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Book Title
Mammalogie ou description des espèces des Mammifères
Publication Details
Paris, Veuve Agasse, 1820
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation 190 Classification of Dogs— nothing particular, but I daresay good
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annotation 233 Tortoise-shell cats all female
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annotation 347 Young Hares alwys white stars on Forehead (Silver Grey Rabbit has this)
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annotation 391. Mongolia Pigs when young are striped
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annotation 414 Hybrid Zebra & Ass banded on legs
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annotation 421 Corsican Pony small
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annotation 430 Cervus elaphus smaller than common form

annotation 437 Cervus Marianus bad specimen — Sumatra species very close to

annotation 480 Goats . Horns absent in females of some Races — Horns differ in sexes & abort in some vars, either in one or both sexes
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annotation 488 Wild Mouflon. Female either with small Horns or destitute of do

annotation 500 Little Zebu, Horns rudimntary periodically cast (like Deer Horns)
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annotation Do not mow but grunt
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annotation 504 S. American cattle several varieties! Perhaps frm different stock introduced.
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annotation p 421.t01    p 840 [he means `480'?] tot02
t01 - `p 421.' horizontally crossed
t02 - `p 840 to' horizontally crossed
t03 - `p.499' horizontally crossed
t04 - `434' horizontally crossed
t05 - `437' horizontally crossed
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annotation in pencil Dog p 190 Xt01
t01 - `p 190 X' horizontally crossed
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annotation in pencil Cats p 233 xt01 [illegible word] Tortoiseshell
t01 - `p 233 x' horizontally crossed
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annotation in pencilhorizontally crossed 391
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annotation horizontally crossed 14 Hybrid Zebra & Horse
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annotation horizontally crossed 499 Ox.
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annotation p 347t01 Rabbit white star on forehead ‹Sp› Silver grey has this when young «Important»t02 on head — I think Fancy rabbits have star on forehead No Brent says not particlary oftent03
t01 - `347' horizontally crossed
t02 - `Important' in pale pencil
t03 - `Rabbit white ... often' vertically crossed

annotation 437t01 Cervus of Marianne Isld
t01 - `437' horizontally crossed
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annotation [☞ p 193 . [he means `198'] Canis jubatus «with curl of Hair alng back» female not differ frm male
     Sexual selectiont01
t01 - `Sexual selection' in pale pencil
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annotation p. 392. Babyrusa ♀ with lower canines smaller than male.— Mr Barlett kns vars of waits [ie `weights'] & body proprtns of anmls