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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
No Marks
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 4—5 score
line 4 underline "bargain"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 24 30 } It is clear tht brides ‹bought› «purchased» but man wd choose prettiest■— except when bought usully yong. —■ It will ■depend on forms of in■heri■tance commn to Man, whether ■♀s ■alone or both sexes affected ■

lines 13—16 score
line 13 underline "Kalmucks"
line 13 underline "price"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 24 30 } It is clear tht brides ‹bought› «purchased» but man wd choose prettiest■— except when bought usully yong. —■ It will ■depend on forms of in■heri■tance commn to Man, whether ■♀s ■alone or both sexes affected ■

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 5—2 double score
⇑line 1 →
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 31 40 } choice in woman
show subjects subjects

lines 9—13 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 31 40 } choice in woman
show subjects subjects

lines 4—8 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 45 no choice when captured—t01
t01 - `when captured—' in dark grey ink

bottom-margin →

lines 6—17 annotation why not a father receive mony for partng with his useful daughter ?
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark grey ink, vertically crossed in pencil 50 No Barter

bottom-margin annotation There is no evidence as yet that men might not mary in own tribe — if thy lost their wife thy wd steal later

⇑lines 8—5 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 74 / 76 } choice— Bethrd [ie `Betrothed'] does not keep woman.t01
t01 - `} choice— ... woman.' in dark grey ink

[continuation] 5—6 score
line 5 underline "celebrated ... beauty"

⇑lines 3—1 double score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 74 / 76 } choice— Bethrd [ie `Betrothed'] does not keep woman.t01
t01 - `} choice— ... woman.' in dark grey ink

lines 13—18 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 95 122 } intermarriage incestuous.t01
t01 - `122 } ... incestuous.' in dark grey ink

lines 2—4 score

lines 7—12 score
lines 6—13 annotation Keep tribe similar
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 118 120 (Exogamy keeps distinct tribes similar oposed to sexual selection.)t01
t01 - `(Exogamy keeps ... selection.)' in dark grey ink

lines 3—8 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 118 120 (Exogamy keeps distinct tribes similar oposed to sexual selection.)t01
t01 - `(Exogamy keeps ... selection.)' in dark grey ink

lines 10—15 score
lines 14—15 score in pale pencil

lines 9—11 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed 95 122 } intermarriage incestuous.t01
t01 - `122 } ... incestuous.' in dark grey ink

lines 7—11 score

lines 1—4 score
lines 1—2 annotation Gorilla
show subjects subjects

lines 1—3 double score in blue crayon

⇑lines 8—5 score
⇑lines 7—6 annotation ?
⇑line 4 underline in blue crayon "some ... promiscuous"

[continues overleaf] 6—14 score in blue crayon
lines 7—13 score
lines 10—13 score
lines 10—13 score in dark pencil
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed vertically crossedin dark grey ink 166. 165 — origin of infanticide in lessen number of Women.

[continuation] 1—4 unmarked
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed vertically crossedin dark grey ink 166. 165 — origin of infanticide in lessen number of Women.

lines 1—7 annotation More Males killed in War

lines 8—12 double score
lines 11—15 score in blue crayon
lines 13—15 score
⇑lines 4—2 double score in blue crayon

lines 2—5 score
lines 6—8 score

lines 9—11 score in blue crayon
lines 9—11 annotation in blue crayon ?
lines 12—14 double score in blue crayon

lines 7—11 score
⇑lines 6—4 score
⇑lines 2—1 double score
bottom-margin annotation Fuegians
show subjects subjects

lines 1—7 score in blue crayon
lines 7—9 score in blue crayon
lines 7—9 underline in blue crayon "The ... existence"
line 8 underline in reddish-orange crayon "assuming"

lines 7—8 underline in blue crayon "have ... promiscuity"
lines 7—8 annotation in blue crayon ?
⇑lines 9—7 score in blue crayon
⇑lines 5—2 score in blue crayon
⇑lines 6—2 score

lines 3—7 score
lines 5—9 score in blue crayon

lines 5—8 score
⇑lines 5—1 score
lines 2—⇑3 annotation There may have been a stage with infanticide & othr stages of almst promisc combining
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossed The scarcity of Women frm infanticide of femles x «leading to» ‹promiscuous intercourse› & polyandry , wd make the selection of women very difficult— On othr hand men wd then be selected — ( p. 176 Promiscuousness a gret difficulty )

bottom-margin annotation Judging from the lower animals, I cannot persuade myself that at any early times powerful Men would not get more wives & [?]haresmes

lines 1—9 score
lines 7—9 underline "Its ... compared to"
line 6 at "earlier" annotation but not earliest →
top-margin annotation can this account for races formerly modified & then being stationary: but now acting a little
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation vertically crossedin dark grey ink to .... 208 good summary on ‹Polyandry›t01 & exogamy . As yet ‹idea of› «practice of avoidng» incest not explained, probably arose in time of monkey-men
t01 - deleted in dark grey ink
show subjects subjects

⇑line 9 underline "artificially"

[continues overleaf] ⇑5 underline "of ... due"
⇑lines 4—3 underline "are ... polyandry"

[continuation] 2—7 score
line 3 underline "practising polygunia"
line 7 underline "originally promiscuous"
annotation ⸮⸮

lines 5—14 score
lines 1—13 annotation but it wd hold to female with which each man was familiar
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation vertically crossed «p.» «----» 288 I cannot help doubtng whether lesser nmber of ♀s owg to infanticide was so common as to make so mny tribes exogamous — ⸮ Extension of feelng for a cross — where close interbreedng in small tribes — passion — instinctive for foreign blood .
show subjects subjects