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Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Befruchtung der vollkommeneren Gewächse. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 2 underline "Calw" @2 annotation X
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 6 score "IV"
line 6 annotation — ? Read
show subjects concepts

lines 7—10 score "V"
line 10 annotation in pale pencil Read
show subjects concepts

lines 12—15 score "VII" in pale pencil
line 13 annotation in pale pencil read
show subjects concepts

line 17 score "V 5"
line 17 annotation ‹Read›
show subjects concepts

line 18 at "Reizbarkeits-" annotation [?]irritability

line 20 score "IX" in pale pencil
line 20 annotation in pale pencil Read
show subjects concepts

line 21 score "X"
line 21 annotation Read
show subjects concepts

line 23 score "XI"
line 23 annotation XX

line 23 score "XI" in pale pencil
lines 23—24 annotation in pale pencil because it will show crossing

line 24 score "XII" in pale pencil
show subjects concepts

line 25 score "XIII" in pale pencil
line 25 annotation in pale pencil read
show subjects concepts

line 26 annotation in pale pencil read
show subjects concepts

line 27 annotation read
show subjects concepts

lines 6—7 underline "Leguminosen, Cruciaten"
lines 5—6 annotation after pollen
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 18—19 underline "Wandelbar fanden"
lines 18—21 annotation secretion ‹presume› variable, no doubt due to conditions
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

line 24 underline "Orchis ... maculata"
lines 24—25 score
lines 24—25 annotation no ‹honey› «secretion»
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 8—1 score
line 8bottom-margin annotation sometimes hony in hermaphrdite, but not in ‹a› unisexual flower of same specis. Sometimes in male sometime in female
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 7—13 score
lines 7—11 annotation quite absent in many flowers
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 14—15 annotation increases until flower falls
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 1—7 score
lines 1—7 annotation quite sterile Hybrids have nectar
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 9—16 score
lines 9—16 annotation does not think nectar can be acconted for by for insects alone t favour frctifictn
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.
show subjects subjects

line 11 at "europaea" annotation No nectar !!
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.
show subjects subjects

lines 11—12 underline "Tilia ... odorata"
lines 11—14 annotation smell & nectar do not go together
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 1—4 score
line 3 underline "den meisten"
top-margin annotation Generally th period of concepcion, th spreading of pollen, secretion of hony, & opening of flower all together.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 8—10 score
lines 8—10 annotation often put out frm circmstance

line 16 score [`bookmark']

lines 18—20 annotation Sometimes nectar before opening of anthers
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

line 23 underline "Leguminosen ... Cruciaten"
lines 23—26 annotation In these most nectar, when pollen is mostly or quite shed.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 15—8 annotation Thinks no relation between secretion of Hony & density of th Pollen— mny Families have no nectary
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 7—4 annotation no relation in quantity of pollen & nectar
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 1—2 underline "Asclpiadeen ... Orchideen"
lines 1—2 annotation Pollen not dusted yet much Honey
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

line 3 underline "Dichogamen"
line 4 underline "Lychnis ... androgynus"
lines 4—7 score
lines 4—7 annotation male flowers of these no nectar — but females have
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 8—9 score
lines 8—9 annotation castration no influence on nectar
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 12—14 annotation Absolutely sterile Hybrids have nectar
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

line 18 underline "Leguminosen ... Cruciaten"
line 19 underline "Dehiscenz ... Antheren"
lines 17—21 annotation in these nectar begins after opening of anthers.
     But then in Legum: pollen is brushed out by stigma

from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 11—6 annotation When frctiftn has taken place, nectar ceases, thogh pollen not shed.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 75 on Honey to p 92.

lines 12—13 underline "Leguminosen ... u.s.w."
lines 11—17 score
lines 11—17 annotation Pollen ‹shed first› «shed» before opening of flower ----→
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 104 on time of shedding pollen

line 4 underline "Malvaceen, Onagrarien"
line 8 underline "verstäuben"
lines 1—8 annotation Pollen usually dispersed in air, except in families where of large size as these. /

line 4 at "Malvaceen" annotation
lines 10—14 annotation a cloudt01 ‹varieties›t02 of 1/2 inch in diametert03
t01 - `a cloud' in pencil
t02 - deleted in pencil
t03 - `in diameter' in pencil
show subjects subjects

line 15 at "Korn- und Hanffeldern" annotation corn    & Hemp
lines 15—11 annotation clouds of pollen in corn & Hemp fields.
from Slip Attached 2, Side 2 annotation vertically crossed In Corn & Hemp Fields & Palms clouds of pollen p 107

whole-margin unmarked
from Slip Attached 2, Side 2 annotation p 116 Contabescence

lines 1—2 underline "Dianthus ... noctiflora"

lines 3—4 annotation Contabescence of anthers
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

line 21 underline "Potentilla ... officinalis:"
line 22 underline "Verbascum"
line 23 underline "Cucubalus Behen"
lines 18—20 annotation colour often changed of anther

line 9 underline "Geranium ... phaeum"
lines 10—9 annotation somtimes filled with Water
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 8—7 underline "Dianthus superbus"
line 6 annotation grain ill-shaped

line 3 double score
lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 annotation even no pollen anther shrivelled up.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 5—8 score
lines 5—8 annotation rarely sometimes only 1 or 2 anthers or 1/2 anther thus affected
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence
show subjects subjects

lines 13—16 score
lines 13—16 annotation Generally all flowers affected.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 17—22 annotation When one flower has one anther affected, all flower more or less affected.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

line 12 at "superbus" annotation Europe
line 8 at "barbatus" annotation Germany

lines 12—1 score
lines 4—2 underline "Wenn ... haben"
lines 11—9 annotation gradations in contabescence
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

top-margin annotation in pencil N.B Th contabescence probaly due to effect of conditions on parents, at least in many cases.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

top-marginline 23 annotation in pencil This is a point of resemblance to Hybrids which keep sterile during whole life.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 1—4 annotation these anthers can be perceived at earliest period of development
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 10—15 annotation affection permanent in individuals
     except in Silene

from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 16—19 annotation cannot be altered by cuttings &c or in new soil &c
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 19—20 underline "Dianthus ... Carthusianorum"
line 19 at "superbus" annotation Europe
line 19 at "Caryophyllus" annotation England
line 20 at "Carthusianorum" annotation Germany

lines 19—20 annotation These species continued so for 4 years
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

line 22 underline "Wildniss"
line 23 underline "Lychnis Viscaria"
lines 23—28 annotation a plant taken out of wild of Lychnis did not alter in the least.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

line 11 underline "Dianthus ... chinensis"
lines 12—6 annotation Nor did these alter when moved from pots to plain ground.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 8—5 annotation Doubts whether hereditary, for experiments give different results
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

bottom-margin annotation (A)    all this vehemntly against my notion of change of conditions, indeed, «almost» disproves it.— { I am not so sure any peculiarity wd be propagated by layers.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 119 on contabescence

lines 7—10 annotation concludes since an individual in earliest stage.— /

lines 10—15 annotation seems to occur in all plants, but more common in some than others, & most common in Hybrids.

line 14 underline "Caryophylleen"
line 14 annotation most common in free & cultivated Caryophyllea
show subjects subjects

lines 18—19 annotation next cases
lines 22—23 underline "Potentilla ... Zustande"
line 27 underline "Veronica"
line 27 underline "Pyrus Malus"
show subjects concepts

line 20 at "nigrum" annotation England
line 20 at "phoeniceum" annotation S. Europe
line 20 at "Blattaria" annotation Britain
line 20 at "phlomoides" annotation Italy

line 9 underline "Unfruchtbarkeit ... Gewächse"
lines 9—7 double score
lines 9—7
show subjects subjects

lines 3—1 score
line 3bottom-margin annotation In these female flowers, somtimes stamens occur in same state as th contabescent flowers

lines 17—28 annotation In these, contabescence hastens conception period, & praecosity of stigma always connected with contabescence; yet perhaps not necessarily allied

lines 8—23 annotation Contabescence has no destroying influence on female organs: but this not universal, for has observed instances with both sexes imperfect, many in ⧟
lines 24—26 underline "Verbascum ... behen"

line 12 underline "Dianthus ... superbus"
lines 10—17 annotation These species with quite sterile stamens produced normal number of seeds & no more.

line 5bottom-margin annotation Contabescence no effect on lengthening life of plant, even when conjoined with female impotence

top-margin annotation in pencil [ Must never forget th great fact that exotics most subject t these affections.]
show subjects subjects

lines 3—5 score
line 5 double score
lines 1—5 annotation above shows that contabesce confined in its action to the stamen alone.

lines 7—10 annotation Generally female organ not affected, when stamen are contabescent

lines 20—22 score
line 20 underline "Dianthus ... deltoides"
lines 16—22 annotation many have attributed this affection to planting in damp earth; but his found in light sand on mntains

lines 11—7 annotation These plants produced more pollen when nourished by pure water.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

bottom-margin annotation (no doubt cause of contabescence, must be vry early in life of plant, we know that state of plant one year determines its fruiting next year C.D)

line 2 underline "Dianthus japonicus"
lines 2—17 annotation This plant was quite sterile «for 4 years»t01 on female side but produced pollen.— offsets from it became quite contabescent & female organs remaining sterile
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen
t01 - `for 4 years' in pencil

lines 16—1 annotation
bottom-margin annotation 3 of this plant was quite fertile & all flowers & ‹flowrng› twigs which had flowered were cut off, & then all th flowers which came were more or less contabescent & many with precocious stigma & small corollas; (a) subsequently perfect flowers were again produced.— (b) Repeated same experimnt with same result next year.

lines 14—16 double score
lines 14—16 annotation (a) note on last page
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

line 24 score
line 24 annotation b
show subjects concepts

lines 26—28 score
lines 26—33 annotation never saw a male of this species with contabescent anthers, thinks therefore state is connected with hermaphrodite condition

top-marginline 12 annotation Thinks th contabescenc of Hybrids & pure species must be something distinct. —→ It is evident there is no difference in appearance in th two classes of facts

line 12 underline "C. Treviranus"
lines 14—19 annotation Trev attributes to fungi; G. inclined to think this is a secondary cause
     Leaves it all unexplained

lines 1—11 score
line 4 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation Pollen when some degree [illegible phrase] part gathered & placed in water or in transplanted plants, but female capacity much more easily injured —
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

top-margin annotation I do not doubt this shedding has caused belief in impregnation in closed flowers C.D.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 annotation In these anthers shed pollen when closed.    A
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

line 12 underline "ungekörnter"
lines 11—13 annotation ungrained pollen powerless
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

lines 23—24 score
lines 23—30 annotation Richness of pollen always great [I think can only be explained by crossing.] Of course dioecious & Monooecious plants must be excepted /
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon ✔ p. 128    on quantity of pollen.

line 3 underline "lines 8—10"
line 2 underline "lines 80—96"
line 2 annotation has ten times too much
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation to p 128 on richness of pollen

lines 6—7 annotation many seeds much pollen
show subjects subjects

line 11 underline "ein Eychen"
lines 11—15 score
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil    135    Each embryo requires more than one pollen grain —

lines 11—13 annotation Pollen different in Petunia

lines 16—21 score
line 21 underline "Tulpen"
lines 16—25 annotation Pollen generally same thrugout genus but different in different species of Dianthus & in varieties
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation    137— on pollen varyg in specis & individual of Dianthus
show subjects subjects

lines 3—1 multiple score
lines 6—2 annotation most importnt
     compare Kölreuter experiments & Gaertner's

from End Note annotation in dark grey ink N.B.    p 137.    on varieties of Verbascum crossingt01 usedt02
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 137    on fertility of vars of Verbascum according t colour.
     t p. 148 .
t01 - `p 137 ... crossing' vertically crossedin pencil
t02 - `used' in pencil

bottom-margin annotation good pollen known by bright colour, as well as regular shape

line 15 underline "Caryophylleen"
line 16 underline "48 ... kräftig"
lines 15—17 annotation (Q) Pollen
line 17 underline "Conceptionskraft"
line 17 annotation lines 4—6 days
line 20 underline "dritten"

line 5 underline "9"
line 5 annotation 9 days

line 19 underline "bis ... Jahr"

lines 9—16 score
lines 9—16 annotation in water all th grains do not explode, but some become transparent
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 137    on fertility of vars of Verbascum according t colour.
     t p. 148 .

bottom-margin annotation Finished from 104 — to 153
show subjects concepts

lines 13—10 unmarked
from End Note annotation in dark grey ink p. 212 { Fruchnoten [ie `Fruchtknoten'] = germen
     griffel = stylus
     narbe = stigma

lines 17—10 score
lines 16—10 score
line 17bottom-margin annotation N.B When many pistils, then number variable [when many of any organs apt to be variable; Why. Hairs &c &c vertebrae of serpents.]
     Nature does not keep count

lines 17—21 score
lines 15—24 annotation says anthers open in Labiatae before flowers open & implies impregnated then

line 16 double score [`bookmark']

bottom-margin annotation Read to here
show subjects concepts

lines 9—11 double score
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 236 secretion of stigma of Nicotiana took months to dry — so vy differt frm tht of Orchis.—
show subjects subjects

line 9 annotation Read
show subjects concepts

lines 5—12 annotation «concludes» ‹seems to think› all .C.C. Spengels dichogamy depends on th abnormal praecosity of pistil !!

lines 17—26 annotation Power of conception varies in individuals & sometimes absent without apparent cause
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.

lines 3—7 score
lines 2—13 annotation want of power of concepcion most often observed in exotic from warm countries. as in examples, but sometime observed in home plants.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.

lines 17—28 score
lines 17—28 annotation influence of fresh air, & light seems necssry to fertility of some plants, as in these when placed in pots in chamber, though pollen was produced.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.

line 10 at "unverlezte" annotation unhurt
lines 10—9 score
lines 10—9 annotation (a)
line 5 at "Uebersiedelung" annotation transplantation
line 4 underline "getrauert"
line 4 annotation mourned
bottom-margin annotation unhurt roots appear vry important for conception, for plant ‹with flowers set,› if thy have not ‹mourned› «mourned» over transplantation, But seldom give good seed.— has often experimentised on this.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.
show subjects subjects

lines 1—12 score
line 3 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation «In many cases» Plants in pots with roots coming out of vent-hole in bottom, taken up with greatest care, & with pots placed in saucer with water, though development of flower continued as much ,& pollen good was produced, yet ovarium was ‹never perfected› «remained undeveloped & unfertilized» — so never in cut-flowers in water
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.

line 15 score
line 15 annotation [on page 253] ⧟ But roots were left p 333
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.

line 13 score
lines 13—10 annotation [on page 253] cases of Cruciferae producg seeds in cut flowers & cases of monocotyledonous plant doing — same.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.

lines 1—7 score
line 3 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation But Digitalis has stood transplanting out of open ground into pots, & has yet retained capacity of being fertilised.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p 250 on concepcion. to p. 253.
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation (Chapter) (Read)
show subjects concepts

line 7 unmarked
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 256    Reichenback    Vol I.    p. 120

lines 1—14 score
top-marginline 17 annotation From general way of speaking of coincidence of stamens & pistils evidently does not believe in Conrad Sprengel
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367
show subjects subjects

lines 14—9 score
lines 15—2 annotation In these Fam. pollen shed & partially spread on stigma before flower opened
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

lines 9—2 score
lines 8—6 annotation occasionally within flowers
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

lines 1—6 score
lines 1—6 annotation
top-margin annotation In these sometimes corolla ready befor stamen
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

lines 9—18 score
lines 9—18 annotation Pistils generally ready after stamen
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

lines 7—3 score
bottom-margin annotation The relation of developmnt of flower & organs of fructification not vry fixed, especially in Exotics
show subjects subjects

lines 1—2 score
top-margin annotation Mny plants more fertile in wild state than in Garden or greenhouse.

lines 3—16 score
lines 11—12 underline "Gräsern ... u.s.w."
line 13 underline deleted "Sarmenatceen"
line 13 underline deleted "Succulenten"
line 14 underline deleted "Zwiebel ... Knollengewächse"
line 15 annotation nothing
lines 5—12 annotation In some, rich food makes more seed, in others a withdrawal oft01 food. In former, thant02 with dark.
line 16 underline "Henschel"
line 16 annotation Has written on the above
t01 - `withdrawal of' in pencil
t02 - `than' in pencil

lines 13—14 underline "Labiaten ... Irideen"
lines 10—12 annotation aid of insects overrated by som, underated by other

lines 20—1 score
lines 17—12 annotation admits to considerable extent service of insects in imprgntn—
bottom-margin annotation Ch. Morren worth reading

lines 15—6 score
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

lines 4—16 score
lines 4—19 annotation In most flowers stamen & pistil so near «together» tht by th twistng of anthers must be impregnated; & th co-temp ripeness of both bears on this point.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

line 20 double score [`bookmark']

line 12 annotation Campanula

line 23 underline "zehn"
line 23 annotation 10 pollen
lines 26—27 annotation failed
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 345 347 } quantity of pollen requisit for full fertilisation
show subjects subjects

line 30 annotation 20 pollen
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 345 347 } quantity of pollen requisit for full fertilisation
show subjects subjects

lines 2—1 annotation 30 gr failed
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 345 347 } quantity of pollen requisit for full fertilisation
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin --------→ [starts on page 344]

top-margin annotation Malva

line 5 underline "Vierzig"
line 5 annotation 40
lines 15—16 underline "die ... versehen"
lines 1—16 annotation in pencil Som grain seem used to exact position of capsule &c
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 18 ⧟ [to page 347]
show subjects subjects

lines 16—8 annotation In Malva 40 grains required for even imperfect impregntn

line 2 underline "Einklang"
line 2 annotation unison

line 6 annotation XX
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 345 347 } quantity of pollen requisit for full fertilisation

line 14 annotation S. p. 351
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 345 347 } quantity of pollen requisit for full fertilisation

[continuation] lines 11—9 ⧟→ [from page 346]
lines 11—9 annotation
line 9 annotation saturated
show subjects subjects

line 6 underline "15 ... 20"
line 7 annotation failed
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367
show subjects subjects

lines 14—15 underline "30 ... 35"
lines 14—15 annotation failed
show subjects subjects

line 26 underline in pale pencil "vierten"
show subjects subjects

line 3 underline "einen ... an"
show subjects subjects

lines 5—8 score
show subjects subjects

line 16 underline in pale pencil "wiederholte"
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon ✔ 351 600 } Successive application of pollen necessary
     (for Orchids)

line 11 double score [`bookmark']

lines 11—6 score
lines 11—5 annotation signs of fructificatn slower after evening fructifctn than after morning fruct. Is not this like Hybrids.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367

line 5 underline "Urtica pillulifera"
lines 6—1 score
line 4bottom-margin annotation becam more fruitful & almost exclusively female by th destroying of male flower — Bernhardi has observed opposite in Cannabis

lines 8—1 score
bottom-margin annotation When seeds few nmber constant, when many seeds variable.— Law of variability — Low animals, generlly most vegetable .

lines 3—10 score
lines 4—5 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation (a) In artificial impregnation number of seeds ‹also› often more variable , accounts for it by isolation out of free air
lines 11—15 score
lines 11—15 annotation But in some cases can hardly account for difference
lines 17—20 score
lines 17—21 annotation ‹Not alwys› some are as fruitful in Chamber as in free
line 22 annotation nott01 castration
t01 - `not' in pencil

lines 1—1 annotation All these observations show that he must have considered all causes affecting his standard of comparison for Hybrids

bottom-margin annotation All above shows how easily & inexplicably fertility is affected—

bottom-margin annotation / ☞ / p. 600 important experimt showg tht repeated application of pollen necessry for full impregnation & th is «is» nott01 done artificially
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 328 on periods of concepcion
     to p 367
t01 - `is «is» not' in pencil

lines 13—16 score
lines 11—24 annotation Has observed pollen out of another individual in these 3 genera more efficacious ie advantage of crossing —

lines 11—1 score
bottom-margin annotation artificial self-impregnation often entirely fails, for reasons quite inexplicable —
     Very odd that he never seems to have included Primula in this Category.—

from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 366 self-fert. often fails in ‹Malvaceae› Lycium, Tropaeolum, || Mirabilis & Campanula & Lycium —

line 6 double score [`bookmark']

line 11 underline "stetiger"
line 11 annotation continued
line 12 underline "verharren"
line 12 annotation [?]retard
line 14 underline "Strömung"
line 14 annotation current

bottom-margin annotation Read & Skimmed
from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 440    on abortion    p. 444
show subjects concepts

lines 16—18 score
lines 14—18 annotation Thinks quantity of pollen merely for security of impregnation.

lines 20—23 score in pencil
lines 20—23 annotation in pencil But pollen is perfected.

lines 4—1 score
line 1 underline "500 Eychen"
line 6bottom-margin annotation In polyspermous plants, always some ovules abort.— → 300/500 — 100/150 — 80/120

lines 12—3 score
lines 13—14 underline "Syngenesia ... necessaria"
line 17 underline "Caucalia ... Daucus"
line 19 underline "Viburnum Opulus"
lines 18—26 annotation / curious experimt t try t remove fertile flowers & see whether sterile wd become fertile /

lines 9—4 score
lines 10—1 annotation cuttings &c give plants apt to abort
     luxuriant fruit

from Slip Attached 1, Side 1 annotation p. 440    on abortion    p. 444

line 31 score [`bookmark']

line 13 double score [`bookmark']

lines 8—11 score
line 9 underline "hinreichend"
9 annotation [?]adequate
line 9 annotation (a)
lines 11—12 underline "der ... getäuscht"
top-margin annotation «above 500 experiments.» We thought it sufficient if our experimental plants were from lines 6—800 steps from their like kind, when castrated, but wer much deceived
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 539 on crosses takng place at distances p. 550. do
from Slip Attached 3 annotation Dichogamy
     Gärtner Kenntniss S. 539
     on plants lines 6—800 yards fertilisng each other
     vy good .    p551 ?
     p lines 573—577

line 16 underline "zwei"
line 16 annotation 2/2 flowers
show subjects subjects

lines 20—22 crossing-out "Datura ... ab"
lines 20—22 annotation 0/2
show subjects subjects

lines 23—25 annotation 3/5 flowers gave good seed

lines 6—5 annotation 2/2

lines 2—1 annotation ‹2/3›    6/9

lines 4—6 annotation 2/2

lines 8—10 annotation 2/4

lines 11—12 annotation 1/1

lines 14—15 annotation 1/1

lines 16—17 annotation 1/1
show subjects subjects

lines 19—21 annotation 1/1

lines 23—25 annotation 1/2

lines 28—30 annotation 3/4

lines 5—1 annotation 36 flowr
     25 were impregnatedt01
t01 - `25 were impregnated' in pencil

bottom-margin annotation In these castrated flowers no doubt stigma wd remain far longer ready for impregnation than in hermaphrodites, yet it shows how much pollen of sam specis is carried t sam flower ( V 5)

table col 2 1 at "8562" annotation [-] 520 [=] 8042
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 539 on crosses takng place at distances p. 550. do

table col 4 1 at "6615" annotation [+] 1747 [=] 8362
     number of flowers of pure species experimentised

from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 539 on crosses takng place at distances p. 550. do

table cols 6—8 1 annotation seed
top-margin annotation 202 [+] 19 [=] 221
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 539 on crosses takng place at distances p. 550. do

table col 9 t annotation 202/520
lines 2—6 annotation —Very striking this many out of 520 flowers dusted with foreign pollen
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 539 on crosses takng place at distances p. 550. do

table col 9 1 underline "70"
bottom-margin annotation — No doubt these refer t pollen left in flower or brought frm outside
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 539 on crosses takng place at distances p. 550. do

lines 4—3 underline "Syringa vulgaris"
line 4bottom-margin annotation Is this Lilac, if so no seed.
     Yes it is

lines 9—10 score
line 12 underline "Syringa vulgaris"
lines 8—17 annotation Many exotic plants produce fruit but no seed, rather owing to bad pollen than female organ.—
show subjects subjects

top-margin apparently unintentional mark

line 18 apparently unintentional mark

[continues overleaf] lines 3—1 score
line 3 underline "Frühzeitigkeit"
lines 4—3 annotation precocious good word
bottom-margin annotation Power of concepcion in th frühzeitig stigma causes impregnation before flower opens
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

lines 10—12 score
line 11 underline "80 ... 100"
lines 8—15 annotation has observed after fruct in Nicotiana when lines 80—100 yards distant; on account of fineness of pollen.—
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

from Slip Attached 3 annotation Dichogamy
     Gärtner Kenntniss S. 539
     on plants lines 6—800 yards fertilisng each other
     vy good .    p551 ?
     p lines 573—577
show subjects subjects

line 16 underline "(S. ... 511)"
line 16 annotation read.
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

lines 5—1 score
lines 13—15 annotation all cases of after fruct.
line 16 annotation 19
line 10 annotation deleted 10
line 7 annotation 13
line 4 annotation 3
bottom-margin annotation ( about 23 genera )
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

line 2 annotation 2
lines 1—4 annotation 19 [+] 18 [=] 37 specis
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

lines 11—14 score
line 15 underline "Lächerlich"
line 15 annotation laughable
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

from Slip Attached 3 annotation Dichogamy
     Gärtner Kenntniss S. 539
     on plants lines 6—800 yards fertilisng each other
     vy good .    p551 ?
     p lines 573—577
show subjects subjects

line 4 underline "520"
line 6 underline "202 Afterbefruchtung"
top-margin annotation 409 (levng 29 wh seds did not grow)
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

table col "Afterbefr" b annotation [=] 8
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

table col "Afterbefr" t annotation 8
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

table col "Afterbefr" 1 annotation [=] 70
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

bottom-margin annotation The fewness of the after befrucht. here compared with those given before in experimt out of doors, show that the latter received pollen from other flowers, I think
from Slip Attached 1, Side 2 annotation p 571    on crossing &c
     to 577.    do.

lines 5—17 score
lines 5—17 annotation repeated impregnation necessary to full impregnation of Tropaeolum
from Slip Attached 2, Side 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon ✔ 351 600 } Successive application of pollen necessary
     (for Orchids)

lines 18—17 double score in pale pencil

lines 14—10 score
line 10 underline "1838 ... XII"

line 7 score
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ on distnction of some Lichnis
show subjects concepts

line 3 score cancelled
top-margin annotation ⧟ Mustel on fruit in glass cases not having seed