On the palate, dentition, and classification of the fossil reptile Endothiodon and related genera. American Museum novitates ; no. 2171

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New York, N.Y. : American Museum of Natural History




"Study of all the existing type specimens of Endothiodon, Esoterodon, Emydochampsa, and Endogomphodon has shown that Endothiodon is the only valid genus. The other three genera must therefore be considered synonymous with Endothiodon. 2. Satisfactory criteria for distinguishing between the nine described species of Endothiodon are lacking. They are therefore provisionally placed in three species, defined on skull size alone. These species are E. bathystoma Owen (synonym, E. oweni), E. uniseries Owen (synonyms, E. seeleyi, E. platyceps, E. paucidens, E. angusticeps, and E. minor), and E. whaitsi Broom (synonym, E. crassus). 3. Examination of the dentition and palate of Endothiodon shows that there is only a single row of eight to 11 teeth in the upper jaw. The anterior two teeth are borne on the premaxilla. The upper teeth bear serrations down the anterior side of the distal part of the crown. The lower teeth have a laterally compressed crown, bearing serrations down the posterior margin. The lower teeth are replaced from the medial side, and several rows of teeth may be visible at any one time. 4. A generic diagnosis of the cranial characters of Endothiodon is given. 5. Study of the only specimen of Pachytegos shows that it is closely related to Endothiodon, but that it does possess a double row of teeth on each side of the palate. 6. The fauna of the Endothiodon zone of South Africa is compared with that of the neighboring Tapinocephalus and Kistecephalus zones"--P. 23-24.


25 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 24-25).

