Vascular plants of the Cuyamaca and Laguna Mountains, California
Vol 81, Page 69, Date 1996
Perymenium basaseachicanum (Asteraceae, Heliantheae), a new species from Chihuahua, Mexico
Vol 81, Page 103, Date 1996
Taxonomic notes on Texan and Mexican species of Hedyotis and Houstonia (Rubiaceae)
Vol 81, Page 108, Date 1996
Vernonia boquerona (Asteraceae), a new species from Chiapas, Mexico
Vol 81, Page 115, Date 1996
Ageratina bobjansenii (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae), a new species from Durango, Mexico
Vol 81, Page 118, Date 1996
Prionosciadium saraviki (Apiaceae): A new species from the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico
Vol 81, Page 121, Date 1996
Taxonomic value of culm anatomical characters in the species of Bouteloua Lagasca (Poaceae: Eragrostideae)
Vol 81, Page 124, Date 1996
Aridae, a new subclass of Liliopsida
Vol 81, Page 142, Date 1996