Irving Widmer Bailey, 1884-1967
Vol 49, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1968
Inflorescence in Nannorrhops ritchiana (Palmae)
Vol 49, Iss 1, Page 16, Date 1968
Harperocallis a new genus of the Liliaceae from Florida
Vol 49, Iss 1, Page 35, Date 1968
Cytotaxonomy of Illicium floridanum and I. parviflorum (Illiciaceae)
Vol 49, Iss 1, Page 41, Date 1968
Further Morphological Studies on Anastomoses in the Dichotomous Venation of Circaeaster
Vol 49, Iss 1, Page 52, Date 1968
A Synopsis of the Asian Species of Delphinium, Sensu stricto
Vol 49, Iss 1, Page 73, Date 1968
Flowers, Fruits, and Phylogeny of Alangiaceae
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 167, Date 1968
Diverse Nodal Types in Rhododendron
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 193, Date 1968
A New Hydrangea from Mexico
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 225, Date 1968
A Synopsis of the Asian Species of Delphinium, Sensu stricto
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 233, Date 1968
Morphology and Anatomy of Croomia pauciflora (Stemonaceae)
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 260, Date 1968
Herissantia, Bogenhardia, and Gayoides (Malvaceae)
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 278, Date 1968
Jamaican and Other Species of Bumelia (Sapotaceae)
Vol 49, Iss 2, Page 280, Date 1968
Anatomy of the Palm Rhapis excelsa V. Inflorescence
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 291, Date 1968
Anatomy of the Palm Rhapis excelsa VI. Root and Branch Insertion
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 307, Date 1968
Comparative Morphological Studies in Dilleniaceae, III. the Carpels
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 317, Date 1968
Revision of the Genus Notelaea (Oleaceae)
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 333, Date 1968
Comparative Anatomy of the Leaf-Bearing Cactaceae, XVII. Preliminary Observations on the Problem of Transitions from Broad to Terete Leaves
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 370, Date 1968
Botanical Name of the Tea Sageretia of China
Vol 49, Iss 3, Page 377, Date 1968
The Ecology of an Elfin Forest in Puerto Rico, 1. Introduction and Composition Studies
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 381, Date 1968
The Ecology of an Elfin Forest in Puerto Rico, 2. the Microclimate of Pico Del Oeste
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 419, Date 1968
Studies of Pacific Island Plants, XIX. the Araliaceae of the New Hebrides, Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 431, Date 1968
Sorbus and the Problem of Generic Typification
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 502, Date 1968
Embryology of Drimys winteri
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 509, Date 1968
The Director's Report: the Arnold Arboretum During the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1968
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 525, Date 1968
Index [Vol. 49]
Vol 49, Iss 4, Page 545, Date 1968