On some Ophiuroidea from the Korean Seas
Vol 14, Page 445, Date 1879
Descriptions of new species of aculeate Hymenoptera collected by the Rev. Thos. Blackburn in the Sandwich Islands
Vol 14, Page 674, Date 1879
Revision of the Hippidae
Vol 14, Page 312, Date 1878
Descriptions of new Hemiptera. (I)
Vol 14, Page 482, Date 1879
Description of new species and genera of Eumolpidae
Vol 14, Page 246, Date 1878
Descriptions of new Coleoptera of Geographical Interest, collected by Charles Darwin, Esq
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 530, Date 1879
Geographical Distribution of Indian Freshwater Fishes.- Part III. Conclusion
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 534, Date 1879
Description of two new Shells
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 580, Date 1879
On the Relations of Rhabdopleura
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 581, Date 1879
The Life-history of Filaria bancrofti, as explained by the Discoveries of Wucherer, Lewis, Bancroft, Manson, Sonsino, myself, and others
Vol 14, Iss 76, Page 356, Date 1878
On the Anatomy of the Elk (Alces malchis)
Vol 14, Iss 76, Page 371, Date 1878
On the Geographical Distribution of the Gulls and Terns (Laridae)
Vol 14, Iss 76, Page 390, Date 1878
Mollusca of H.M.S. ‘Challenger’ Expedition: III. Trochidae, viz. the Genera Seguenzia, Basilissa, Gaza, and Bembix
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 586, Date 1879
Note as to the position of the Genus Seguenzia among the Gastropoda
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 605, Date 1879
Observations on the Habits of Ants, Bees, and Wasps.-Part VI. Ants
Vol 14, Iss 79, Page 607, Date 1879
On the Asteroidea and Echinoidea of the Korean Seas
Vol 14, Iss 77, Page 424, Date 1879
The Anniversary Address of the President: Recent Progress in our Knowledge of the Structure and Development of the Phylactolaematous Polyzoa
Vol 14, Iss 77, Page 489, Date 1879
Mollusca of H.M.S. ‘Challenger’ Expedition
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 506, Date 1879
Contributions to the Ornithology of New Guinea. Part V.-On recent Collections from the Neighbourhood of Port Moresby, S. E. New Guinea
Vol 14, Iss 79, Page 626, Date 1879
On the Classification of the Maioid Crustacea or Oxyrhyncha, with a Synopsis of the Families, Subfamilies, and Genera
Vol 14, Iss 79, Page 634, Date 1879
On the Action of Limpets (Patella) in sinking Pits in and Abrading the Surface of the Chalk at Dover
Vol 14, Iss 76, Page 406, Date 1878
Notes on the Presence of Tachyglossus and Ornithorhynchus in Northern and North-eastern Queensland
Vol 14, Iss 76, Page 411, Date 1878
Remarks on the Skull of the Echidna from Queensland
Vol 14, Iss 76, Page 413, Date 1878
Notice of some Shells dredged by Capt. St. John, R.N., in Korea Strait
Vol 14, Iss 77, Page 418, Date 1879
Report on the Insecta (including Arachnida) collected by Captain Feilden and Mr. Hart between the parallels of 78 and 83 North latitude, during the recent Arctic Expedition
Vol 14, Page 98, Date 1878
Mollusca of H.M.S. ‘Challenger’ Expedition
Vol 14, Iss 78, Page 508, Date 1879
Contributions to the Ornithology of New Guinea.-Part VI. On Collections made by the Rev. W. G. Lawes in South-eastern New Guinea
Vol 14, Iss 79, Page 685, Date 1879
On the Occurrence of Morrhua macrocephala* at the Mouth of the Thames
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 689, Date 1879
On a Remarkably Branched Syllis, dredged by H.M.S. ‘Challenger.’
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 720, Date 1879
On Recent Species of Heteropora
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 724, Date 1879
An Analysis of the Species of Caddis-flies (Phryganea) described by Linnaeus in his ‘Fauna Suecica.’
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 726, Date 1879
Mollusca of H.M.S. ‘Challenger’ Expedition. IV. Trochidae continued, viz. the Genera Basilissa and Trochus, and the Turbinidae, viz. the Genus Turbo
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 692, Date 1879
On the Structure and Development of the Skull in the Urodelous Amphibia
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 717, Date 1879
Observations on Ants, Bees, and Wasps.-Part V. Ants
Vol 14, Iss 75, Page 265, Date 1878
On the Development of Filaria sanguinis hominis, and on the Mosquito considered as a Nurse*
Vol 14, Iss 75, Page 304, Date 1878
Descriptions of new Species of Phytophagous Coleoptera
Vol 14, Iss 76, Page 336, Date 1878
Note on Australian Finches of the Genus Poëphila
Vol 14, Iss 74, Page 95, Date 1878
Preliminary Notice on the Surface-Fauna of the Arctic Seas, as observed in the recent Arctic Expedition
Vol 14, Iss 74, Page 122, Date 1878
On the Annelids of the British North-Polar Expedition
Vol 14, Iss 74, Page 126, Date 1878
Notes touching Recent Researches on the Radiolaria
Vol 14, Iss 74, Page 136, Date 1878
On the Minute Structure of Stromatopora and its Allies
Vol 14, Iss 75, Page 187, Date 1878
On the Conditions favouring Fermentation and the Appearance of Bacilli, Micrococci, and Torulae in previously Boiled Fluids. (Concluded.)
Vol 14, Iss 74, Page 65, Date 1878
On the butterflies in the collection of the British Museum hitherto referred to the genus Euploea of Fabricius
Vol 14, Page 290, Date 1878
Report on a Small Collection of Insects obtained by Dr. J. C. Ploem in Java, with a Description of a new Species of Hoplia
Vol 14, Iss 74, Page 134, Date 1878
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 741, Date 1879
New Species of Nudibranchs from the Eastern Seas
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 737, Date 1879
On the Anatomy of Ants.*
Vol 14, Iss 80, Page 738, Date 1879