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  1. By: Gray, Asa, - Mohr, Charles (Charles Theodore), - Montagne, Jean François Camille, - Morong, Thomas, - Morrow, James, - Müller, Johannes, Argoviensis, - Muir, John, - Munro, William, - Munson, T. V. (Thomas Volney), - Murray, Amelia M. (Amelia Matilda), - Morris European and American Express Co.,
    Publication info: [1840-1895]
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
  2. By: Kennedy, George G. (George Golding), - Bacon, Alice Elizabeth, - Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), - Bailey, William Whitman, - Baker, Harvey Humphrey, - Barnes, Charles Reid, - Bishop, James N. (James Nathaniel), - Brainerd, Ezra, - Braithwaite, Robert, - Briggs, George K. - Britton, Elizabeth G. (Elizabeth Gertrude), - Britton, Nathaniel Lord, - Brusati, Luigi, - Churchill, Joseph Richmond, - Collins, Frank S. (Frank Shipley), - Collins, J. Franklin (James Franklin), - Crocker, George G. (George Glover), - Cummings, Prentiss, - Cutter, Marshall Munroe, - Deane, Walter, - Farlow, W. G. (William Gilson), - Faxon, Charles Edward, - Faxon, Edwin, - Faxon, Walter, - Fernald, Merritt Lyndon, - Floyd, Frederick Gillan, - Gibbs, W. B., - Goodale, George L. (George Lincoln), - Greenough, Charles P. (Charles Pelham), - Grout, A. J. (Abel Joel), - Hancock, John, - Heller, Amos Arthur, - Hodges, Almon Danforth, - Holzinger, J. M. (John Michael), - Hooker, Joseph Dalton, - Huntington, John Warren, - Ingraham, Rhoby, - Jesup, Henry G. (Henry Griswold), - Jones, L. R. (Lewis Ralph), - Kidder, Nathaniel Thayer, - Lorenz, Annie, - Lorenz, William Albert, - Macoun, James Melville, - Macoun, John, - Morong, Thomas, - Rand, Edward L. (Edward Lothrop), - Richardson, W. L. (William Lambert), - Robertson, J. Ross (John Ross), - Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln, - Ruskin, John, - Sargent, Charles Sprague, - Thaxter, Roland, - Tilden, Josephine E. (Josephine Elizabeth) - Tilton, George Henry, - Trelease, William, - True, Rodney H. (Rodney Howard), - Whorf, Edward Henry, - Williams, Blanche E. Wheeler, - Williams, Emile Francis, - Harvard University. - Quincy's Market (Boston, Mass.),
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    BHL Collections: Archives from the Boston Metropolitan Park Flora | Joseph Dalton Hooker Collection
  3. By: Collins, J. Franklin (James Franklin), - Macoun, Helen D., - Macoun, James Melville, - Macoun, John, - Madison, Harold Lester, - Magoon, Eva Waterman, - Mann, B. Pickman (Benjamin Pickman), - Manning, Warren H. (Warren Henry), - Mansfield, Nellie F., - Marchal, Élie, - Merrill, Elmer D. (Elmer Drew), - Metcalf, Esther Pierce, - Miles, Mabel M., - Miller, John - Miller, Mary Farnham, - Mitten, Flora, - Morong, Thomas, - Morris, Edward Lyman, - Moulton, Elizabeth P., - Munro, Wilfred Harold, - Nelson, Nelson Lawrence T., - Newman, Stephen Morrell, - Nichols, George E. (George Elwood), - Nicholson, William Edward, - Norton, Arthur Herbert, - Nott, Charles Palmer, - Osterhout, W. J. V. (Winthrop John Van Leuven), - Pammel, L. H. (Louis Hermann), - Parrique, Géraud, - Pearce, Edward Douglas, - Pearson, William Henry, - Pease, Arthur Stanley,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
  4. By: Morong, Thomas, - Deane, Walter,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    BHL Collections: Archives from the Boston Metropolitan Park Flora
  5. By: Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), - Bebb, M. S. (Michael Schuck), - Blaschka, Rudolf, - Deane, Walter, - Lloyd, C. G. (Curtis Gates), - Morong, Thomas, - Owen, Maria L. (Maria Louisa), - Rose, J. N. (Joseph Nelson), - Allen, Glover M. (Glover Morrill), - Audubon, Florence, - Audubon, Maria R. (Maria Rebecca), - Bailey, Eliza R., - Barnes, Charles Reid, - Batchelder, Annie V. - Batchelder, Charles Foster, - Benson, Albert Emerson, - Brainerd, Ezra, - Brewster, William, - Carr, Albert Bonus - Carr, Gladys V. - Chase, Agnes, - Cheney, Robert F., - Christensen, Abby W., - Churchill, Joseph Richmond, - Coolidge, Charles Austin, - Curtiss, Allen Hiram, - Cushing, Mary, - Deane, Charles E., - Demetrio, C. H. (Charles Hermann), - Dexter, Lucy W., - Dexter, Mary, - Eames, Edwin Hubert, - Eaton, A. A. (Alvah Augustus), - Eggleston, W. W. (Willard Webster), - Faber, Helen R., - Faber, Richard R., - Farlow, W. G. (William Gilson), - Farwell, Oliver Atkins, - Faxon, Edwin, - Fernald, George B., - Fernald, Merritt Lyndon, - Foord, William M., - Foster, Theodore B., - Ganong, William Francis, - Gattinger, Augustin, - Glatfelter, Noah Miller, - Goodale, George L. (George Lincoln), - Greene, Edward Lee, - Greenman, Anne T., - Greenman, J. M. (Jesse More), - Hay, G. U. (George Upham), - Heading, Alice J., - Herriot, W., - Hervey, E. W. (Eliphalet Williams), - Hill, E. J. (Ellsworth Jerome), - Hitchcock, A. S. (Albert Spear), - Holm, Theodor (Herman Theodor), - Hopkins, Richard J., - Huber, Lucretia M., - Jesup, Henry G. (Henry Griswold), - Kennedy, George G. (George Golding), - Knowlton, Frank Hall, - Scribner, Frank Lamson, - Linder, Charles, - Lowell, James Arnold, - Lunell, J. (Joel), - Mathews, F. Schuyler (Ferdinand Schuyler), - Maxon, William R. (William Ralph), - McAtee, W. L. (Waldo Lee) - Meehan, Thomas, - Munter, William H., - Oldys, Henry, - Paton, Lucy Allen - Pease, Arthur Stanley, - Peebles, Florence - Peebles, Florence, - Penhallow, D. P. (David Pearce), - Pennock, Charles J., - Philbrook, Augustus E., - Porter, Thomas C. (Thomas Conrad), - Pringle, Cyrus G. (Cyrus Guernsey), - Putnam, Bessie Lucina, - Putnam, William T., - Rand, Edward L. (Edward Lothrop), - Rau, Eugene A. (Eugene Abraham), - Rehder, Alfred, - Richardson, Martha Bebb, - Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln, - Rolfe, W. J. - Sandberg, John Herman, - Scudder, Winthrop S., - Sheppard, Susan, - Shute, Fred A., - Spaulding, F. B., - Sprague, A. C., - Steere, Rebecca P., - Stone, Phoebe J., - Stowell, Ruth K., - Suksdorf, Wilhelm, - Tatnall, Edward, - Tatnall, Edward, - Terry, Emily Hitchcock, - Thaxter, Roland, - Thayer, Evelyn - Thayer, John Eliot, - Townsend, Charles Wendell, - Underwood, Lucien Marcus, - Vasey, George, - Ward, Lester F. (Lester Frank), - Ward, Lester F. (Lester Frank), - Ware, Robert Allison, - Weatherby, Charles Alfred, - Wiegand, K. M. (Karl McKay), - Williams, Emile Francis, - Williams, R. S. (Robert Statham), - Williams, R. S. (Robert Statham), - Wood, Casey A. (Casey Albert), - Woodhouse, S. W. (Samuel Washington), - Harvard University. Gray Herbarium.
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    BHL Collections: Archives from the Boston Metropolitan Park Flora | William Brewster Papers | Women in Natural History
  6. By: Morong, Thomas,
    Publication info: New York, Torrey Botanical Club, 1893
    Holding Institution: Wellesley College Library