Under the iceberg
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 261, Date 1997
Biodiversity and biogeographic relationships of selected invertebrates from urban bushland remnants, Perth, Western Australia
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 275, Date 1997
Tropical rainforest mygalomorph spiders in the Australian desert: the irony of an adaptive legacy
Vol 56, Page 339, Date 1997
Ant trap nests enable detection of a rare and localised butterfly, Acrodipsas myrmecophila (Waterhouse and Lyell) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the field
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 383, Date 1997
The Ogyris idmo Hewitson complex (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) as flagship species for conservation in southern Australia
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 389, Date 1997
Biodiversity of planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) on the Hawaiian silversword alliance: effects of host plant phylogeny and hybridization
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 393, Date 1997
Population biology of social insect conservation
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 411, Date 1997
Conservation status, threats and habitat requirements of Australian terrestrial and freshwater Mollusca
Vol 56, Page 421, Date 1997
A conservation programme for the partulid tree snails of the Pacific region
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 431, Date 1997
Diversity in central Australian land snails (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 435, Date 1997
An area of exceptional land snail diversity: the Macleay Valley, north-eastern New South Wales
Vol 56, Page 441, Date 1997
The threatened Richmond birdwing butterfly (Ornithoptera richmondia [Gray]): a community conservation project
Vol 56, Page 449, Date 1997
Species richness and endemism of baeine wasps (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in Australia
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 455, Date 1997
The aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna in the Grampians National Park
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 467, Date 1997
Invertebrate fauna of the Tamar estuary, northern Tasmania
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 475, Date 1997
Predicting species richness for Australasian freshwater macroinvertebrates: do we want to know?
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 483, Date 1997
Conservation of aquatic invertebrate communities in central Australia
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 491, Date 1997
The effects of European settlement on the biodiversity of chyorid Cladocera in billabongs of the southeast Murray basin
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 505, Date 1997
Amphipod (Crustacea) diversity in underground waters in Australia: an Aladdin's cave
Vol 56, Page 513, Date 1997
Translittoral Talitridae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) and the need to reserve transitional habitats: examples from Tasmanian saltmarshes and other coastal sites
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 521, Date 1997
Gone today, here tomorrow - extinct aquatic macroinvertebrates in Victoria
Vol 56, Page 531, Date 1997
The conservation status of dragonflies (Odonata) from southeastern Australia
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 537, Date 1997
A biochemical taxonomic study of spiny crayfish of the genera Astacopsis and Euastacus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) in southeastern Australia
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 543, Date 1997
Diversity and biogeography of Australian millipedes (Diplopoda)
Vol 56, Page 557, Date 1997
A zoogeographical singularity at Weavers Creek, Tasmania
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 563, Date 1997
The biodiversity of terrestrial flatworms (Triclada: Terricola) in Queensland: a preliminary report
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 575, Date 1997
Why are amphibian helminth communities depauperate?
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 581, Date 1997
An ex situ breeding programme for the endangered UK population of the field cricket Gryllus campestris
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 587, Date 1997
Conservation of cave fauna: more than just bats
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 591, Date 1997
Conservation of native earthworms and the role of the Giant Gippsland Earthworm as a flagship taxon
Vol 56, Page 597, Date 1997
Compilation of a list of threatened invertebrates: the Tasmanian experience
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 605, Date 1997
Conservation of invertebrates in Victoria using the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 – achievements and potential for improvement
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 617, Date 1997
Animals on the edge: the 'cancelling–out' effect
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 623, Date 1997
A preliminary assessment of Anangu knowledge of Central Australian invertebrates
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 631, Date 1997
Biodiversity indicators in contrasting vegetation types: a case study from Western Australia
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 637, Date 1997
Panzer mites on the forest phyllophane
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 643, Date 1997
Invertebrate pathology: a developing and essential science for invertebrate conservation
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 647, Date 1997
Invertebrate biodiversity and conservation in Tasmanian caves
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 649, Date 1997
Ants, disturbance and regeneration in eucalypt forests
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 655, Date 1997
Biodiversity of New Zealand beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 659, Date 1997
Australia's most diverse crayfish habitat?
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 667, Date 1997
Ant communities as bio–indicators in relation to fire management of spotted gum (Eucalyptus maculata Hook.) forests in southeast Queensland
Vol 56, Iss 2, Page 671, Date 1997