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Book Title
Generelle morphologie der organismen. Allgemeine grundzüge der organischen formen-wissenschaft, mechanisch begründet durch die von Charles Darwin reformirte descendenztheorie
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Berlin, G. Reimer, 1866
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by MBLWHOI Library
Annotation Not Available

line 22 score

lines 29—33 score

line 33 score

line 35 score

line 36 score

line 37 score

line 38 score

lines 41—46 score

lines 9—13 score
line 11 annotation R

line 49 score

lines 1—20 score

lines 13—17 score

line 36 score
line 36 annotation R

top-margin annotation abstracted

line 4 underline "[most of line]"
top-margin annotation it is indisputable

lines 1—3 score

top-margin annotation says if no prejudice no one wd doubt affinity with tailless or anthropomorphic apes —

lines 8—10 score
lines 5—13 annotation next division of tailed & tailless apes of Old World

line 28 underline "Gesässschwielen"
lines 25—30 annotation anthropoids no callosities on rump

lines 44—51 score
lines 44—51 annotation Men sometimes have large canines.

bottom-margin annotation [a translation]

lines 9—13 score
lines 8—15 annotation none of these existing anthropoids is ancestor

lines 33—42 score
lines 24—42 annotation Formation of spores a distinct process
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation p.36 add spores to test of means of propagation. or proof of internal separation given not to Hackel;

lines 7—9 score

lines 10—12 underline "so ... strenger"
lines 10—12 annotation ? Spores of Ferns??

line 10 underline "aus ... zusammengesetzt"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 59 on eggs of insects of many cells

lines 20—22 score

lines 18—42 annotation Sea — Pelagic animals of many classes colourless & transparent — good
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation p.242 colour of pelagic animals

lines 38—42 score
lines 38—42 annotation larvae which are pelagic colourless and not the adults

lines 10—13 score
line 11 underline "menschlichen"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 244 Selectio feminina
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 245 Sexual selection;

lines 17—21 score

line 27 underline "Wamme ... Stiers"
lines 27—31 annotation dewlap of Bull a defensive weapon!!

line 30 underline "Schnabelthiers"
lines 35—37 annotation ornith[illegible]

lines 26—32 score
lines 26—32 annotation X women ornament themselves to attract men
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 246 do good Cop

lines 33—41 annotation women the most beautiful & song

lines 16—22 score
lines 16—22 annotation may act materially on both sexes

lines 28—30 annotation acts on intellect

lines 3—12 annotation Divergence or Differentiation of organs explained, as I have done for species

lines 1—10 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 259 Law of Perfection

lines 8—18 annotation organs become rudimentary as slowly & as by as many steps, as they are first formed.
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 270 Rudimentary organs; 272 do

lines 9—26 annotation not only organ, but whole individual may be said to be rudimentary.
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 270 Rudimentary organs; 272 do

lines 1—25 score
lines 6—8 annotation eyes rudimentary

lines 8—9 annotation Limbs rudimentary

line 27 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation p278 Rudiment in Man & injurious, in what animal fully developed?

line 28 score

line 32 underline "Menschen ... rudimentärer"

line 33 underline "Processus ... Blinddarms"

lines 36—40 score

lines 26—42 score
lines 28—32 annotation rudiments of sexual organs in both sexes

lines 1—20 annotation eg Parasitic animals are rudimentary wholes.
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation Rudimentary organs to p. 285.

lines 2—10 score

lines 11—20 score

lines 22—38 score

lines 22—28 annotation line of descent

lines 2—21 score