The geology of the Lower Mesozoic rocks of Queensland, with special reference to their distribution and fossil flora, and their correlation with the Lower Mesozoic rocks of other parts of Australia
Vol 43, Page 37, Date 1918
Studies in Australian Neuroptera. No. 5. The structure of the cubitus in the wings of the Myrmeleontidae
Vol 43, Page 116, Date 1918
On the affinities of the interesting fossil insects from the upper carboniferous of Commentry, France
Vol 43, Page 123, Date 1918
The origin of yolk in the ova of an endoparasitic copepod
Vol 43, Page 136, Date 1918
Contributions to our knowledge of soil fertility. No. xvi. The search for toxin-producers
Vol 43, Page 142, Date 1918
On certain shoot-bearing tumours of eucalypts and angophoras, and their modifying influence on the growth-habit of the plants
Vol 43, Page 191, Date 1918
On the seasonal distribution of some Queensland species of Arcella Ehrenberg
Vol 43, Page 237, Date 1918
On the leaf-anatomy of Scaevola crassifolia, with special reference to the epidermal secretion
Vol 43, Page 247, Date 1918
A fossil insect wing from the roof of the coal-seam in the Sidney harbour colliery
Vol 43, Page 260, Date 1918
The panorpoid complex. A study of the phylogeny of the holometabolous insects, with special reference to the subclasses Panorpoidea and Neuropteroidea. [Introduction]
Vol 43, Page 265, Date 1918
The Panorpoid Complex. 1
Vol 43, Page 286, Date 1918
Devonian Foraminifera. Tamworth District, Now South Wales
Vol 43, Page 385, Date 1918
Studies in Australian Mecoptera. No. ii. The wing-venation of Chorista australia Klug
Vol 43, Page 395, Date 1918
The "springing" of tins of preserved fruit
Vol 43, Page 409, Date 1918
Mesozoic and tertiary Insects of Queensland. 3. Odonata and Protodonata
Vol 43, Page 417, Date 1918
The Carboniferous trilobites of Australia
Vol 43, Page 437, Date 1918
New and rare freshwater algae
Vol 43, Page 497, Date 1918
The mosses of north Queensland
Vol 43, Page 544, Date 1918
Mesozoic and tertiary Insects of Queensland. 4. Hemiptera. the family Dunstaniidae
Vol 43, Page 568, Date 1918
The geology and petrology of the Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales. Part viii. The extension of the Great Serpentine Belt from the Nundle district to the coast
Vol 43, Page 593, Date 1918
The stems of climbing plants
Vol 43, Page 600, Date 1918
The relation between the fat-content and the electrical conductivity of milk
Vol 43, Page 613, Date 1918
The Panorpoid Complex. 2
Vol 43, Page 626, Date 1918
A study of the external breathing-apparatus of the larvae of some muscoid flies
Vol 43, Page 658, Date 1918
Notes on Australian sawflies (Tenthredinidae)
Vol 43, Page 668, Date 1918
Notes on the native flora of New South Wales. Part x. The Federal Capital Territory
Vol 43, Page 673, Date 1919
Descriptions of new species of Australian Coleoptera. Part xiv
Vol 43, Page 715, Date 1919
On a new species or form of Eucalyptus
Vol 43, Page 747, Date 1919
Studies in Australian Neuroptera. No. 6. The family Psychopsidae, with descriptions of new genera and species
Vol 43, Page 750, Date 1919
Studies in Australian Neuroptera. No. 7. The life-history of Psychopsis elegans (Guerin)
Vol 43, Page 787, Date 1919
Australian Megaloptera or alder-flies, with descriptions of new genera and species
Vol 43, Page 819, Date 1919
Contributions to a knowledge of Australian Culicidae. No. iv
Vol 43, Page 826, Date 1919
Note on the temperature of Echidna aculeata
Vol 43, Page 844, Date 1919
The occurrence of methyl laevo-inositol in an Australian poisonous plant
Vol 43, Page 850, Date 1919
The occurrence of an inverted hymenium in Agaricus campestris
Vol 43, Page 883, Date 1919