Descriptions of some newly discovered species of Araneida
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 14, Date 1853
III.—Description of a new genus of Calanidæ
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 25, Date 1853
Characters of several Helices from West Australia and the Mauritius; with notes on some species of Cyclostoma from Borneo
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 29, Date 1853
A revision of the genera of some of the families of conchifera or bivalve shells
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 33, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 59, Date 1853
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 71, Date 1853
On the Coccidæ of the olive, orange, lemon, and rose-bay, and on the maladies produced by them on those trees in the province of nice and in the department of the var
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 77, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for Nov. 1852
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 79, Date 1853
VII.—On relative position; including a new arrangement of phanerogamous plants
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 81, Date 1853
IX.—Descriptions of species belonging to the genera Pterocyclos and Cyclostoma, from Ceylon and West Australia
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 105, Date 1853
X.—On the animal of Chamostrea albida
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 106, Date 1853
XI.—Supplement to a catalogue of British spiders, including remarks on their structure, functions, œconomy and systematic arrangement
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 113, Date 1853
XIII.—On the division of Ctenobranchous Gasteropodous Mollusca into larger groups and families
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 124, Date 1853
Bibliographical notices
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 134, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 138, Date 1853
Cork Cuvierian Society
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 155, Date 1853
On the classification of serpents
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 157, Date 1853
On the habits of the wigeon
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 158, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for Dec. 1852
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 159, Date 1853
XIV.—Descriptions of some of the larger forms of fossilized Foraminifera in Scinde; with observations on their internal structure
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 161, Date 1853
XV.—Further notes on British zoophytes, with descriptions of new species
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 178, Date 1853
XVI.—Observations on the genus Schwenkia
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 185, Date 1853
XVIII.—Note on the Gryphæa of the bed called gryphite grit in the Cotteswolds
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 200, Date 1853
XIX.—On two new subgenera of Calanidæ
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 202, Date 1853
XX.—On the germination of the resting spores, and on a form of moving spores in Spirogyra
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 210, Date 1853
XXI.—Revision of the families of Nudibranch Mollusks, with the description of a new genus of Phyllidiadæ
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 218, Date 1853
XXII.—Additional notice of the genus Tancredia (Lycett), Hettangia (Turquem)
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 221, Date 1853
Bibliographical notices
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 236, Date 1853
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 244, Date 1853
On the genus Bifrontia
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 260, Date 1853
New kind of achromatic condenser suggested
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 261, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for Jan. 1853
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 263, Date 1853
XXIV.—Remarks upon British plants
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 265, Date 1853
XXVII.—On the animal of Myochama anomioides
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 287, Date 1853
XXVIII.—On the germination of the resting spores, and on a form of moving spores in Spirogyra
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 292, Date 1853
XXIX.—Description of Rhopalodina, a new form of Echinodermata
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 301, Date 1853
Principles of the anatomy and physiology of the vegetable cell. By Hugo von Mohl. Translated by Arthur Henfrey, F.R.S. &c. Van Voorst, 1852
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 314, Date 1853
Handbuch der Conchyliologie und Malacozoologie. Von Dr. R. A. Philippi. Halle, 1853. 8vo, pp. 548
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 316, Date 1853
Royal Society
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 318, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 320, Date 1853
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 325, Date 1853
Eucratea Chelata
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 339, Date 1853
On the coleopterous insects of the genus Cebrio
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 340, Date 1853
On the reproduction of the toad and frog without the intermediate stage of tadpole
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 341, Date 1853
XXXI.—On the occurrence of palms and bambus, with pines and other forms considered northern, at considerable elevations in the Himalaya
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 345, Date 1853
XXXIII.—Remarks upon British plants
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 360, Date 1853
XXXIV.—On the genera of the tribe Duboisieæ
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 368, Date 1853
XXXVII.—A revision of the genera of some of the families of conchifera or Bivalve shells
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 398, Date 1853
Bibliographical notices
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 402, Date 1853
Royal Institution of Great Britain
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 408, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 411, Date 1853
On the nervures of leaves and their distribution
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 418, Date 1853
On the occurrence of large quantities of the shells of Anodonta cygnea on the sea-coast near Sandgate
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 420, Date 1853
Description of a new genus of Gorgoniadæ
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 422, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for March 1853
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 423, Date 1853
XXXVIII.—Description of Orbitolites Malabarica (H. J. C.), illustrative of the spiral and not concentric arrangement of chambers in D'Orbigny's order Cyclostègues
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 425, Date 1853
XXXIX.—Remarks upon British plants
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 427, Date 1853
XL.—Further observations on the animal of Diplommatina (including a note by Capt. T. Hutton)
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 433, Date 1853
XLI.—On the genera of the tribe Duboisieæ
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 435, Date 1853
XLII.—Notes on some British zoophytes
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 442, Date 1853
XLIII.—Observations on relative position; including a new arrangement of phanerogamous plants
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 444, Date 1853
XLIV.—On some points relating to the structure and mechanism of the wolf-fish (Anarrhichas Lupus)
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 463, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 466, Date 1853
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 478, Date 1853
Researches on the fecundation and formation of the embryo in the Hepaticæ and Ferns
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 482, Date 1853
Mode of determining the optical power of a microscope
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 483, Date 1853
Marine Vivaria
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 487, Date 1853
Observations on the anatomy of the antennæ in a small species of crustacean
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 488, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for April 1853
Ser 2, Vol 11, Page 489, Date 1853