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  1. By: Mill, John Stuart,
    Edition: 8th ed.
    Publication info: New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1900
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - St. Michael’s College (John M. Kelly Library)
  2. By: Mill, John Stuart,
    Publication info: London, J. W. Parker, 1843
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
  3. By: Mill, John Stuart,
    Publication info: New York, Harper, 1846
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
  4. By: Mill, John Stuart,
    Edition: 7th ed.
    Publication info: Longmans, Green, 1868
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
  5. By: Mill, John Stuart,
    Edition: 7th ed.
    Publication info: London, Longmans, Green, Reader, adn Dyer, 1868
    Holding Institution: Saint Mary's College of California
  6. By: Mill, John Stuart,
    Edition: [8th ed.]
    Publication info: London, Longmans, Green, 1919
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library