At the deathbed of Darwinism
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At the deathbed of Darwinism, a series of papers

Title Variants

Uniform: Vom Sterbelager des Darwinismus


Dennert, Eberhard, 1861-1942

O'Harra, Edwin V., , translator
Peschges, John H., , translator




Published material

Publication info

Burlington, Ia, German Literary Board, 1904


Formatted Contents: The return to Wigand -- The botanist, Julius von Sachs -- The Vienna zoologist, Dr. Schneider -- Professor Goethe on "the present status of Darwinism" -- Explains the reluctance of certain men of science to discard Darwinism -- Professor Korchsky rejects Darwinism -- his theory of heterogenesis -- professor Haberlandt of Graz -- Demonstration of a "vital force" -- its nature -- the sudden origination of a new organ -- Importance of the experiment -- Testimony of a palaentologist, professor Steinmann -- On Haeckel's family trees -- The principle of multiple origin -- Extinction of the Saurians -- "Darwinism not the alpha and omega of doctrine of descent" -- Steinmann's conclusions -- Eimer's theory of organic growth -- Definite lines of development -- rejects Darwanism's theory of fluctuating variations -- opposes Weismann -- Repudiates darwinian "Mimicry" -- Discards the "romantic" hypotesis of sexual selection -- "Transmutation is a physiological process, a phyletic growth -- Admissions of a Darwinian -- Professor von Wagner's explanation of the decay of Darwinism -- Darwinism rejects the inductive method, hence unscientific -- Wagner's contradictory assertions -- Haeckel's lates production -- His extreme modesty -- Reception of the weltraetsel -- Schmidt's apologia -- Te romances incident -- Men of science who convicted Haeckel of deliberate fraud -- Grottewitz writes on "Darwinism myths" -- Darwinism incapable of scientific proof -- "The principle of gradual development certainly untenable" -- "Darwin's theory of "chance" a myth" -- Professor Fleischmann of Erlangen -- Doctrine of descent not substantiated -- Missing links -- "Collapse of Haeckel's theory" -- Descent hypothesis "antiquated" -- Fleischmann formerly a Darwinian -- Haeckel's disreputable methods of defense -- Hertwig, the Berlin anatomist, protests against the materialistic view of life" -- No empiric proof of Darwinism -- "The impotence of natural selection" -- Rejects Haeckel's "biogrenetic law" -- Darwinism abandoned by men of science -- Supplanted by a theory in Harmony with theistic principles.


Evolution , Natural selection

Call Number

QH367 .D4






DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.55145
LCCN: https://lccn.loc.gov/04026930
OCLC: 3735947
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51444483


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