L.—On the agency of bees in the fertilization of papilionaceous flowers, and on the crossing of Kidney Beans
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 459, Date 1858
LI.—Description of a new species of bird from Palestine
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 465, Date 1858
General Report upon the Zoology of the several Pacific Railroad Routes. Part II. Birds. By Spencer F. Baird, Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution; with the co-operation of John Cassin and George N. Lawrence. 1 vol. 4to, Washington, 1858
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 466, Date 1858
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 469, Date 1858
Note on Dysidea papillosa, Johnston
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 489, Date 1858
Why does the queen bee lay an unfecundated egg in the drone-cells, and a fecundated egg in those of the workers and queens? Is there in this, on the part of the queen, an intelligent or instinctive act?
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 490, Date 1858
On the development and propagation of the Trichocephalus dispar and Ascaris lumbricoides
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 491, Date 1858
Note on Enteromorpha cornucopiæ
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 492, Date 1858
On the liability of shells to injury from the growth of a fungus
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 493, Date 1858
Description of a new species of Himalayan mole (Talpa macrura)
Ser 3, Vol 2, Page 494, Date 1858