The depth and marine deposits of the Pacific / by John Murray and G. V. Lee
Alternative: MCZ memoirs Alternative: Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoogy at Harvard College Alternative: Museum of Comparative Zoology memoirs
Series: Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, v. 38, no. 1 Series: Museum of Comparative Zoology--Biodiversity Heritage Library digitization project Series: Reports on the scientifc results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific ... by the U.S. Fish commission steamer "Albatross" from October 1904 to March 1905 ..., 17 Series: Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific ... on the U.S. Fish commission steamer "Albatross" from August 1899 to March 1900 ..., 12
Murray, John, Sir, 1841-1914 Lee, G. V.,
Published material
Cambridge, Printed for the Museum, 1909
Albatross (Steamer) , Marine sediments , Ocean bottom , Pacific Ocean
QL1 .H375 vol. 38, no. 1
DOI: OCLC: 1878649 Wikidata:
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