By: Gyldenstolpe, Nils, - Swedish Zoological Expeditions to Siam, 1911-1912, 1914-1915.Edition:Publication info: Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksells, 1916Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Gyldenstolpe, Nils,Type: ArticleIn: IbisVolume: 2Series: 11Issue: 2Date: 1920Page Range: 446--496Publication Info: [London], Published for the British Ornithologists' Union by Academic Press,Subjects:
By: Gyldenstolpe, Nils,Type: ArticleIn: IbisVolume: 2Series: 11Issue: 3Date: 1920Page Range: 569--607Publication Info: [London], Published for the British Ornithologists' Union by Academic Press,Subjects:
By: Gyldenstolpe, Nils,Type: ArticleIn: Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingarVolume: 57Series:Issue:Date: 1916Page Range: 1--59Publication Info: Stockholm, L.L. Grefing,Subjects: