L'histoire du nouveau monde ou Description des Indes Occidentales


L'histoire du nouveau monde ou Description des Indes Occidentales, : contenant dix-huict liures

Title Variants

Alternative: Description des Indes Occidentales

Alternative: Histoire du nouveau monde

Uniform: Nieuwe Wereldt


Laet, Joannes de, 1581-1649




Published material

Publication info

A Leyde, Chez Bonauenture & Abraham Elseuiers, Imprimeurs ordinaires de l'Vniversité, MDCXL. [1640]


Errata: foot of p. [12], 3rd count.

Errors in paging: p. 26, 28-29, and 31-32 misnumbered 30, 32-33, and 35-36.

Includes indexes.

Includes various specimens of indigenous language vocabularies: Book 2, chapters XII and XVI include a small list of vocabulary on p. 52 and 57, 2nd count, in the Huron language as spoken in Hochelaga, which was the indigenous name for Montréal; also includes music with Wyandot text on p. 58, 2nd count; Book 3, chapter XI gives a list of numbers and parts of the body in the "sankikan" language [cannot identify the language]; Book 5, chapter X gives a vocabulary of words and glyphs in Nahuatl on p. 153-154; Book V, chapter XIII gives a comparative Nahuatl vocabulary from the works of Gomara, Acosta, at Annales peintes on p. 162; Book 11, chapter XVIII gives "Du langue des Peruuiains & leur pöesie" on p. 405-406, which contains 2 specimens of Quechua copied from Garcilaso de la Vega, who himself cites and copies from Blas Valera; a 4 line love song with French translation, printed in 2 columns; and a 17 line sample of devotional verse with 2 Latin translations, a word-for-word calque copied from Vega and a second version, printed in 3 columns; the longer Quechua text includes minor spelling variants and omits lines 11 and 12 of Garcilaso's version; Book 16, chapter I gives vocabulary in the Tupi language from Brazil copied from Jean de Léry on p. 536; and Book 17, chapter XII gives vocabulary in the Arawak language from Guiana on p. 582-583.

Roman numeral date on title page created with backwards c's.

Signatures: *² 2-4*⁴ A-4K⁴ 4L⁶

Title page printed in red and black; Elzevier printer's device with the motto "Non solus" on title page; head and tail pieces; initials.

Translation of: Novus orbis seu Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis, libri XVIII, printed in Leiden, 1633, which is an enlarged version of the author's Nieuwe wereldt ofte beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, first printed Leiden, 1625.

Contents: [From table of contents] Des isles de l'ocean -- Nouuelle France -- Virginie -- Floride -- Nouuelle Espagne -- Nouuelle Galice -- Guatimala -- Terra Firma -- Peru -- Peru ou Charca -- Chile -- Magallanique -- Rio de la Plata -- Brasil -- Brasil Septentrional -- Guaiana -- Nouuelle Andaluzie.

Contents: [Maps] Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis tabula generalis -- Maiores minoresqve insulae Hispaniola, Cvba Lucaiae et Caribes -- Nova Francia et regiones adiacentes -- Nova Anglia, Novvm Belgivm et Virginia -- Florida et regiones vicinae -- Nova Hispania, Nova Galicia, Gvatimala -- Tierra firma item Nvevo Reyno de Granada atque Popayan -- Perv -- Chili -- Provinciae sitae ad Fretvm Magallanis itemque Fretvm le Maire -- Paragvay, ó Prov. de Rio de la Plata: cum adiacentibus provinciis quas vocant Tvcvman, et Sta. Cruz de la Sierra -- Provincia de Brasil cvm adiacentibvs provinciis -- Gvaiana siue provinciae intra Rio de las Amazonas atque Rio de Yviapari siue Orinoqve -- Venezvela atque occidentalis pars Novae Andalvsiae.

Moraes, R.B. de. Bib. Brasiliana (1983 ed.), | I: p. 451.

Echeverria & Wilkie. French image, | 640/1.

Alden, J.E. European Americana, | 640/111.

Streit, R. Bib. missionum, | II:1682.

JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675, | II:283.

Rahir, E. Elzevier, | 492.

Vail, R.W.G. Old frontier, | 96.

Willems, A.C.J. Les Elzevier, | 497.

Rodrigues, J.H. Domínio holandês no Brasil, | 1349.


America , Arawak language , Botany , Glossaries, vocabularies, etc , Imprint 1640 , Indian linguistics , Nahuatl language , Natural history , Quechua language , Tupi language , Wyandot language , Zoology




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.110573
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51387014


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