Opinion 351 Acceptance of the emendation to Dreissena of the generic name Driessena van Beneden, 1835 (class Pelecypoda)
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1955-07-14
Opinion 352 Designation, under the Plenary Powers, of a type species Consistent with the Intention of the original author for the genus Cummingella Reed, 1942 (class Trilobita), a genus based upon a misidentified type species
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 25, Date 1955-07-14
Opinion 353 Validation under the plenary powers of the generic name "Hoplites" Neumayr, 1875 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea)
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 47, Date 1955-08-05
Opinion 354 Addition to the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology of the specific name fasciata Poiret, 1789, as published in the combination Laplysia [Recte Aplysia] Fasciata (class Gastropoda)
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 79, Date 1955-08-12
Opinion 355 Validation, under the Plenary Powers, of the specific name punctata Cuvier, 1803, as published in the combination Laplysia [Recte Aplysia] Punctata (class Gastropoda)
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 91, Date 1955-08-12
Opinion 356 Addition to the Official List of Family-group Names Zoology of the names of the family-group taxa having Ostrea Linnaeus, 1758, and Gryphaea Lamarck, 1801 (class Pelecypoda) as their respective type genera (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 338)
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 103, Date 1955-08-12
Opinion 357 Designation under the Plenary Powers (a) of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage, for the genus Chortoicetes Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893, and (B) of the gender to be attributed to the name of that Genus and to the name Austroicetes Uvarov, 1925 (class Insecta, order Orthoptera)
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 113, Date 1955-08-12
Opinion 358 Designation, under the Plenary Powers, of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the genus Mortonella Pomel, 1883 (class Echinoidea), a genus based on a misidentified type species
Vol 11, Iss 8, Page 129, Date 1955-08-12
Opinion 359 Suppression, under the Plenary Powers, of the generic name Miersia Kingsley, 1879, for the purpose of Rendering the generic name Acanthephyra Milne Edwards (a,), 1881 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) the oldest available name for the genus concerned
Vol 11, Iss 9, Page 139, Date 1955-08-12
Opinion 360 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the specific name knorrii Voltz, 1828, as published in the combination Ostrea knorrii (class Pelecypoda)
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 151, Date 1955-11-04
Opinion 361 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Antalis Adams (H.) & Adams (A.), [1854] (class Scaphopoda)
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 161, Date 1955-11-04
Opinion 362 Rejection for nomenclatorial purposes of Geoffroy (E. L.), 1767, Traité Sommaire des Coquilles, Tant Fluviatiles Que Terrestres, Qui Se Trouvent Aux Environs de Paris
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 173, Date 1955-11-04
Opinion 363 Designation, under the plenary powers, of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus "Ancylus" Müller (O.F.), 1774 (class Gastropoda)
Vol 11, Iss 13, Page 183, Date 1955-11-04
Opinion 364 Addition of the name Ancylastrum Bourguignat, February 1853 (class Gastropoda) to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology with Ancylus (Ancylastrum) Cumingianus Bourguignat, may 1853, as the type species of the genus so named
Vol 11, Iss 14, Page 203, Date 1955-11-04
Opinion 365 Suppression, under the Plenary Powers, of the specific name cinereous le Conte, 1852, as published in the combination Crotalus cinereous, for the purpose of rendering the specific name Atrox Baird & Girard, 1853, as published in the combination Crotalus Atrox, the oldest available name for the Western Diamond Rattle Snake (class Reptilia, order Squamata)
Vol 11, Iss 15, Page 215, Date 1955-11-16
Opinion 366 Suppression, under the Plenary Powers, of the specific name multimaculata Jan, 1863, as published in the combination Crotalus lugubris var. Multimaculata, for the purpose of rendering the specific name Polysticta Cope, 1865, as published in the combination Caudisona Polysticta, the oldest available name for the Mexican Lance-Headed Rattlesnake (class Reptilia, order Squamata)
Vol 11, Iss 16, Page 231, Date 1955-11-16
Opinion 367 Addition to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology of the generic names Toernquistia Reed, 1896 (class Trilobita) and Tornquistia Paeckelmann, 1930 (class Brachiopoda)
Vol 11, Iss 17, Page 245, Date 1955-11-16
Opinion 368 Addition to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology of the generic names Jakowleffia Puton, 1875 (class Insecta, order Hemiptera) and Yakovlevia Fredericks, 1925 (class Brachiopoda)
Vol 11, Iss 18, Page 255, Date 1955-11-16
Opinion 369 Suppression Under the Plenary Powers of the Generic Names Tylos Meigen 1800 (Class Insecta, Order Diptera) and Tylos Heyden 1826 (Class Arachnida) and Validation Thereby of the Generic Names Tylos Audouin, (1826) (Class Crustacea, Order Isopoda) and Micropeza Meigen 1803 (Class Insecta Order Diptera)
Vol 11, Iss 19, Page 265, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 370 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Archaeocidaris Mccoy, 1844 (class Echinoidea) by the suppression under the same Powers of the generic name Echinocrinus Agassiz (J. L. R.), 1841
Vol 11, Iss 20, Page 301, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 371 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Protoechinus Austin (T.), 1860, for the purpose of rendering the generic name Pholidocidaris Meek & Worthen, 1869 (class Echinoidea) the oldest available name for the genus concerned
Vol 11, Iss 21, Page 321, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 372 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the generic names Eriechinus Pomel, 1883, and Typhlechinus Neumayr, 1889, for the purpose of rendering the generic name Lovenechinus Jackson, 1912, the oldest available name for the genus concerned (class Echinoidea)
Vol 11, Iss 22, Page 339, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 373 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the genus Palaeopsylla Wagner, 1903 (class Insecta, order Siphonaptera)
Vol 11, Iss 23, Page 359, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 374 Acceptance of the generic name Antirhynchonella as from Oehlert, 1887 (class Brachiopoda) and the addition of that name to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology
Vol 11, Iss 24, Page 369, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 375 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with current usage for the genus Heterandria Agassiz (J. L. R.), 1853 (class Osteichthyes)
Vol 11, Iss 25, Page 379, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 376 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Lobacantha Kirby (W.), 1837, for the purpose of rendering the generic name Platypria Guerin-Meneville, 1840 (class Insecta, order Coleoptera) the oldest available name for the genus concerned
Vol 11, Iss 26, Page 391, Date 1955-12-02
Opinion 377 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the specific name tereticauda Eschscholtz, 1833, as published in the combination Triton tereticauda, for the purpose of rendering the specific name Lugubris Hallowell, 1849, as published in the combination Salamandra Lugubris, the oldest available name for the species concerned (class Amphibia, order Caudata)
Vol 11, Iss 27, Page 401, Date 1956-01-24
Opinion 378 Designation, under the Plenary Powers, of a type species in harmony with current usage for the genus Pontonia Latreille, 1829 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda), a genus based upon a misidentified type species
Vol 11, Iss 28, Page 411, Date 1956-01-24
Opinion 379 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the genus Sphinx Linnaeus, 1758 (class Insecta, order Lepidoptera)
Vol 11, Iss 29, Page 421, Date 1956-01-24
Direction 41 Addition to the Official List of family- group names in Zoology or, as the case may be, to the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid family-group names in Zoology of the family-group names Involved in volume 11 of the Opinions and Declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological nomenclature, other than family-group names already dealt with in those Opinions
Vol 11, Iss 30, Page 431, Date 1956-05-17
Vol 11, Page V, Date 1956-04-05
Vol 11, Iss 31, Page 455, Date 1956-07-03