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Production et fixation des variétés dans les végétaux. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

bottom-margin annotation 1865

lines 22—1 score
lines 10—8 double score
lines 19—14 annotation alway self—fertilised
from End Note annotation in blue crayon p 21 & 30 on Dichogamy
     affected by temperature
show subjects subjects

lines 4—12 score
from End Slip annotation in dark brown ink p.28.    on influence of Father — on colour &c. goodish evidence in certain cases
show subjects subjects

lines 27—32 score
lines 35—44 score
lines 31—34 score in blue crayon
lines 37—41 score in blue crayon
line 40 underline in blue crayon "gelées"
lines 30—38 annotation in blue crayon in cold weather pollen matured later
from End Note annotation in blue crayon p 21 & 30 on Dichogamy
     affected by temperature
show subjects subjects

lines 21—9 score

lines 28—32 score
lines 28—32 annotation in blue crayon “    ”
line 29 crossing-out in brown ink "aussi"
line 32 crossing-out in blue crayon "(note 34)"
lines 28—32 annotation ie. not crossed

lines 1—18 score
top-marginline 7 annotation Bud-variations

from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 12—14 annotation Roses get list
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "Baronne Prévost"
line 3 underline "cinq variétés"
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 27—28 annotation Cherry
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 6—3 score
lines 6—3 annotation does not revert perfectly
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations
show subjects subjects

lines 10—11 annotation 3 fruits
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations
show subjects subjects

line 10 annotation Plums
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 10—11 annotation Grapes
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations
show subjects subjects

lines 9—1 score
line 6 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ Apples sport
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 6—10 annotation Haricot Maize & Potatos
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 23—38 score in pale pencil
lines 23—34 annotation in pale pencil But this is by seed
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 38—41 score
lines 30—34 annotation ⧟ variable when sown by seed
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 15—18 score
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 26—33 annotation Hycanths
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations
show subjects subjects

lines 4—6 double score
lines 1—2 annotation Cytisus
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations
from End Note annotation 57 Cytisus Adami

lines 12—14 score
lines 12—13 annotation in blue crayon X
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 19—24 score
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

line 33 annotation horizontally crossed New charcter
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 36—37 score
from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

lines 21—34 score
lines 23—28 annotation Xt01 Bud Variation
     Effects of conditions

from End Note annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations
t01 - `X' in blue crayon

lines 13—4 score
lines 10—9 annotation ie
bottom-margin annotation strongly hereditary

lines 6—13 score
lines 6—13 annotation Double-flowers

lines 28—32 score
show subjects subjects

lines 33—40 score
lines 33—40 annotation form of bud variation like tulips,
from End Note annotation 70 Bud variations
show subjects subjects

lines 44—50 double score
lines 41—42 annotation conditions

lines 18—28 score
lines 13—25 annotation moss Rose frm seed
     by seedt01

from End Note annotation 70 Bud variations
t01 - `by seed' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 24—25 annotation by seed
show subjects concepts

line 43 underline "Mousseuse partout"
lines 40—45 score
lines 40—45 annotation Bud var
from End Note annotation 70 Bud variations

lines 26—19 score
lines 24—22 annotation Bud var
from End Note annotation 70 Bud variations

lines 16—8 double score
lines 11—8 double score
lines 16—14 annotation in blue crayon X
bottom-margin annotation → / good like his case of Radish — Cause of Variation /
show subjects subjects

lines 5—1 double score
lines 2—1 double score in blue crayon
lines 5—4 annotation in blue crayon X

lines 25—30 score
lines 25—30 score in pale pencil
lines 25—30 annotation Bud var.
t01 - `X' in blue crayon

lines 44—66 score in blue crayon

line 61 underline "anteflorale"
lines 57—61 score
lines 57—61 annotation !

bottom-margin annotation Causes of Variation
     Use these new facts under Var. under Nature

[continues overleaf] lines 13—6 score
lines 13—6 score in reddish-orange crayon
line 10 underline "Epine-Vinette"
lines 13—10 annotation Barberry

bottom-margin annotation ⧟ this is in successive buds, but all affected
t01 - `X' in blue crayon

[continuation] 1—3 score
top-margin annotation change slowly

lines 1—3 annotation X ⧟
lines 6—7 annotation X ⧟
bottom-margin annotation These facts of beech & Barbery bear [?]muc on relation of conditions t inheritance
show subjects subjects

lines 11—23 score in reddish-orange crayon
lines 15—20 double score
lines 17—19 annotation X
lines 20—23 double score

lines 18—15 multiple score in pale pencil
lines 13—4 score

annotation 21
show subjects concepts

annotation 34 to 58 [corrected from `57'] vry good, wonderful on Bud-Variations

annotation 65
show subjects concepts

annotation 70 Bud variations

annotation 72
show subjects concepts

annotation 57 Cytisus Adami
show subjects subjects

annotation top right in blue crayon p 21 & 30 on Dichogamy
     affected by temperature