The functional morphology and evolution of Recent Limopsidae (Bivalvia, Arcoida)
Vol 21, Iss 1-2, Page 61, Date 1981
Clines, convergence and character displacement in New Caledonian diplommatinids (land prosobranchs)
Vol 21, Page 177, Date 1981
Different Modes of Evolution and Adaptive Radiation in the Pomatiopsidae (Prosobranchia: Mesogastropoda)
Vol 21, Page 209, Date 1981
Anatomy, biology and systematics of Campanile symbolicum with reference to adaptive radiation of the Cerithiacea (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
Vol 21, Iss 1-2, Page 263, Date 1981
The Galapagos Rift limpet Neomphalus: relevance to understanding the evolution of a major Paleozoic-Mesozoic radiation
Vol 21, Page 291, Date 1981