Pennaraptoran theropod dinosaurs
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Pennaraptoran theropod dinosaurs : past progress and new frontiers

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Series: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, no. 440


Pittman, Michael, 1985- , author, editor
Xu, Xing, 1969- , author, editor
O'Connor, Jingmai , author
Field, Daniel J., , author
Turner, Alan H. (Alan Hamilton) , author
Ma, Waisum, , author
Makovicky, Peter J. , author
Tse, Edison, , author
Norell, Mark A. , author
Pei, Rui , author
Pol, Diego, 1974- , author
Goloboff, Pablo A. , author
Ding, Anyang, , author
Upchurch, Paul, , author
Berv, Jacob S. , author
Hsiang, Allison Y., , author
Landis, Michael J. , author
Dornburg, Alex, , author
Nebreda, Sergio M., , author
Navalón, Guillermo, , author
Menéndez, Iris, , author
Sigurdsen, Trond, , author
Chiappe, Luis M. , author
Marugán-Lobón, Jesús, , author
Wang, Shuo, , author
Stiegler, Josef, , author
Wu, Ping, , author
Zhong, Zhengming, , author
Lautenschlager, Stephan, , author
Meade, Luke E., , author
Roy, Arindam, , author
Rogers, Christopher S., , author
Clements, Thomas , author
Habimana, Olivier, , author
Martin, Peter , author
Vinther, Jakob., , author
Heers, Ashley M., , author
Serrano, Francisco J., , author
Habib, Michael B., , author
Dececchi, T. Alexander, , author
Kaye, Thomas G., , author
Larsson, Hans C. E., 1971- , author
Wang, Xiaoli , author
Zheng, Xiaoting, , author
Novas, Fernando E , author
Agnolín, Federico L. , author
Egli, Federico Brisson, , author
Lo Coco, Gastón E., , author




Published material

Publication info

[New York], American Museum of Natural History, [2020]


"Issued August 21, 2020."

Contents: Introduction / Michael Pittman and Xing Xu -- Section 1. Systematics, fossil record, and biogeography -- Chapter 1. Pennaraptoran systematics / Michael Pittman, Jingmai O'Connor, Daniel J. Field, Alan H. Turner, Waisum Ma, Peter Makovicky, and Xing Xu -- Chapter 2. The fossil record of Mesozoic and Paleocene pennaraptorans / Michael Pittman, Jingmai O'Connor, Edison Tse, Peter Makovicky, Daniel J. Field, Waisum Ma, Alan H. Turner, Mark A. Norell, Rui Pei, and Xing Xu -- Chapter 3. The impact of unstable taxa in coelurosaurian phylogeny and resampling support measures for parsimony analyses / Diego Pol and Pablo A. Goloboff -- Chapter 4. The biogeography of coelurosaurian theropods and its impact on their evolutionary history / Anyang Ding, Michael Pittman, Paul Upchurch, Jingmai O'Connor, Daniel J. Field, and Xing Xu -- Chapter 5. Timing the extant avian radiation : the rise of modern birds, and the importance of modeling molecular rate variation / Daniel J. Field, Jacob S. Berv, Allison Y. Hsiang, Robert Lanfear, Michael J. Landis, and Alex Dornburg -- Section 2. Anatomical frontiers -- Chapter 6. Disparity and macroevolutionary transformation of the maniraptoran manus / Sergio M. Nebreda, Guillermo Navalón, Iris Menéndez, Trond Sigurdsen, Luis M. Chiappe, and Jesús Marugán-Lobón -- Chapter 7. Tooth vs. beak : the evolutionary developmental control of the avian feeding apparatus / Shuo Wang, Josef Stiegler, Ping Wu, and Cheng-ming Chuong -- Chapter 8. Functional morphology of the oviraptorosaurian and scansoriopterygid skull / Waisum Ma, Michael Pittman, Stephan Lautenschlager, Luke E. Meade, and Xing Xu -- Chapter 9. Fossil microbodies are melanosomes : evaluating and rejecting the 'fossilised decay-associated microbes' hypothesis / Arindam Roy, Christopher S. Rogers, Thomas Clements, Michael Pittman, Olivier Habimana, Peter Martin, and Jakob Vinther -- Section 3. Early-flight study : methods, status, and frontiers -- Chapter 10. Methods of studying early theropod flight / Michael Pittman, Ashley M. Heers, Francisco J. Serrano, Daniel J. Field, Michael B. Habib, T. Alexander Dececchi, Thomas G. Kaye, and Hans C.E. Larsson -- Chapter 11. High flyer or high fashion? A comparison of flight potential among small-bodied paravians / T. Alexander Dececchi, Hans C.E. Larsson, Michael Pittman, and Michael B. Habib -- Chapter 12. Navigating functional landscapes : a bird's eye view of the evolution of avialan flight / Hans C.E. Larsson, Michael B. Habib, and T. Alexander Dececchi -- Chapter 13. Laser-stimulated fluorescence refines flight modeling of the Early Cretaceous bird Sapeornis / Francisco J. Serrano, Michael Pittman, Thomas G. Kaye, Xiaoli Wang, Xiaoting Zheng, and Luis M. Chiappe -- Chapter 14. Pectoral girdle morphology in early-diverging paravians and living ratites : implications for the origin of flight / Fernando E. Novas, Federico L. Agnolín, Federico Brisson Egli, and Gastón E. Lo Coco.


Birds , Birds, Fossil , Dinosaurs , Evolution , Flight , Phylogeny

Call Number

QH1 .A4 no.440 2020




DOI: https://doi.org/10.1206/0003-0090.440.1.1
OCLC: 1187198763


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