Revision of Chaptalia (Asteraceae: Mutisieae) from North America and continental Central America
Vol 78, Page 153, Date 1995
Malagasy Asclepiadaceae: reinstatement of the genus Pervillea and two new combinations
Vol 78, Page 189, Date 1995
A new species of Forsteronia (Apocynaceae) from Costa Rica
Vol 78, Page 195, Date 1995
An evaluation of the Mandevilla boliviensis complex
Vol 78, Page 197, Date 1995
Two new species of Drymaria (Caryophyllaceae) from gypseous soils in northern Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Vol 78, Page 199, Date 1995
Synopsis of Ageratella (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae)
Vol 78, Page 204, Date 1995
A new species of Stachys (Lamiaceae) from the Sierra de Manantlan of Jalisco, Mexico
Vol 78, Page 209, Date 1995
Resubmergence of Hydrodyssodia B. L. Turner into Hydropectis McVaugh (Asteraceae, Tageteae), with description of a new species, Hydropectis estradii, from Chihuahua, Mexico
Vol 78, Page 211, Date 1995
Lectotypes of Berberis chochoco and its synonyms
Vol 78, Page 214, Date 1995