De historia stirpium commentarii insignes
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De historia stirpium commentarii insignes : maximis impensis et uigiliis elaborati, adiectis earundem uiuis plusquam quingentis imaginibus, nunquam antea ad naturae imitationem artificiosius effictis & expressis / <U+01C2>c Leonharto Fuchsio medico hac nostra aetate longè clarissimo, autore. Regiones peregrinas pleriq[ue], alij alias, sumptu ingenti, studio indefesso, nec sine discrimine uirae nonnunquam, adierunt, ut simplicium materiae cognoscendae facultatem compararent sibi: eam tibi materiam uniuersam summo & impensarum & temporis compendio, procul discrimine omni, tanquam in uiuo iucundissimoq́[ue] uiridario, magna cum uoluptate, hinc cognoscere licebit. Accessit ijs succincta admodum uocum difficilium & obscurarum passim in hoc opere occurrentium explicatio. Vnà cum quadruplici indice, quorum primus quidem stirpium nomenclaturas Graecas, alter Latinas, tertius officinis seplasiariorum & herbarijs usitatas, quartus Germanicas continebit

Title Variants

Alternative: De historia stirpium commentarii insignes
Alternative: De historia stirpivm commentarii insignes


Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566

Füllmaurer, Heinrich , ill.
Füllmaurer, Heinrich
Holbein, Hans, 1497-1543
Meyer, Albert, fl 1542-
Meyer, Albrecht, fl 1542- , ill.
Specklin, Veit Rudolph, 1550
Specklin, Veit Rudolph, 1550 , engraver.




Published material

Publication info

Basileae, In officina Isingriniana, anno Christi MDXLII [1542]


509 full page woodcuts (included in pagination); portraits of author (title page verso) and illustrators (penultimate leaf recto).

Plant names given in Latin, Greek and German in text and index, but in Latin and German only as captions to ill.

Woodcut ill. of plants, including their roots. Port. of author on t.p. verso. Ports. of the draughtsmen (Heinricus Füllmaurer, Albertus Meyer) and the block cutter (Vitus Rodolph. Speckle) on p. [897]. Michael Isengrin's device on t.p. and last p., with words "Palma Ising." (Basler Büchermarken, 154). Historiated initials. Those on α2r and A2r are metal cuts after Hans Holbein by CV; see Hollstein's German engravings XIV B, 145.

Probably the first book which contains not only the names, but also the ports. of its illustrators. See Klebs. A catalogue of early herbals. 1925, no. 72.

Illustrated by Heinricus Füllmaurer, Albertus Meyer ("pictores") and Vitus Rodolph. Speckle ("sculptor").

Signatures: α⁶ β⁸ A-Z⁶ a-3f⁶.

Woodcut publisher's device on title page and colophon, with motto: Palma Ising.

Initials; side-notes. Some text printed in double columns.

Includes indexes and a glossary.

Errata on final p.

Adams | F1099

Horblit, H.D. Grolier 100 science books, | 33b

Dibner Library. Heralds of science (1980 ed.), | 19

Stafleu & Cowan. Taxonomic lit., | 1909

Names of plants in Latin, Greek and German.


16th century , Botany , Botany, Medical , Early works to 1800 , Herbals , Medicinal plants , Pictorial works , Plants , Pre-Linnean works , Switzerland , Terminology , Woodcuts

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Call Number

QK41 .F7 1542




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.63882
LCCN: https://lccn.loc.gov/65059148
OCLC: 8141066


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