Distribution of Kansas Crayfishes
Vol 1, Iss 1, Page 1
Observations on Pollination of Solarium rostratum Dunal and Cassia chamcecrista L.
Vol 1, Iss 1, Page 15
Spermatid Transformations in Gryllus assimilis with special reference to the Nebenkern
Vol 1, Iss 2, Page 47
Dolichopodidae of Grenada, W. I.
Vol 1, Iss 3, Page 75
Report of Sanitary Chemical Water Analysis
Vol 1, Iss 4, Page 99
Projective Transformations in one Dimension and their Continuous Groups
Vol 1, Iss 5, Page 115
New Fossils from the Upper Carboniferous of Kansas
Vol 1, Iss 6, Page 147
Variation of the Spiralia in Seminula argentia (Shepard) Hall
Vol 1, Iss 6, Page 155
Coal Measures Faunal Studies, II, ( Beede and Rogers.) Fauna of the Shawnee Formation, (Haworth.) The Wabaunsee Formation, (Prosser.) The Cottonwood Limestone
Vol 1, Iss 7, Page 163
The Spermatocyte Divisions of the Locustidae
Vol 1, Iss 8, Page 185
Restoration of Dolichorhynchops osborni, a new Cretaceous Plesiosaur
Vol 1, Iss 9, Page 241
Notes on Some New or Little-known Extinct Reptiles
Vol 1, Iss 9, Page 247
On certain Homoplastic Characters in Aquatic Air-breathing Vertebrates
Vol 1, Iss 9, Page 259
Some New American Species of Cyclus from the Coal Measures
Vol 1, Iss 10, Page 269
Collineations in Space which Leave Invariant a Quadric Surface
Vol 1, Iss 11, Page 281
On Monoids
Vol 1, Iss 12, Page 305