Passiflora tina spec, nov., a new species of Passiflora subgenus Astrophea (Passifloraceae) from Ecuador
Vol 7, Page 5, Date 2001
Achene hairs and their diversity in the genus Chaetanthera Ruiz & Pav. (Mutisieae, Asteraceae)
Vol 7, Page 13, Date 2001
Polytrichadelphus magellanicus sensu lato (Musci) and its ascomycetes different fungi on different hosts
Vol 7, Page 35, Date 2001
Zephyra compacta (Tecophilaeaceae) - eine neue Art aus Chile
Vol 7, Page 47, Date 2001
Bemerkungen zur Taxonomie der Gattung Limonium VII
Vol 7, Page 53, Date 2001
Contributions to the Flora of Northern Africa, I. New or noteworthy taxa
Vol 7, Page 85, Date 2001
Floristic and taxonomic notes on saxicolous lecideoid lichens
Vol 7, Page 93, Date 2001
Die Infloreszenzen der Juncaceae
Vol 7, Page 137, Date 2001
Contributions to the knowledge of the genus Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) VII-X'
Vol 7, Page 163, Date 2001
New species of Astragalus L. sect. Hymenostegis (Fabaceae) from Iran
Vol 7, Page 203, Date 2001
Lichenicolous fungi from Bavaria as represented in the Botanische Staatssammlung München
Vol 7, Page 211, Date 2001
Taxonomic Revision of Astragalus sect. Acanthophace (Fabaceae)
Vol 7, Page 233, Date 2001
New taxa and new combinations published in Sendtnera 7 (31.8.2001)
Vol 7, Page 253, Date 2001