II.—Note on a supposed tooth of Galeocerdo from the English Chalk
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 4, Date 1895
III.—New species of Eastern Lepidoptera
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 5, Date 1895
Notes on British spiders, with descriptions of new species
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 25, Date 1895
VI.—Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera from the Eastern Islands and Tropical America
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 41, Date 1895
VII.—On some new and rare Crustacea from Scotland
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 50, Date 1895
IX.—Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 67, Date 1895
X.—On the Brush-tailed Porcupine of Central Africa
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 88, Date 1895
XI.—Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory (under the Fishery Board for Scotland).—No. XV
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 90, Date 1895
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 126, Date 1895
On Gill-like organs in certain species of Sipunculus
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 131, Date 1895
XIV.—On the luminosity of midges (Chironomidæ)
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 133, Date 1895
Description of a new eagle-ray from Muscat
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 141, Date 1895
XVIII.—Descriptions of four new species of terrestrial mollusca from South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 163, Date 1895
On a new and natural grouping of some of the Oriental genera of Mygalomorphae, with descriptions of new genera and species
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 165, Date 1895
List of the freshwater fishes collected by Mr. A. Everett on Palawan and Balabac
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 185, Date 1895
XXII.—An analysis of the mammalian generic names given in Dr. C. W. L. Gloger's ‘Naturgeschichte’ (1841)
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 189, Date 1895
XXIII.—Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 194, Date 1895
On some Insects collected in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 204, Date 1895
XXIV.—On the genus Alicia (Cladactis), with an anatomical description of A. costæ, Panc
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 213, Date 1895
On some new species of Coleoptera in the museum of the Hon. Walter Rothschild
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 218, Date 1895
XXVI.—A revision of the Jurassic Bryozoa.—Part I. The genus Stomatopora
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 223, Date 1895
XXVIII.—Descriptions of new species of land-shells from New Guinea
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 230, Date 1895
XXXIII.—On Charaxes azota of Hewitson, a rare butterfly of which the type specimen is not in Hewitson's collection
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 248, Date 1895
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 278, Date 1895
On the cephalic lobe of Euphrosine
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 279, Date 1895
On the formation of new colonies by Termes lucifugus
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 283, Date 1895
XXXV.—Contributions to the phylogeny of the Arachnida.—On the position of the Acarina: The so-called Malpighian tubes and the respiratory organs of the Arachnida
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 285, Date 1895
XXXVI.—A list of the Scolytidæ collected in Ceylon by Mr. George Lewis, with descriptions of new species
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 315, Date 1895
XXXVIII.—Description of a new snake from Borneo
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 329, Date 1895
On the American Box-tortoises
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 330, Date 1895
XLI.—Description of a new species of Papilio from West Africa
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 332, Date 1895
XLII.—On the development of the shoulder-girdle of a Plesiosaur (Cryptoclidus oxoniensis, Phillips, sp.) from the Oxford Clay
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 333, Date 1895
Report upon the Chilopoda and Diplopoda obtained by P. W. Bassett-Smith Esq. Surgeon R. N. and J. J. Walker Esq. R. N. during the cruise in the Chinese seas of H. M. S. "Penguin" Commander W. U. Moore commanding
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 346, Date 1895
Supplementary note upon Herr Verhoeff's subdivisions of the so-called genus Iulus
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 369, Date 1895
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 373, Date 1895
The Irish stoat distinct from the British
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 374, Date 1895
Description of a new suctorial millipede sent from Trinidad by Mr. J. H. Hart, of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Trinidad
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 375, Date 1895
XLV.—On the specimens of the genus Cutiterebra and its allies (family Œstridæ) in the collection of the British Museum, with descriptions of a new genus and three new species
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 377, Date 1895
XLVI.—Two new amphipods from the West Indies
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 397, Date 1895
XLVII.—On a group of the Aplysiidæ, with description of a new species
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 403, Date 1895
Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 405, Date 1895
XLIX.—On the significance of the proliferated epithelium in the fœtal mammalian jaw
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 420, Date 1895
L.—On the Cistelidæ and other Heteromerous species of Japan
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 422, Date 1895
LII.—On a genus of frogs peculiar to Madagascar
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 450, Date 1895
LIII.—On the representatives of Putorius ermineus in Algeria and Ferghana
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 451, Date 1895
LIV.—Note on the genus Goniopleura, Westwood, with the description of a new species
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 454, Date 1895
Description of a new species of butterfly from Taganac Island, N.E. Borneo
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 456, Date 1895
LV.—On some new and rare Crustacea from Scotland
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 457, Date 1895
LVIII.—Insects collected by Messrs. J. J. Quelch and F. McConnell on the summit of Mount Roraima
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 494, Date 1895
Observations on the supposed semiaquatic phasmid, Cotylosoma dipneustictum W. -M
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 498, Date 1895
Description of a new batrachian (Oreophryne Quelchii) discovered by Messrs. J. J. Quelch and F. McConnell on the summit of Mount Roraima
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 521, Date 1895
Description of a new Anolis from Brazil
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 522, Date 1895
Description of a new Anolis from Brazil
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 522, Date 1895
LXIII.—Notice of Reptiles and Batrachians collected in the eastern half of Troplcal Africa
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 523, Date 1895
LXIV.—On a special mountain race of the plantain squirrel from Mount Dulit, E. Sarawak
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 529, Date 1895
LXV.—On a new Banded Mungoose from Somaliland
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 531, Date 1895
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 532, Date 1895
On a new method of studying cell-motion
Ser 6, Vol 15, Page 533, Date 1895