Flora italiana


Flora italiana : ossia, Raccolta delle piante più belle che si coltivano nei giardini d'Italia

Title Variants

Alternative: Raccolta delle piante più belle che si coltivano nei giardini d'Italia

Related Titles

Series: Dumbarton Oaks Digitization Project, Garden and Landscape Studies


Savi, Gaetano, 1769-1844

Serantoni, Antonio, 1817-1839 , illustrator




Published material

Publication info

Pisa, Pressa Niccolò Capurro, MDCCCXVIII-MDCCCXXIV [1818-1824]


"Co' Caratteri Bodoniani."

"[I]llustrated work by the director of Pisa's Botanical Garden was conceived along the lines of the most important English contributions to botanical literature, in particular, The Botanist's Repository by Henry Andrews and The Botanical Magazine by William Curtis. The book presents a "collection" of plants selected "from the most beautiful specimens cultivated in the gardens of Italy" in the form of Antonio Serantoni's elegant illustrations."--Biblio.com website: https://biblio.com.au/book/flora-italiana-savi-gaetano/d/653980015 (viewed March20, 2019).

"The work was an early Italian attempt to rival the stipple-engraved plates of Redouté."--Sotheby's website: http://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/travel-atlases-maps-natural-history-l14401/lot.19.html (viewed March 20, 2019).

"Italian florilegium by the director of the Botanical Garden at Pisa, devoted to native and and exotic plants cultivated in Italy at the time. The use of stipple-engraving was an attempt to emulate the works of Redouté, and many of the drawings are bold and decorative."--Bonhams website: https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/24634/lot/149/ (viewed March 20, 2019).

"La Flora Italiana, ossia raccolta delle piante piu belle che si coltivano nei giardini d’Italia (1818), di Gaetano Savi (1769 – 1844), rappresenta una monumentale opera tanto sotto l’aspetto scientifico, botanico e orticolo, quanto sotto quello letterario e artistico. L’opera si inscrive a pieno titolo nell’ambito della letteratura scientifica divulgativa ottocentesca. Il raffinato apparato iconografico, analizzato in appendice, illustrato da Antonio Serantoni, dimostra l’importanza dell’arte botanica sia in termini estetici che funzionali, associando un decorativismo compositivo che costituisce una manifestazione ulteriore della tensione tra vecchio e nuovo che permea la cultura botanica toscana e italiana del periodo. Di primario interesse le tavole del Serantoni, realizzate con la tecnica dello stipple engraving."--ARPI, Archivio della Ricerca, Università di Pisa website: https://arpi.unipi.it/handle/11568/832621#.XJKvBdtKipo (viewed March 20, 2019).

Index of plants contained in volume at end of each volume.

Pritzel, G.A. Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gentium (1872-1877 edition) , | 8068

Dunthorne, | 271

Great Flower Books, | p. 75

Nissen, | BBI 1732


Botany , Italy




OCLC: 18392208


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