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The Great Basin naturalist | Brigham Young University. Brigham Young University. Department of Zoology and Entomology. M.L. Bean Museum. | v.36 (1976) | 1976 | Page 229 | |
The Illustrated dictionary of gardening : a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists | Garrett, John, Nicholson, George, Trail, J. W. H. (James William Helenus), | division 8 | 1887 | Page 435 | |
Index seminum, quae Hortus Botanicus Imperialis Petropolitanus pro mutua commutatione offert : accedunt Animadversiones botanicae nonnullae | Avé-Lallemant, Julius Leopold Eduard, Fischer, F. E. L. (Friedrich Ernst Ludwig), Herder, Ferdinand Gottfried von., Meyer, Carl Anton, Regel, E. (Eduard), Trautvetter, Ernst Rudolph von, Imperatorskīǐ botanicheskīǐ sad Petra Velikago | 1845-1869 + Suppl. | 1845-1869 | Page 49 | |
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum | Arnold Arboretum. | v.49 (1968) | 1968 | Page 92 | |
Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. 7e série | Imperatorskai︠a︡ akademīi︠a︡ nauk (Russia) Imperatorskai︠a︡ akademīi︠a︡ nauk (Russia) | ser.7:t.15 (1870) | 1869 | Page 287 | |
A practical guide to garden plants, containing descriptions of the hardiest and most beautiful annuals and biennials, hardy herbaceous and bulbous perennials, hardy water and bog plants, flowering and ornamental trees and shrubs, conifers; hardy ferns; hardy bamboos and other ornamental grasses. Also the best kinds of fruits and vegetables that may be grown in the open air in the British Isles with full and practical instruction as to culture and propagation | Weathers, John, | (go to volume) | 1901 | Page 160 | |
Red list of the endemic plants of the Caucasus : Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey | Solomon, James Clinton, Shulʹkina, Tatʹi͡ana (Tatʹi͡ana Vladimirovna), Schatz, George E. Missouri Botanical Garden. | v. 125 2014 | 2014 | Page 368 | |
Red list of the endemic plants of the Caucasus : Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey | Solomon, James Clinton, Shulʹkina, Tatʹi͡ana (Tatʹi͡ana Vladimirovna), Schatz, George E. Missouri Botanical Garden. | v. 125 2014 | 2014 | Page 424 | |
Regni vegetabilis systema naturale, sive Ordines, genera et species plantarum secundum methodi naturalis normas digestarum et descriptarum | Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, | v.1 (1818) | 1818 | Page 547 | |
Revue horticole | | Anne 1893 | 1893 | Page 260 | |
Tentamen florae Abyssinicae :seu, Enumeratio plantarum hucusque in plerisque Abyssiniae provinciis detectarum et praecipue a beatis doctoribus Richard Quartin Dillon et Antonio Petit (annis 1838-1843) lectarum | Richard, Achille, Lefebvre, Théophile, Petit, Antoine, Quartin-Dillon, (Léon Richard) M. | v. 1 | 1847 | Page 8 | |