Infauna of marine sediments and seagrass beds of Upper Spencer Gulf near Port Pirie, south Australia
Vol 117, Page 1, Date 1993
Seventeen new species of Australian Buprestidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) and a host plant of Castiarina uptoni (Barker)
Vol 117, Page 15, Date 1993
Adult and larval stages of Paraustrostrongylus ratti (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) from Rattus fuscipes
Vol 117, Page 27, Date 1993
New species of Grillotia and Pseudogrillotia (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) from Australian sharks, and definition of the family Grillotiidae Dollfus, 1969
Vol 117, Page 37, Date 1993
Abundance and life history of native and introduced earthworms (Annelida: Megascolecidae and Lumbricidae) in pasture soils in the Mount Lofty Ranges, south Australia
Vol 117, Page 47, Date 1993
The early Cambrian volcanics from Red Creek, eastern Mt Lofty Ranges, south Australia
Vol 117, Page 57, Date 1993
Biology of Etiella behrii Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): A pest of seed lucerne in south Australia
Vol 117, Page 67, Date 1993
Incabates Hammer and Setincabates gen. nov. (Acarida: Cryptostigmata: Haplozetidae) from South Australian soils
Vol 117, Page 77, Date 1993
Bryozoa in Coorong-type lagoons, southern Australia
Vol 117, Page 87, Date 1993
Females and immatures of the Australian caddisfly Hyalopsyche disjuncta Neboiss (Trichoptera), and a new family placement
Vol 117, Page 97, Date 1993
Observations on the breeding biology of a microhylid frog (genus Oreophryne) from New Guinea
Vol 117, Page 105, Date 1993
The tadpole of the Australopapuan frog Litoria nigrofrenata (Gunther, 1867) (Anura: Hylidae)
Vol 117, Page 109, Date 1993
Rotifera from Australian inland waters. IX. Gastropodidae, Synchaetidae, Asplanchnidae (Rotifera: Monogonota)
Vol 117, Page 111, Date 1993
Xystridura and other early Middle Cambrian trilobites from Yaxian, Hainan Province, China
Vol 117, Page 141, Date 1993
Two new species of nematode (Nematoda: Enoplida: Thoracostomopsidae) from Lake Alexandrina, South Australia
Vol 117, Page 163, Date 1993
Interspecific and intergeneric relations between nematodes parasitic in the stomachs of kangaroos and wallabies
Vol 117, Page 171, Date 1993
Effect of Acrobeloides nanus (Nematoda: Cephalobidae) upon the survival of Pseudomonas corrugata (Eubacteria) in pasteurized soil from Kapunda, South Australia
Vol 117, Page 179, Date 1993
A new species of Lechriodus Boulenger (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the early Eocene of Queensland
Vol 117, Page 187, Date 1993
A new Australian species of Calodema (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
Vol 117, Page 191, Date 1993
First South Australian record of the carrion-breeding blowfly Calliphora nigrithorax Malloch (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Vol 117, Page 193, Date 1993