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Book Title
On the nature of limbs
Publication Details
London, John Van Voorst, 1849
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation 2.    The primal pattern of all the modifications of a part

annotation 9. Man does not trammel himself in his inventions by any common type

annotation 10 Final causes not sole governing principle 14, 37

annotation 13 Capital comparison of hand of Mole, Bat & Fin    ■
show subjects subjects

annotation 33 In Elk rudimentary hoofs of use in marshy ground    ■
show subjects subjects

annotation 35 Abortion of one toe variable in Ourang
show subjects subjects

annotation 39 a desire to ascend to cause of Homologies

annotation 40 On Head of Human foetus formed of pieces for parturition not applicable. to Chick
show subjects subjects

annotation 45. Horses legs & Lepidosiren good contrast of simplicity frm abortion & original
show subjects subjects

annotation 45 Only rudiment of Pelvis in Whales — 78 rudimental limbs in Boa
show subjects subjects

annotation 82 Lepidosiren realises nearly ideal Archetype (see my remarks at end of volume)

annotation 84. Some think falsely «(I agree)» that conformity of plan is opposed to idea of design.

annotation 86    Alludes in grandiloquent sentence to some law governig progression, guided by archetypal light — &c.—

annotation 99    Vertebrae of head & thorax first developed

annotation    103 on variability of coalesence of segmnts of Vertebrae.—

annotation 115 Rudimental tail proportionally longer in embryo man, than subsequently.

annotation I look at Owens Archetypus as more than ideal, as a real representation as far as the most consummate skill & loftiest generalizations can represent th parent-form of th Vertebrata . —
     I follow him that there is a created archetype, the parent of its■ classt01
t01 - `I follow ... class' in pale pencil
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annotation p. 2.
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