


Title Variants

Alternative: Watercolors of wild flowers of the Ozarks
Alternative: Wild flowers of the Ozarks
Alternative: Wildflowers of the Ozarks

Related Titles

Series: Dumbarton Oaks Digitization Project, Garden and Landscape Studies


Prince, S. Fred.




Archival material

Publication info



Title devised by Library staff.

Possibly from the author's The Rainbow in the grass : wildflowers of the Marvel Cave Ozarks. Lacking numbers are in the collections of the Oak Spring Garden library, Upperville, Virginia, and the Hunt Botanical Libray, a research division of Caregie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Watercolors signed at bottom right of image: S. Fred Prince.

Watercolors have below image in black ink pen the Latin name and the common name of the wild flower, the date (year/month), and artist's notes; wild flower image within plate mark.

Watercolors numbered on upper right corner of leaf recto in black ink pen; a pencil asterisk is at right of number.

Contents: 98. Euphorbia marginata Pursh. Snow-on-the-mountain -- 112. Monarda bradburiana Beck. Bergamot, lungwort -- 116. Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) BSP. Daisy fleabane, sweet scabious -- 130. Ceonothus ovatus Desvt. New Jersey tea, red root -- 131. Cassia chamaecrista L. Partridge pea; shame jack -- 142. Celastrus scandens L. Climbing bittersweet; wax work -- 156. Hydrangea arborescens L. Seven barks; wild hydrangea -- 168. Liatris pychnostachys Michx. Blazing star; gay feather; button snakeroot -- 169. Gaura coccinea Pursh. Gaura -- 176. Solidago juncea Ait. Early golden rod -- 187. Stenosiphon linifolius (Nutt.) Britton. White fingers -- 191. Gerardia grandiflora Benth. Great yellow gerardia -- 195. Solidago petiolaris Ait. Showy golden rod; large flowered golden-rod -- 199. Symphoricarpus orbiculatus Moench. Coral berry; indian currant; buck brush -- 204. Ipomoea coccinea L. Quamoclit; morning glory -- 208. Parthenium integrifolium L. White top -- 210. Rhus copallina L. Dwarf sumac -- 219. Salvia azurea grandiflora Benth. Wild sage -- 222. Belamcanda chinensis (L) DC. Blackberry lily -- 225. Anemone virginiana L. Lady-in-green-and-white.


1930-1940 , 1930-1970 , 20th century , Botanical illustration , Botanical illustrations , Color , Identification , Ozark Mountains , Pictorial works , United States , Watercolors , Wild flowers




OCLC: 1035349329


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