriopus californicus
Vol 181, Page 123, Date 1991-08-01
Alloimmunity in the Gorgonian Coral Swiftia exserta
Vol 181, Page 127, Date 1991-08-01
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis Reveals High Levels of Genetic Divergence Among the Light Organ Symbionts of Flashlight Fish
Vol 181, Page 135, Date 1991-08-01
Fine Structure of Photophores in Gonostoma elongatum: Detail of a Dual Gland Complex
Vol 181, Page 144, Date 1991-08-01
Morphology and Behavior of an Unusually Flexible Thoracic Limb in the Snapping Shrimp, Alpheus heterochelis
Vol 181, Page 158, Date 1991-08-01
Ecdysteroid Treatment Delays Ecdysis in the Lobster, Homarus americanus
Vol 181, Page 169, Date 1991-08-01
Long-Term Culture of Freshwater Mussel Gill Strips: Use of Serotonin to Affect Aseptic Conditions
Vol 181, Page 175, Date 1991-08-01
Bioluminescence Maintenance in Juvenile Porichthys notatus
Vol 181, Page 181, Date 1991-08-01
Vanadobin, a Vanadium-Binding Substance, Extracted from the Blood Cells of an Ascidian, Can Reduce Vanadate (V) to Vanadyl (IV)
Vol 181, Page 189, Date 1991-08-01
A Breeding Population of the Western Pacific Crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsidae) Established on the Atlantic Coast of North America
Vol 181, Page 195, Date 1991-08-01
Social Control of Sex Change in the Bluehead Wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum (Pisces: Labridae)
Vol 181, Page 199, Date 1991-10-01
Ontogeny Versus Phylogeny in Determining Patterns of Chemoreception: Initial Studies with Fiddler Crabs
Vol 181, Page 205, Date 1991-10-01
Genetic Variation in the Timing of Gonadal Maturation and Spawning of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin)
Vol 181, Page 216, Date 1991-10-01
Ploidy and Pronuclear Interaction in Northeastern Pacific Lasaea Clones (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
Vol 181, Page 222, Date 1991-10-01
Variation in Fertilization Rate in the Tropical Reef Fish, Halichoeres bivattatus: Correlates and Implications
Vol 181, Page 232, Date 1991-10-01
Spermatophore Diversity Within and Among the Hermit Crab Families, Coenobitidae, Diogenidae, and Paguridae (Paguroidea, Anomura, Decapoda)
Vol 181, Page 238, Date 1991-10-01
Coexistence of Hydroid Eating Nudibranchs: Do Feeding Biology and Habitat Use Matter?
Vol 181, Page 248, Date 1991-10-01
Influence of Body Size and Population Density on Fertilization Success and Reproductive Output in a Free-Spawning Invertebrate
Vol 181, Page 261, Date 1991-10-01
Planktonic Copepods in a Sub-Tropical Estuary: Seasonal Patterns in the Abundance of Adults, Copepodites, Nauplii, and Eggs in the Sea Bed
Vol 181, Page 269, Date 1991-10-01
The Function of Surface Sclerites in Gorgonians (Coelenterata, Octocorallia)
Vol 181, Page 275, Date 1991-10-01
Acid-Base and Ionic Regulation, During and Following Emersion, in the Freshwater Bivalve, Anodonta grandis simpsoniana (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
Vol 181, Page 289, Date 1991-10-01
The Physiological Effect of Aureococcus anophagefferens ("brown tide") on the Lateral Cilia of Bivalve Mollusks
Vol 181, Page 298, Date 1991-10-01
Tidal and Seasonal Patterns in the Chondrophore of the Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria
Vol 181, Page 307, Date 1991-10-01
Responses of a Rocky Shore Gastropod to the Effluents of Predatory and Non-predatory Crabs: Avoidance and Attraction
Vol 181, Page 363, Date 1991-12-01
Kinetics of Fertilization in the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus: Interaction of Gamete Dilution, Age, and Contact Time
Vol 181, Page 371, Date 1991-12-01
Growth, Size Rank, and Maturation of the Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii: Analysis of Marked Prawns in an Experimental Population
Vol 181, Page 379, Date 1991-12-01
Reproductive Ecology of an Intertidal Brachyuran Crab, Sesarma sp. (nr. reticulatum), from the Gulf of Mexico
Vol 181, Page 387, Date 1991-12-01
The Role of Olfaction in Courtship Behavior of the American Lobster Homarus americanus
Vol 181, Page 402, Date 1991-12-01
Spatial Information in the Three-Dimensional Fine Structure of an Aquatic Odor Plume
Vol 181, Page 408, Date 1991-12-01
Chemical Signal-to-Noise Detection by Spiny Lobsters
Vol 181, Page 419, Date 1991-12-01
Proteins of Crustacean Exoskeletons: I. Similarities and Differences among Proteins of the Four Exoskeletal Layers of Four Brachyurans
Vol 181, Page 427, Date 1991-12-01
Modes of Feeding in Aggregations of Barnacles and the Shape of Aggregations
Vol 181, Page 442, Date 1991-12-01
Oligomer Composition and Oxygen Binding of the Hemocyanin of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus
Vol 181, Page 453, Date 1991-12-01
Biological Activity of Biosynthetic Rainbow Trout Growth Hormone in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica
Vol 181, Page 459, Date 1991-12-01
Reversible Epithelial Adhesion Closes the Mouth of Beroe, a Carnivorous Marine Jelly
Vol 181, Page 463, Date 1991-12-01
The Ultrastructure of the Radial Neuromuscular System of the Jellyfish Liriope tetraphylla (Hydrozoa, Trachymedusae): Implications in Crumpling Behavior
Vol 181, Page 474, Date 1991-12-01
Immunohistochemistry of Diverging and Converging Neurotransmitter Systems in Mollusks
Vol 181, Page 484, Date 1991-12-01