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Ornithological summary of Lifu Island, Loyalty group


Ornithological summary of Lifu Island, Loyalty group

Title Variants

Alternative: Field notes on the birds of Lifu, Loyalty Is


Macmillan, Lindsay.

American Museum of Natural History
Whitney South Sea Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History Collection.
American Museum of Natural History Field Book Project 2015-
Whitney South Sea Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1920-1941)




Archival material

Publication info

[between 1985 and 1990]



Detailed specimen studies and histories of birds observed and collected on or near the Lifu and Loyalty Islands in 1938. Brief mention is also made of local mammals. These notes were compiled and edited from original material. Macmillan led the Whitney South Sea Expedition from 1935 to 1940. His wife Joy accompanied him and acted as assistant for part of the expedition.

Lindsay Macmillan was trained by A.J. Marshall, a well-known Australian ornithologist. Before joining the expedition, Macmillan was already well-versed in skinning and collection bird specimens. He left the Whitney expedition to join the Australian military during World War II.


(1920-1941) , 59.82(9) , Birds , Description and travel , Field notes , Lifou Island , Lifou Island (New Caledonia) , Loyalty Islands , Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia) , Macmillan, Lindsay , New Caledonia , Scientific Expeditions , Travel , Whitney South Sea Expedition of the American Museu

BHL Collections

BHL Field Notes Project




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.124226
OCLC: 932519583
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51401149


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