Description of new species of reptiles and batrachians in the British Museum.
Ser 5, Vol 11, Date 1883
Further observations on the so-called ?Farringdon Sponges? (Calcispongiae, Zittel), followed by a description of an existing species of the like kind
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 20, Date 1883
IV.—On specimens of the Gephyrean Hamingia arctica, Kor. and Dan., from the Hardanger Fjord
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 37, Date 1883
V.—The theory of Mimicry and Mimicking theories
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 43, Date 1883
Description of a new genus of Coeciliae
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 48, Date 1883
VIII.—Report on a journey for the investigation of the Torpedinei extant in the museums of England and Holland
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 58, Date 1883
IX.—Description of a new species of Anthrenus from India (Coleoptera, Dermestidæ)
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 61, Date 1883
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 62, Date 1883
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 64, Date 1883
On a fish from the abysses of the atlantic (Eurypharynx pelecanoides)
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 67, Date 1883
The Suctociliata, a new group of Infusoria, intermediate between the Ciliata and the Acinetina
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 69, Date 1883
XI.—Anatomy and Physiology of Hæmatopinus tenuirostris, Burm
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 73, Date 1883
XII.—On Lepidoptera from Manchuria and the Corea
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 109, Date 1883
XIII.—On Sphenopteris crassa (Lindley and Hutton)
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 117, Date 1883
On some species of Curculionidae from Ceylon
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 121, Date 1883
On a new species of Cynolebias from the Argentine Republic
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 140, Date 1883
Bibliographical notice
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 142, Date 1883
The migrations of the aphis of the red galls of Ulmus campestris (Tetraneura rubra, Lichtenstein)
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 144, Date 1883
The metamorphosis of Penæus
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 147, Date 1883
On the growth of the molluscan shell
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 149, Date 1883
XXI.—On Rhynchota from Mergui
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 169, Date 1883
XXII.—On some African species of the homopterous genus Platypleura
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 172, Date 1883
Description of a new genus of geckos
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 174, Date 1883
XXVI.—Shells of the littoral zone in Jersey.—Supplement
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 185, Date 1883
XXVIII.—Contributions towards a general history of the marine Polyzoa
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 193, Date 1883
Description of a new genus of Coeciliae
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 202, Date 1883
The ' Challenger' Amphipoda
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 203, Date 1883
Bibliographical notice
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 216, Date 1883
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 219, Date 1883
Contributions to the developmental history of the Prosobranchiata
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 222, Date 1883
On a new attached Crinoid, Democrinus Parfaiti, from the dredgings of the ‘Travailleur’
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 223, Date 1883
XXXII.—Description of a new species of Perameles from New Britain
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 247, Date 1883
XXXIV.—The coral-fauna of Ceylon, with descriptions of new species
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 250, Date 1883
XXXV.—On the Jurassic varieties of Thurammina papillata, Brady
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 262, Date 1883
XXXVI.—Investigations upon some Protozoa
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 266, Date 1883
XXXVIII.—On a small series of Lepidoptera from Corea
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 277, Date 1883
XXXIX.—Descriptions of new species of coleoptera belonging to the Rhipiphoridæ
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 279, Date 1883
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 281, Date 1883
Note on the occurrence of Ommatostrephes sagittatus, Lam., at Eastbourne
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 288, Date 1883
On the chromatophores of the Cephalopoda
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 292, Date 1883
XL.—On the affinities of the genus Pothocites, Paterson; with the description of a specimen from Glencartholm, Eskdale
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 297, Date 1883
XLII.—On the supposed absence of basals in the Eugeniacrinidæ and in certain other Neocrinoids
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 327, Date 1883
XLIII.—Note on Democrinus Parfaiti
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 334, Date 1883
XLV.—Descriptions of new species of lizards and frogs collected by Herr A. Forrer in Mexico
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 342, Date 1883
Contributions to our knowledge of the Spongida. Pachytragida
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 344, Date 1883
New genus of sponges
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 369, Date 1883
XLVIII.—On Mustela albinucha, Gray
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 370, Date 1883
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 372, Date 1883
Bibliographical notices
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 376, Date 1883
The breeding of the sea-lamprey
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 388, Date 1883
On Exogone (Exotokas, Ehlers) gemmifera, Pagenst
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 389, Date 1883
XLIX.—Mediterranean Mollusca (No. 3) and other invertebrata
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 393, Date 1883
Notes on Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. Part V
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 436, Date 1883
Bibliographical notices
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 451, Date 1883
Oxycorynia, a new synascidian genus
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 455, Date 1883
On the direct reproduction of tapeworms
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 457, Date 1883
Note on the carotids of Rhea americana
Ser 5, Vol 11, Page 458, Date 1883