II.—Notes on Helicograpsus, a new genus of Graptolites
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 23, Date 1868
III.—A few words on Euplectella aspergillum, Owen, and its inhabitants
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 26, Date 1868
IV.—Contributions to the study of the Entomostraca
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 30, Date 1868
On Hyalonema boreale
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 36, Date 1868
VII.—Notes on the Palæozoic Bivalved Entomostraca. No. VIII. Some Lower-Silurian species from the Chair of Kildare, Ireland
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 54, Date 1868
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 63, Date 1868
Occurrence of Tinnunculus cenchris in Britain
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 75, Date 1868
Lithodomous Annelids
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 76, Date 1868
Note on a variety (?) of Aleyonella fungosa
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 77, Date 1868
The pelvis and hind limbs of whales
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 79, Date 1868
On a remarkable form of Pleuronectidæ from the Mediterranean
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 80, Date 1868
VIII.—On a remarkable sponge from the North Sea
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 81, Date 1868
IX.—List of coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the west coast of Africa
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 91, Date 1868
XI.—Observations on some of the Heliotropieæ
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 121, Date 1868
XII.—On Phidiana lynceus and Ismaila monstrosa
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 133, Date 1868
XIV.—On some new species of diurnal lepidoptera from South America
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 141, Date 1868
Principles of geology, or the modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants considered as illustrative of geology. By Sir Charles Lyell, Bart., M.A., F.R.S. Tenth and entirely revised Edition. In two Volumes, 8vo. Vol. i. 1867; vol. ii. 1868
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 152, Date 1868
Acadian geology: the geological structure, organic remains, and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward island. By J. W. Dawson, M.A., LL.D., &c. &c. &c. Second Edition, revised and enlarged; with Geological Map and numerous Ill
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 153, Date 1868
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 159, Date 1868
Note on the existence of a large pelican in the turbaries of England
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 165, Date 1868
On Oliva auricularia, Lam., O. aquatilis, Reeve, and O. auricularia, D'Orb
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 167, Date 1868
On a viviparous Sea-Urchin
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 168, Date 1868
Note on the anatomy of Pontobdella verrucata (Leach)
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 170, Date 1868
Considerations upon the fixation of the limits between the species and the variety, founded upon the study of the European and Mediterranean species of the hymenopterous genus Polistes (Latr.)
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 171, Date 1868
On a new species of Chirogalus from the west coast of Madagascar
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 172, Date 1868
XV.—On the British species of Alpheus, Typton, and Axius, and on Alpheus Edwardsii of Audouin
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 173, Date 1868
XVI.—Contributions to the study of the Entomostraca
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 178, Date 1868
XVII.—On the existence of capillary arterial vessels in insects
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 184, Date 1868
XVIII.—On Aranea lobata, Pallas (A. sericea, Oliv.)
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 186, Date 1868
XIX.—Observations on some of the Heliotropieæ
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 191, Date 1868
XX.—On a point relating to the Histology of Rhynchonella
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 204, Date 1868
XXI.—On the law of development of the sexes in insects
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 205, Date 1868
XXIII.—On a new genus of Gastrotrichous Rotatoria
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 214, Date 1868
XXIV.—Contributions to the study of the Entomostraca
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 220, Date 1868
XXV.—Observations on the classification of Echinida, to serve as an introduction to the description of the tertiary fossil Echinodermata of Western Algeria
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 225, Date 1868
On a collection of Pteropods and Heteropods
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 229, Date 1868
Observations on some Mammalia from the North of China
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 230, Date 1868
Notes on some Algæ from a Californian hot spring
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 231, Date 1868
On the calamites and fossil Equiseta
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 235, Date 1868
XXVI.—On the typical value of the lingual dentition in the right distribution of the genera of Gasteropoda into natural groups and families
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 237, Date 1868
XXVIII.—Report on the Annelids dredged off the Shetland Islands by Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys in 1867
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 249, Date 1868
XXIX.—On the production of the Sexes in bees
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 252, Date 1868
XXXIII.—On the boring of certain Annelids
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 276, Date 1868
XXXIV.—On the structure of the shells of Brachiopoda
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 295, Date 1868
Description of a new species of thylacine (Thylacinus breviceps)
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 296, Date 1868
Notice of two new species of Salamandra from Central America
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 297, Date 1868
XXXVII.—Last report on dredging among the Shetland Isles
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 298, Date 1868
On a new class of Echinodermata
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 316, Date 1868
Coccoliths and coccospheres
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 317, Date 1868
On Tetilla euplocamos and Hyalonema boreale
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 319, Date 1868
On Hyalonema, Gray
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 320, Date 1868
XXXVIII.—On the occurrence of the palatal teeth of a fish belonging to the genus Climaxodus, M'Coy, in the Low-main shale of Newsham
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 321, Date 1868
XL.—Notes on the Lodoicea sechellarum, Labill
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 340, Date 1868
XLI.—Notes on the distribution in time of the various British species and genera of Graptolites
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 347, Date 1868
XLII.—Remarks upon Mr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys's last dredging report
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 357, Date 1868
XLIII.—On Ophiocrinus, a new genus of Comatulidæ
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 362, Date 1868
XLVI.—On Hyalonema Schultzei and on Eurete
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 372, Date 1868
Dei Funghi sospetti e velenosi del Territorio Sienese. Per Francesco Valenti-Serini, M.D. Pubblicato sotto gli auspicii e per cura della Reale Accademia di Medicina di Torino. Torino, 1868. [On the Suspected and Poisonous Fungi of the Territory of Siena
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 378, Date 1868
Acclimatization of parrots at Northrepps Hall, Norfolk
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 381, Date 1868
Note on Dr. Macdonald's paper on the dentition of Gasteropods
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 386, Date 1868
Note on Pompholyx, Lea, a new family of Fluviatile Mollusca
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 387, Date 1868
On the jaw of Cylindrella
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 389, Date 1868
On the name Alcyoncellum
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 390, Date 1868
Note on a double egg of a fowl
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 391, Date 1868
XLVIII.—On the Annelid family of the Maldaniea
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 393, Date 1868
XLIX.—Description of Fairbankia bombayana, a new genus and species of Rissoidæ from Western India
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 399, Date 1868
L.—On Elachista stellaris, a Seaweed new to the British flora
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 401, Date 1868
Notice of several species of spiders supposed to be new or little known to arachnologists
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 403, Date 1868
On Crustacea Amphipoda new to science or to Britain
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 411, Date 1868
On two isopods, belonging to the genera Cirolana and Anilocra, new to the British Islands
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 421, Date 1868
LIV.—Notes on deep-sea dredging
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 423, Date 1868
Notes on the bats of the Seychelles group of islands
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 436, Date 1868
LVII.—Notes on the transportation of living fish from south of the equator to Europe
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 438, Date 1868
LVIII.—Descriptions of some new genera and species of Alcyonoid corals in the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 441, Date 1868
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 447, Date 1868
An Essay on the Geology of Cumberland and Westmoreland. By H. A. Nicholson, D.Sc., M.B., F.G.S., &c. 8vo. London, 1868
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 450, Date 1868
A Monograph of the Recent British Ostracoda. By George Stewardson Brady, Esq. (Trans. Linn. soc. vol. xxvi.)
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 452, Date 1868
A mature shell of Cypræa fusco-dentata, Gray
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 455, Date 1868
Double eggs
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 456, Date 1868
On Myomorphus cubensis, a new subgenus of Megalonyx
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 457, Date 1868
On capillary vascular systems in the Gasteropoda
Ser 4, Vol 2, Page 459, Date 1868