North Queensland Ethnography. Bulletin No. 14. Transport and trade
Vol 8, Page 1
North Queensland Ethnography. Bulletin No. 15. Decoration, deformation, and clothing
Vol 8, Page 20
North Queensland Ethnography. Bulletin No. 18. Social and individual nomenclature
Vol 8, Page 79
Description of cranial remains from Whangarei, New Zealand
Vol 8, Page 107
The results of deep-sea investigations in the Tasman Sea. I. The expedition of H.M.C.S. "Miner". No. 5. Polyzoa supplement
Vol 8, Page 118
Mineralogical notes. No. IX. Topaz, quartz, monazite, and other Australian minerals
Vol 8, Page 120
Descriptions of some new or noteworthy shells in the Australian Museum
Vol 8, Page 131
Australian tribal names, with their synonyms. Compiled from ethnographical works in the Australian Museum Library, 1909
Vol 8, Page 161