Distribution and ecology of six rare species of prairie rodents in Manitoba
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1991
Insect visitors to the Guelder Rose, Viburnum opulus var. opulus (Caprifoliaceae), in London, Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 13, Date 1991
Interrelationships of fire history, land use history, and landscape pattern within Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 18, Date 1991
Common Loon, Gavia immer, productivity on a northern Wisconsin impoundment
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 29, Date 1991
The effect of regulated lake levels on Muskrats, Ondatra zibethicus, in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 34, Date 1991
Bryophytes of the Wager Bay Region, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 41, Date 1991
Common Loon, Gavia immer, nesting success and young survival in northwestern Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 45, Date 1991
Coyote, Canis latrans, ecology in a rural-urban environment
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 49, Date 1991
Winter food habits of Marten, Martes americana, on the Queen Charlotte Islands
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 55, Date 1991
Thirteenth census of seabird populations in the sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1982-1988
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 60, Date 1991
Englemann's Quillwort, Isoetes engelmannii, an addition to the aquatic flora of Canada
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 67, Date 1991
Habitat du Sumac a vernis, Rhus vernix, a sa limite nord de distribution (Haut-Saint-Laurent, Quebec)
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 71, Date 1991
An update on the spread of the Antler Moth, Cerapteryx graminis, (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Newfoundland
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 78, Date 1991
Northern range extensions of four nearshore marine fishes in Alaska
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 82, Date 1991
Svmpatric presence of dwarf and normal forms of the Lake Whitefish, Coregonus ciupeaformis, in Como Lake, Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 87, Date 1991
New examples of the Moonwort hybrid, Botrychium matricarii folium X simplex (Ophioglossaceae)
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 1991
Distribution and abundance of the Atlantic Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus, in the Southampton Island Coates Island region of northern Hudson Bay
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1991
Elk, Cervus elaphus, calves as food for Grizzly Bears, Ursus arctos, in Banff National Park, Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 101, Date 1991
Overwinter survival of orphan caribou, Rangifer tarandus, calves
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 1991
Observation of Barren-ground Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos, predation on Muskoxen, Ovibos moschatus, in the Northwest Territories
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 105, Date 1991
First records ol the Bering Wolffish, Anarhichas orientalis, for the Alaskan Beaufort Sea observation of a wild weasel, Mustela erminea, moving its pups
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 107, Date 1991
An Observation of a wild weasel, Mustela erminea, moving its pups
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 110, Date 1991
Deadly Nightshade, Atropa belladonna (Solanaceae), in Newfoundland
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 112, Date 1991
Competition for cavities amoung Great Crested Flycatchers, Myiarchus crinitus, Northern lickers, Colaptes auratus, and Tree Swallows, Tachycineta bicolor
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 113, Date 1991
Première mention d'une Avocette ruban (Pisces: Nemichthys scolopaceus Richardson, 1848) dans Ies eaux du Golfe du St-Laurent
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 115, Date 1991
Mixed-species mating chases of Fox Squirrels, Sciurus niger, and Eastern Gray Squirrels, S. carolinensis
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 117, Date 1991
A Communal overwintering site for the Canadian Toad, Bufo americanus hemiophrys, in the Northwest Territories
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 119, Date 1991
A coyote, Canis latrans, and Badger, Taxidea taxus, interaction near Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 122, Date 1991
Range extensions and records of rare fishes from the coastal waters of British Columbia
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 124, Date 1991
Snakes of Eastern North America, by Carl Ernst and Roger W. Barbour [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 129, Date 1991
Arizona Game Birds, by D. E. Brown [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 129, Date 1991
Birds of the Eucalypt Forest and Woodlands, eds. A. Keast, H. Recher, H. Ford and D. Saunders [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 130, Date 1991
Encyclopedia of the Animal World. Volume 6, Birds: The Aerial Hunters, by Martyn Bramwell; and Volume 7, Birds: The Plant and Seed Eaters, by Jill Bziley and Steve Parker [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 131, Date 1991
Turtles of the World, by Carl H. Ernst and Roger W. Barbour [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 131, Date 1991
Reptiles and Amphibians, by John Stidworthy [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 132, Date 1991
Crocodiles and Alligators, eds. C. A. Ross and S. Garnett [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 133, Date 1991
The Coyote, Defiant Songdog of the West, by Francois Leydet [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 134, Date 1991
Bites and Stings: The World of Venomous Animals, by John Nichol [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 135, Date 1991
Bears of the World, by Terry Domico [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 136, Date 1991
A Guide to the Birds of Panama with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras, by Robert S. Ridgely and John A. Gwynne [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 137, Date 1991
Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland, by J. N. Dymond, P. A. Fraser, and S. J. M. Gantlett [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 137, Date 1991
Where Have All the Birds Gone?, by John Terborgh [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 138, Date 1991
The Freshwater Fishes of Europe, Volume 9: Threatened Fishes of Europe, by Anton Lelek [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 139, Date 1991
Birds of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Their Biography, Seasonality, and Natural History, by Brina Kessel [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 139, Date 1991
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, eds. Richard Harrison and Michael Bryden [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 141, Date 1991
A Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands , by Herbert A. Raffaele [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 142, Date 1991
Weeds and Words: The Etymology of the Scientific Names of Weeds and Crops, by Robert L. Zimdahl [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 142, Date 1991
Intermountain Flora, Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.SA. Volume 3B, Fabales, by R. C. Barneby [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 144, Date 1991
Eastern North America as seen by a Botanist: Pictorial I, the Arctic Regions; and Pictorial II, The Wooded Regions, by In-Cho Chung [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 144, Date 1991
The Genus Vaccinium in North America, by S. P. Vander Kloet [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 145, Date 1991
Toward a Common Future: A Report on Sustainable Development and its Implications for Canada, by Michael Keating [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 146, Date 1991
Lewis & Clarke: Pioneering Naturalists, by Paul Russel Cutright [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 147, Date 1991
Himalayas, by Blanche Olshak, Augusto Gansser, Andreas Gruschke and Emil Buhrer [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 1, Page 148, Date 1991
Rare and Endangered Fishes and Marine Mammals of Canada: COSEWIC Fish and Marine Mammal Subcommittee Status Reports VII
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 151, Date 1991
Status of the Darktail Lamprey, Lethenteron alaskense, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 157, Date 1991
Status of the White Sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 161, Date 1991
Status of the Bering Cisco, Coregonus laurettae, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 169, Date 1991
Status of the Greenside Darter, Etheostoma blennioides, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 173, Date 1991
Status of the Leopard Dace, Rhinichthys falcatus, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 179, Date 1991
Status of the False Killer Whale, Pseudorca crassidens, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 189, Date 1991
An update on the status of the Right Whale, Eubalaena glacialis, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 198, Date 1991
Status of the Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, of southeast Baffin Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 206, Date 1991
Status of Cuvier's Beaked Whale, Ziphius cavirostris, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 215, Date 1991
Status of the Pacific White-sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 219, Date 1991
Status of Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 233, Date 1991
Status of the Northern Right Whale Dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 243, Date 1991
Observations on soil requirements for nesting Bank Swallows, Riparia riparia
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 251, Date 1991
Lynx, Felis lynx, predation on Red Foxes, Vulpes vulpes, Caribou, Rangifer tarandus, and Dall Sheep, Ovis dalli, in Alaska
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 255, Date 1991
Survivorship of overwintering hatchling Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta, in northern Idaho
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 263, Date 1991
Effects of drought on American Coot, Fulica americana, reproduction in Saskatchewan parklands
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 267, Date 1991
A note on the microdistribution of the Red-backed Vole, Clethrionomys gapperi, in the E. N. Huyck Preserve. New York
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 274, Date 1991
Habitat use by Snowshoe Hares, Lepili americanus, in relation to pelage color
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 275, Date 1991
House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, flock size in relation to the proximity of Merlin, Falco columbarius, nests
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 278, Date 1991
Ring-billed Gulls, Larus delawarensis, feeding in flight on Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, cocoons
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 280, Date 1991
Brown-headed Cowbird, Molothrus ater, seen removing a Chipping Sparrow, Spizella passerina, egg
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 281, Date 1991
Isoetes tuckermanii, Tucker man's Quillwort, an Addition to the Flora of Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 283, Date 1991
A Range Extension for the Four-toed Salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum, in Southern Quebec
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 285, Date 1991
Notes on reproduction of old ( > 9 years) free-ranging White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus. in the Adirondacks, New York
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 286, Date 1991
Introduction and dispersal of the Pacific Treefrog, Hyla regilla, on the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 288, Date 1991
Snowshoe Hare, Lepus americanus, use of forest successonal stages and population changes during 1985-1989 in north-central Washington
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 291, Date 1991
A Field Guide to Hawks, North America, by William S. Clark and Brian K. Wheeler [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 297, Date 1991
The North American Porcupine, by Uldis Roze [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 298, Date 1991
Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology: Anomodontia. Part 17C, by Gillian K. King [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 298, Date 1991
Middle American Herpetology, by Jaime Villa, Larry David Wilson, and Jerry D. Johnson [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 299, Date 1991
The Complete Illustrated Atlas of Reptiles and Amphibians for the Terrarium, by Fritz Jurgen Obst, Klaus Richter, and Udo Jacom [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 299, Date 1991
Reproductive Success: Studies of Individual variation in Contrasting Breeding Systems, ed. T. H. Clutton-Brock [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 300, Date 1991
Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali, by John MacKinnon [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 301, Date 1991
Birds to Watch: The ICBP World Check-list of Threatened Birds, by N. J. Collar and P. Andrew [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 301, Date 1991
Buttercups, Waterlilies. and their Relatives: (The Order Ranales) in British Columbia, by T. Christopher Brayshaw [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 302, Date 1991
Lichens, Bryophytes and Air Quality, ed. Thomas Nash and Volkmar Wirth [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 303, Date 1991
Changing the Global Environment: Perspectives on Human Involvement, eds. D. B. Botkin et al. [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 303, Date 1991
A Neotropical Companion, by John C. Kricher [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 304, Date 1991
Legacy: The Natural History of Ontario, ed. John B. Theberge [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 305, Date 1991
The Atlas of Natural Wonders, by Rupert O. Matthews [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 306, Date 1991
Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation, by Hal Caswell [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 306, Date 1991
State of the World 1989: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society, by Lester R. Brown et al. [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 307, Date 1991
Desert Solitaire, by Edward Abbey [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 307, Date 1991
Axis and Circumference: The Cylindrical Shape of Plants and Animals, by Stephen A. Wainright [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 308, Date 1991
Studying Animal Behavior : Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior, ed. Donald A. Dewsbury [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 309, Date 1991
Journal of a Barrenlander, 1928-1929, by W. H. B. Hoare [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 2, Page 310, Date 1991
Range extensions and rare vascular plants from southeastern Yukon Territory
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 315, Date 1991
Food and habitat used by Grizzly Bears, Ursus arctos, along the continental divide in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 325, Date 1991
Southern Red-backed Vole, Clethrionomys gapperi, populations in relation to stand succession and old-growth character in the central Rocky Mountains
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 330, Date 1991
Black Bear, Ursus americanus, food habits in southwestern Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 335, Date 1991
Impacts of fire on bird populations in a fescue prairie
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 346, Date 1991
Winter sightings of Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, banded in northern Quebec and James Bay
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 350, Date 1991
Elk, Cervus elaphus, habitat use related to prescribed fire, Tuchodi River, British Columbia
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 354, Date 1991
Aspects of the ecology of Wood Turtles, Clemmys insculpta, in Wisconsin
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 363, Date 1991
New records of freshwater leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) from Quebec
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 368, Date 1991
Common Loon, Gavia immer, brood habitat use in northern Wisconsin
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 372, Date 1991
Rare and disjunct plants from Whitemud Falls Ecological Reserve, northeastern Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 376, Date 1991
Non-breeding season diet of Northern Saw-whet Owls, Aegolius acadicus, on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 382, Date 1991
Orconectes limosus (Crustacea: Cambaridae), an addition to the crayfish fauna of New Brunswick
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 386, Date 1991
Flowering Rush, Butomus umbellatus, a new record for Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 387, Date 1991
Arctic Tern, Sterna paradisaea, kills Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 389, Date 1991
New location reports of Nearctic branchiobdellidans (Annelida: Clitellata)
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 390, Date 1991
Pollination and breeding biology of Large-flowered Bellwort, Uvularia grandiflora
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 392, Date 1991
Effect of a nesting predator on concealment behaviour of potential prey species
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 395, Date 1991
A longevity record lor Dall Sheep, Ovis dalti dalli, Yukon Territory
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 397, Date 1991
Additional vertebrate prey items of the Red Squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 398, Date 1991
Distribution of the Mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus, in Minnesota in relation to postglacial events
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 400, Date 1991
Factors influencing Meadow Vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus, distribution in Minnesota
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 403, Date 1991
Chick fostering by Common Loons, Gavia immer
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 406, Date 1991
A new stranding record of the Pygmy Sperm Whale, Kogia breviceps, in waters off eastern Canada
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 407, Date 1991
Observations of vehicle traffic interfering with migration of Dall's Sheep, Ovis dalli dalli, in Denali National Park, Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 409, Date 1991
Première mention de la Tortue musquée, Sternotherus odoratus, au Québec
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 411, Date 1991
John Dalle-Molle, 1939- 1990 [Obituary]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 413, Date 1991
William F. Davis, 1926-1991 [Obituary]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 414, Date 1991
George E. Merkens, Jr., 1957-1990 [Obituary]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 415, Date 1991
Letters to the Editor: Black-crowned Night Heron banding data
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 416, Date 1991
Erratum: The Canadian Field-Naturalist 104(3)
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 417, Date 1991
Components of the economic value of wildlife: an Alberta case study
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 423, Date 1991
Food Hoarding in Animals, by Stephen B. Vander Wall [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 438, Date 1991
Those of the Forest, by W. B. Grange [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 438, Date 1991
The Natural History of Weasels and Stoats, by Carolyn King [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 439, Date 1991
North American/World Birdbase 2, by Santa Barbara Software Products [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 440, Date 1991
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe, by Jim Flegg [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 441, Date 1991
Guide to the Birds of Madagascar, by Oliver Langrand [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 441, Date 1991
The Reintroduction of the White-tailed Sea Eagle to Scotland: 1975-1987, by John A Love [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 442, Date 1991
Oklahoma Herpetology: An Annotated Bibliography, by Charles C. Carpenter and James J. Krupa [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 443, Date 1991
Reptiles and Amphibians, by Robert E. Wrigley [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 443, Date 1991
Poisonous Snakes, by Tony Phelps [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 444, Date 1991
Living Snakes of the World in Color, by John M. Mehrtens [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 445, Date 1991
Proceedings of the International Symposium on King and Tanner Crabs, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, November 28-30, 1989, ed. T. C. Shirley [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 446, Date 1991
Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada, by William J. Cody and Donald M. Britton [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 446, Date 1991
Field Guide to the Hybrid Ferns of the Northeast, by Frank Thorne and Libby Thorne [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 448, Date 1991
The Risk Assessment of Environmental Hazards, ed. D. J. Paustenbach [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 448, Date 1991
Audubon Wildlife Report, 1989-90, ed. W. J. Chandler [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 449, Date 1991
Northwoods Wildlife: A Watcher's Guide to Habitats, by Janine Benyus [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 450, Date 1991
Nature of Australia: A Portrait of the Island Continent, by John Vandenbeld [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 450, Date 1991
Sonoran Desert Summer, by John Alcock [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 451, Date 1991
The Coast of British Columbia, by Bob Herger and Rosemary Neering [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 452, Date 1991
Wild Britain: A Traveler's and Naturalist's Guide, by Douglas Botting [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 452, Date 1991
Mountains: A Natural History and Hiking Guide, by Margaret Fuller [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 453, Date 1991
George Dawson: the Little Giant, by Joyce Barkhouse [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 453, Date 1991
Travelers of the Cold: Sled Dogs of the Far North, by Dominique Cellura [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 3, Page 454, Date 1991
Ecological classification, status, and management of the Gray Wolf, Canis lupus, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 459, Date 1991
Status of the Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis, and Barred Owl. S. varia, in southwestern British Columbia
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 464, Date 1991
Sélection de l'habitat et fluctuations récentes des populations d'oiseaux des milieux agricoles du Québec
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 469, Date 1991
Macrophyte and associated mollusc communities in a meteor crater lake on the Precambrian Shield in Manitoba
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 483, Date 1991
Distribution, abundance, and aspects of the breeding ecology of Black Scoters, Melanitta nigra, and Surf Scoters, M. perspicillata, in northern Quebec
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 488, Date 1991
Den site activity patterns of Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, in southcentral Alaska
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 497, Date 1991
Effect of peat extraction on the vegetation in Wainfleet Bog, Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 505, Date 1991
Status of the False Rue-anemone, Isopyrum biternatum (Ranunculaceae), in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 512, Date 1991
Food habits and growth of Walleye, Stizostedion v. vitreum, Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieui, and Northern Pike, Esox lucius, in the Kaministiquia River, Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 517, Date 1991
Observations on the subtidal distributions of the intertidal Rough Periwinkle, Littorina saxatilis, and the Common Periwinkle, L. littorea, in a shallow embayment in eastern Newfoundland
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 522, Date 1991
Distribution and habitat of the Tetraploid Grey Treefrog, Hyla versicolor, in New Brunswick and eastern Maine
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 526, Date 1991
Status of the American Coot, Fulica americana, in Canada
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 530, Date 1991
An unusual population of galls of Diplolepis polita (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in the Cypress Hills of southeastern Alberta
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 542, Date 1991
Seabirds and marine mammals recorded in western Hecate Strait, British Columbia, in spring and early summer
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 550, Date 1991
Rediscovery of the Northern Dusky Salamander, Desmognathus fuscus, in Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 561, Date 1991
Common names applied to the Long-finned Pilot Whale, Globicepheda melas
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 564, Date 1991
An incident of wolf, Canis lupus, predation on a river otter, Lutra canadensis, in Minnesota
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 567, Date 1991
First specimens ol the Rainbovs Smelt, Osmerus mordax, from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 568, Date 1991
Eubranchipus intricatus Hartland-Rowe, 1967: First Confirmed Record of a Fairy Shrimp (Crustacea: Anostraca) from Nova Scotia
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 571, Date 1991
A leucistic Eastern Redback Salamander, Plethodon cinereus, and an albinistic Yellow-spotted Salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, from southern Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 573, Date 1991
A Wolf Spider, Hogna helluo, feeding on a Blue-spotted Salamander, Ambystoma laterale
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 574, Date 1991
The effect of temperature on the relative abundance of flies of the Drosophila affinis subgroup collected near Ottawa, Ontario
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 575, Date 1991
Erratum: The Canadian Field-Naturalist 105(3): Components of the economic value of wildlife
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 583, Date 1991
A tribute to James Alexander Calder, 1915 - 1990 [Obituary]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 584, Date 1991
A tribute to Stanley Warren Gorham, 1917 - 1984 [Obituary]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 592, Date 1991
Publications of Stanley Warren Gorham
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 597, Date 1991
A Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes: North America North of Mexico, by Lawrence M. Page and Brooks M. Burr [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 599, Date 1991
A Field Guide to Western Birds, by Rober Tory Peterson [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 599, Date 1991
Mammals of the Neotropics, Volume 1: The Northern Neotropics: Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, by John F. Eisenberg [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 600, Date 1991
Alaska Whales and Whaling, by Alaska Geographic [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 601, Date 1991
Advances in Herpetology and Evolutionary Biology: Essays in Honor of Ernest E. Williams, eds. Anders G. J. Rhodin and Kenneth Miyata [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 602, Date 1991
Lizard Ecology: Studies of a Model Organism, eds. Raymond B. Huey, Eric R. Pianka, and Thomas W. Shoener [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 603, Date 1991
Bird Flight, by Robert Burton [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 604, Date 1991
Analysis of Wildlife Radio-Tracking Data, by Gary C. White and Robert A. Garrott [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 604, Date 1991
Parrots: A Natural History, by John Sparks and Tony Soper [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 605, Date 1991
Étude et aménagement de la frayère multispécifique de la rivière aux Pins et dynamique de la population de Grand Brochet, Esox lucius L., du fleuve Saint- Laurent, Boucherville, Québec, by Gérard Massé, Réjean Fortin, Pierre Dumot and Jocelyne Ferrrais [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 606, Date 1991
An Annotated List of the Birds of Bolivia, by J. V. Remsen, Jr. and Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 606, Date 1991
Bear-People Conflicts: Proceedings of a Symposium on Management Strategies, ed. Marianne Bromley [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 607, Date 1991
A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern and Central North America, by Roger Conant and Joseph T. Collins [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 608, Date 1991
Significant Trade in Wildlife: A Review of Selected Species in CITES Appendix II. Volume 2: Reptiles and Invertebrates, eds. Richard Luxmoore, Brian Groombridge, and Stephen Broad [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 611, Date 1991
Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary 1984, eds. Michael J. Oldham and Donald A. Sutherland; Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary 1985, ed. Michael J. Oldham;Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary 1986, eds. Wayne F. Weller and Michael J. Oldman; and Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary 1986 Technical Supplement, eds. Michael J. Oldham and Wayne F. Weller [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 612, Date 1991
Atlas des amphibians et des reptiles du Quebec 1988-89. Version preliminiere; and Atlas des amphibiens et des reptiles du Quebec. Version detailes, eds. J. Roger Bider and Sylvie Matte [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 614, Date 1991
The Names of Plants, Second Edition, by D. Gledhill [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 616, Date 1991
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest, by Jack S. States [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 617, Date 1991
Fescue Grasses of Canada, by S. G. Aiken and S. J. Darbyshire [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 617, Date 1991
The Genus Pleione, by P. Cribb and I. Butterfield [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 618, Date 1991
Ecology of Soil Seed Banks, eds. Mary Allesio Leck, V. Thomas Parker, and Robert L Simpson [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 619, Date 1991
Gaia: The Growth of an Idea, by Lawrence E. Joseph [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 620, Date 1991
Dynamic Biogeography, by R. Hengeveld [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 620, Date 1991
Mathematical Modling in Ecology: A Workbook for Students, by Clark Jeffries [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 621, Date 1991
At the Water's Edge: Nature Study in Lakes, Streams, and Ponds, by Alan M. Cvancara [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 621, Date 1991
Ecological Experiments: Purpose, Design, and Execution, by Nelson G. Hairston [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 622, Date 1991
The Ecology of Intercropping, by John Vandermeer [Review]
Vol 105, Iss 4, Page 623, Date 1991