Looking Ahead
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1975
Floristic analysis of the Missouri River bottomland forests in North Dakota
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 5, Date 1975
Effects of agricultural burning on nesting waterfowl
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 21, Date 1975
Comments on the distribution and natural history of some mammals in Minnesota
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 29, Date 1975
Behaviour of a young Bald Eagle at a southern Ontario nest
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 35, Date 1975
Comparative concentrations of twelve elements in substrates and leaves of Scirpus validus and other aquatic plants species in a sewage lagoon and in unpolluted habitats
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 41, Date 1975
Preliminary study of seasonal moose movements in Laurentides Provincial Park, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 47, Date 1975
Harmful effects of small mammal populations on a tree plantation in southern Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 53, Date 1975
Notes on the distribution and habitat of amphibians and turtles in northwestern Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 57, Date 1975
Nest site availability as a factor limiting population size of swallows
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 60, Date 1975
Common Redpolls nesting at Edmonton, Alberta
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 64, Date 1975
An unusual association of damselfly naiads with fish carcasses
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 65, Date 1975
The fern genus Woodsia in Manitoba
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 66, Date 1975
Scheuchzeria pahlustris L. (Scheuchzeiaceae) in northwestern North America
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 69, Date 1975
Possible intra-specific killing by a Great Gray Owl
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 71, Date 1975
Intergeneric grouse hybrids (Bonasa x Canachites)
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 72, Date 1975
The Sandhill Crane in Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 73, Date 1975
An additional record of the Fulvous Tree Duck in Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 74, Date 1975
Carex illota L. H. Bailey in Alberta
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 74, Date 1975
Tree nesting sites and a breeding range extension of Brewer's Blackbird in the Great Lakes region
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 1975
Glaucous-winged Gull predation on feral Rock Doves
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 77, Date 1975
The feral house cat as a predator of varying hares
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 78, Date 1975
Sight record of a western skink on Vancouver Island
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 79, Date 1975
New records of amphibians and garter snakes in the James Bay area of Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 80, Date 1975
The moths of America north of Mexico, by R. B. Dominick et al. [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 87, Date 1975
Illustrated keys to the fresh water fishes of Alaska, by James E. Morrow [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 88, Date 1975
Animals of Manitoba, ed. Robert E. Wrigley [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 1975
Butterflies of Saskatchewan, by Ronald R. Hooper [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 1975
Calf mortality on the calving ground of Kaminuriak caribou during 1970, by F. L. Miller and E. Broughton [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 90, Date 1975
Shallow water gammaridean Amphipoda of New England, by E. M. Bousfield [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 1975
Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia, ed. B. Grizmek [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 92, Date 1975
Atlas of animal migration, by Cathy Jarman [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 92, Date 1975
Pacific fishes of Canada, by J. L. Hart [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 93, Date 1975
Researches in plant physiology. A laboratory manual, by Thomas C. Moore [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 94, Date 1975
Woody Plants of the North Central Plains, by H. A. Stephens [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1975
The algal bowl: lakes and man, by J. R. Vallentyne [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1975
Schoolyard and beyond, by David Coburn [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 96, Date 1975
Natural regions of the United States and Canada, by Charles B. Hunt [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 97, Date 1975
Bird damage to fruit crops in the Niagara Peninsula, by R. G. D. Brown [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 98, Date 1975
Terrain, vegetation and permafrost relationships, northern Mackenzie Valley and Yukon, by S. C. Zoltai and W. W. Pettapiece [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 98, Date 1975
The unknown island, by Ian Smith [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 1975
Environment and man, by Richard H. Wagner [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 1975
Wilderness survival: a complete handbook and guide for survival in the North American wilds, by Berndt Berglund [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 100, Date 1975
The Arctic coast, by D. Wilkinson [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 101, Date 1975
Nature west coast, by Vancouver Natural History Society [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 102, Date 1975
Canadian Wildlife and Man, by Anne Innis Dagg [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 1975
Children of the Ark, by Barbara M. Solandt [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 104, Date 1975
Alaska Fishing Guide, by editors of Alaska Magazine [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 1975
Human Behavior Apects of Fish and Wildlife Conservation: An Annoted Bibliography, by D. R. Potter, K. M. Sharpe, and C. Hendee [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 1975
Migratory and foraging behavior of Peregrine Falcons on the Texas coast
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 111, Date 1975
A recent decline of Gannets, Morus bassanus, on Bonaventure Island, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 125, Date 1975
New records of birds in west-central Mackenzie District, Northwest Territories
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 135, Date 1975
An unusual habitat for Drosera rotundifolia L., its overwintering state, and vegetative reproduction
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 143, Date 1975
Play activities of the black-tailed deer in northwestern Oregon
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 149, Date 1975
Investigations of heavy metals in Common Tern populations
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 157, Date 1975
A new hybrid woodfern, Dryopteris X algonquinensis D. M. Britton, from Algonquin Park, Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 163, Date 1975
A complex tracking board for small mammal studies
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 173, Date 1975
Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer in central southern Saskatchewan
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 174, Date 1975
Golden-crowned Sparrow breeding on Vancouver Island
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 175, Date 1975
A Western Kingbird at Cap Tourmente, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 176, Date 1975
Alpine Woodsia (Woodsia alpina (Bolton) S. F. Gray) in southern Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 177, Date 1975
Habitat use and home range of white-tailed deer in Point Pelee National Park, Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 179, Date 1975
Amphipod Dispersal in the fur of aquatic mammals
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 181, Date 1975
Record of the aIga Hydrurus foetidus (Vill.) Trév. from Labrador
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 186, Date 1975
An unusually small Hermit Thrush egg
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 188, Date 1975
More dwarf passerine eggs
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 189, Date 1975
The auricled twayblade (Listera auriculata) orchid in Algonquin Park, Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 189, Date 1975
Rough-legged Hawks, Buteo lagopus (Pontoppidan), as carrion feeders in the Arctic
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 190, Date 1975
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 193, Date 1975
The ecology of stray dogs. A study of free ranging urban animals, by Alan Beck [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 1975
Birds of the Oshawa - 195 Lake Skugog region, Ontario, by Ronald Tozer and James Richard [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 1975
Ontario Nest Records Scheme: Tenth report 1956-1973, ed. George K. Peck [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 196, Date 1975
Ecology of Pomarine, Parasitic, and Long-tailed Jaegers in northern Alaska, by William J. Maher [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 197, Date 1975
Wild flowers of forest and woodland in the Pacific northwest. Field guide 1. Wild flowers 197 of field and slope in the Pacific northwest. Field guide 2, by Lewis J. Clark [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 197, Date 1975
Géographic floristique du Québec/ Labrador. Distribution des principales espèces vasculaires, by Camille Rousseaue [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 198, Date 1975
Battle for the wilderness, by Michael Frome [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 199, Date 1975
Land use and resource development in the eastern slopes: 199 report and recommendations, by Environmental Conservation Authority [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 1975
Proceedings of the Arctic International Wildlife Range Conference-October 21 and 22, 1970, ed. Dennis McCrea [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 201, Date 1975
Outdoor recreation in America: trends, problems, and opportunities, by C. R. Jensen [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 201, Date 1975
Alaska and its wildlife, by Bryan L. Sage [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 202, Date 1975
The discovery of the Northwest Passage by H.M.S. "Investigator," Captain R. M'Clure 203 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, ed. Commander Sherard Osborn, and Life with the Esquimaux, a narrative of Arctic experience in search of survivors of Sir John Franklin's expedition, by Captain Charles Francis Hall [Reivew]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 203, Date 1975
Narrative of the Arctic land expedition ...to the mouth of the Great Fish River and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean in the years 1833, 1834 and 1835, by Captain George Back [review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 204, Date 1975
The mighty Mackenzie, highway to the Arctic Ocean, by Lyn Hancock [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 205, Date 1975
Fragile ecosystems. Evaluation of research and applications in the neotropics. A report of the Institute of Ecology (TIE), eds. Edward G. Farnworth and Frank B. Golley [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 206, Date 1975
Contemporary biology: concepts and implications, by Mary E. Clark [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 1975
Churchill: Canada's northern gateway, by Nan Shipley [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 207, Date 1975
The countryman bird book, eds. Bruce and Margaret Campbell [Reivew]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 208, Date 1975
Natural history in the National Capital Region: A bibliography, by F. A. Muhammad and E. Jorgensen [Reivew]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 208, Date 1975
Sellout. The giveaway of Canada's energy resources, by Philip Sykes [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 209, Date 1975
Annotated bibliography of permafrost-vegetation-wildlife-landform relationships, by Patricia Roberts-Pichette [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 2, Page 210, Date 1975
High arctic lemmings (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) I. Natural history observations
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 223, Date 1975
Leech (Hirundinea) infestations among waterfowl near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 234, Date 1975
A new Common Murre colony in British Columbia
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 244, Date 1975
A postglacial walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) from Bathurst Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 249, Date 1975
The waterfowl of Chick Lake, Northwest Territories
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 262, Date 1975
Observations of the fall migration of Greater Snow Geese across southern Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 268, Date 1975
Oil threat to birds on the Canadian west coast
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 278, Date 1975
The disappearance of caribou reintroduced to Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 299, Date 1975
Some previously unpublished historical records of Trumpeter Swans in Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 311, Date 1975
Ross' Goose in Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 313, Date 1975
Second record of the Blue-spotted Salamander from Labrador
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 314, Date 1975
Pine Siskin on Cornwallis Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 316, Date 1975
Range extension of the western pine elfin, Callophrys eryphon (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), in Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 316, Date 1975
Seligeria tristichoides, a moss new to the west
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 317, Date 1975
Sight record of the White Wagtail near Vancouver, British Columbia
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 318, Date 1975
A new distribution record for the brassy minnow in northwestern Alberta
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 319, Date 1975
Sightings of New Zealand Shearwaters in the northern Gulf of Alaska
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 320, Date 1975
Wolf as predator on Mallards in a bait trap
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 322, Date 1975
A new distribution record for the California myotis (Myotis californicus) in British Columbia
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 322, Date 1975
A grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) record near Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 324, Date 1975
New distribution data on two mosses, Fissidens exilis and Thuidium pygmaeum, in Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 324, Date 1975
Unusual food transfer behavior performed by American Kestrels
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 325, Date 1975
Burdock as a threat to small birds
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 326, Date 1975
The mammals of Canada, by A. W. F. Banfield [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 329, Date 1975
Birds of the world: a check list, by James F. Clements [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 331, Date 1975
A guide to the birds of Trinidad and Tobago, by R. French [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 333, Date 1975
Canadian endangered species, By Daryl Stewart [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 333, Date 1975
The land mammals of insular Newfoundland, by Tom H. Northcott [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 335, Date 1975
Oil pollution of birds: an abstracted bibliography, by R. Vermeer and K. Vermeer [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 335, Date 1975
Mammals of Ontario, by Anne Innis Dagg [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 336, Date 1975
A guide to Alberta vertebrate fossils from the age of dinosaurs, by Hope Johnson and John E. Storer [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 336, Date 1975
The vanishing harvest, by Ken Johnstone [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 337, Date 1975
Rocky Mountain wild flowers, by A. E. Porsild [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 338, Date 1975
The Alaska - Yukon wild flowers guide, by Helen A. White and Maxine Williams [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 339, Date 1975
Illustrated key to the Carices in Newfoundland: based on floral structures, by Alexander W. Robertson and Frederick C. Pollett [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 339, Date 1975
Peatlands, by Peter D. Moore and D. J. Bellamy [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 340, Date 1975
Freshwater pollution, Canadian style, by Peter A. Larkin [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 340, Date 1975
The life of the far north, by W. A. Fuller and J. C. Holmes [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 342, Date 1975
Wildlife in an urbanizing environment, eds. John H. Noyes and Donald R. Progulske [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 343, Date 1975
Energy needs and the environment, eds. Robert L. Seale and Raymond A. Sierka [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 343, Date 1975
Richard Harrington's Yukon, by Richard Harrington [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 344, Date 1975
Vegetation and environment in the Central Research Forest, Ottawa greenbelt, by J. K. Jeglum, M. J. J. Bik, and J. Salm [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 344, Date 1975
To the Arctic by canoe 1819-1821, ed. C. Stuart Houston [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 345, Date 1975
For a lark: a remedial guide for confused bird watchers, by John Huberman and Sylvia Tait [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 3, Page 346, Date 1975
Editorial: Urban wildlife - is it wanted and needed?
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 351, Date 1975
An introduction to a limnological study of selected lakes in Gatineau Park, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 354, Date 1975
The Champlain Sea episode in the Gatineau River Valley and Ottawa area
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 356, Date 1975
Phytoplankton of five lakes in Gatineau Park, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 361, Date 1975
Periphyton of five lakes in Gatineau Park, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 371, Date 1975
Macrobenthos of five lakes in Gatineau Park, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 378, Date 1975
A preliminary survey of the molluscan fauna of nine lakes in Gatineau Park, Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 383, Date 1975
Fish distribution in Gatineau Park, Quebec, in relation to postglacial dispersal, man's influence, and eutrophication
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 389, Date 1975
Vegetation - habitat changes caused by damming a peatland drainageway in northern Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 400, Date 1975
Birds of the tundra biome at Cape Churchill and La Pérouse Bay
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 413, Date 1975
Observations on the fish fauna of the Peace River in Alberta
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 423, Date 1975
The distribution and abundance of the Wolverine (Gulo gulo) in Canada
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 431, Date 1975
Bald Eagle nesting attempts in southern Ontario in 1974
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 438, Date 1975
The King Eider in Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 445, Date 1975
Further new localities for certain coldwater fishes in eastern Ontario and western Quebec
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 447, Date 1975
Red fox attack on beaver
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 450, Date 1975
Additions to the adventive flora of Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 451, Date 1975
Nesting of Purple Martins in natural cavities and in man-made structures in Alberta
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 454, Date 1975
Bald Eagle and river otter
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 455, Date 1975
New data on the distribution of the moss Schistostega pennata in Alberta
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 456, Date 1975
Nest-sites of birds in residential areas of Vancouver, British Columbia
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 457, Date 1975
Arboreal mating behavior in the red-sided garter snake
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 461, Date 1975
Fulmar from southern James Bay in December
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 462, Date 1975
Bartonia virginica (L.) BSP in Perth County, Ontario
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 463, Date 1975
Long-distance movement of an arctic fox in Newfoundland
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 464, Date 1975
Poplar bud in the subcutaneous tissue of a northern flying squirrel
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 466, Date 1975
Locomotion of a "three-legged" porcupine
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 466, Date 1975
Red-breasted Nuthatches breeding in nest boxes in pine plantations on the north shore of Lake Erie
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 467, Date 1975
American Wigeon steals food from muskrats
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 468, Date 1975
Rowley Campbell Frith, 1897-1974 [Obituary]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 470, Date 1975
Grouse and quails of North America, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 473, Date 1975
Mind in the waters. A book to celebrate the consciousness of whales and dolphins, ed. Joan McIntyre [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 474, Date 1975
The whale problem, a status report,ed. William E. Schevil [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 475, Date 1975
Wasps. An account of the biology and natural history of solitary and social wasps, by Philip Spradbery [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 476, Date 1975
Flies and disease, by Bernard Greenberg [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 477, Date 1975
The deer and the tiger: a study of wildlife in India, by George B. Schaller [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 478, Date 1975
Song of the north wind: a story of the Snow Goose, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 479, Date 1975
Pollen, biology, biochemistry, management, by R. G. Stanley and H. F. Liskens [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 480, Date 1975
Genetics of forest ecosystems, by Klaus Stern and Laurence Roche [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 480, Date 1975
Vegetation of the earth - in relation to climate and the eco-physiological conditions, by Heinrich Walter [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 481, Date 1975
Forestry in Newfoundland, by Graham Page, W. C. Wilton, and Tony Thomas [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 482, Date 1975
Polar deserts and modern man, ed. T. L. Smiley and J. H. Zumberge [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 483, Date 1975
Perspectives of biophysical ecology, eds. David M. Gates and Rudolf B. Schmerl [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 484, Date 1975
Life at the sea's frontiers, by Richard Perry [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 485, Date 1975
High arctic - an expedition to the unspoiled north, by George Miksch Sutton [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 485, Date 1975
Much is taken, much remains. Canadian issues in environmental conservation, by Rorke Bryan [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 486, Date 1975
The restoration of water levels in the Peace-Athabasca delta: report and recommendations, by Environmental Conservation Authority, Alberta [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 487, Date 1975
The oxygen revolution, by Geoffrey Mains [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 488, Date 1975
Marked by the Wild, eds. B. Littlejohn and J. Pearce [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 489, Date 1975
Fieldbook of Nature Photography, by Patricia Maye [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 490, Date 1975
Natural History Photography, ed. D. M. Turner [Review]
Vol 89, Iss 4, Page 490, Date 1975