Field notes and maps from Glass Mountains, West Texas, 1950
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Field notes and maps from Glass Mountains, West Texas, 1950

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Contained In: G. Arthur Cooper Papers, 1923-1993 and undated
Series: SIA RU007318
Series: Smithsonian Field Book Project : an initiative to improve access to field book content that documents natural history


Cooper, G. Arthur (Gustav Arthur), 1902-2000




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This field book documents Cooper's paleontological and geological field work in Glass Mountain, West Texas from 5 June to 6 July 1950. Various genera of brachiopoda fossils, mollusks, and other types of fossils were collected and described. Cooper describes stratigraphy of sites visited and notes the fossils found at various levels. An index of localities is included. Several maps are included. The maps contain alphanumeric codes corresponding to a locality. Cooper uses these codes throughout his notes to refer to localities. Other locations include but are not limited to Dugout Mountains, Hess Canyon,and Wolf Camp Hills. Pages 0145-0200.


Dugout Mountain , Field notes , Geology , Glass Mountains , Hess Canyon , Maps , Paleontology , Texas , United States , Wolf Camp Hills

BHL Collections

Smithsonian Field Books collection


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.109667


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